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I was just gonna ask if you were still in Canada, but you just answered that.
Walleye? Wasn't that one of the characters in Hot Shots?


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What means "relax"? :giggle: Too wet to do the mowing I had planned for today, but the weather guessers claim we won't be having rain again for eight more days (yeah, right). Filled a couple grains bins, pulled a few weeds (damn, this stuff is growing ... uh... like weeds) :rolleyes: , did some clean-up and rearranging in the garage, and managed to watch the final day of round belly gawf (senior open golf championship final round). Nothing overly strenuous...


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I worked till about 11:00 AM, went to a mexican restaurant for lunch - that's about it.....:wait:


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I don't think it even hit 100 today, weirded damn weather I've seen/felt if a long time. Thank god for global cooling.


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Don't think I've been in a Mexican restaurant in... oh, 15 years? Used to love chimichangas, but that was also my fat time...
They have an outfit named "Arribas mexican food"'s damn good, and their daily lunch specials are 5.99...which is about more than I can shovel down, damn plate is just mounded with good shit.


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ECF Refugee
They have an outfit named "Arribas mexican food"'s damn good, and their daily lunch specials are 5.99...which is about more than I can shovel down, damn plate is just mounded with good shit.
Which is probably why I was fat. ;) And, of course, can't forget the margaritas and lots of guacamole (avocado) dip...
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Which is probably why I was fat. ;) And, of course, can't forget the margaritas and lots of avocado dip...
Before they bring the food, you get a mild and hot salsa, with another cup of warm bean dip....damn that shit is good. The food is incredible for 5.99. I always go to the same area where an older mexican guy works the tables....he takes care of me and my crew.....always gives us a large iced tea with a lemon slice to go in a styrofoam cup. I always slip a 20 spot in his hand, and don't put any tip on the receipt...he appreciates it.


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I think I am gaining weight just sitting here reading this stuff. I don't do alcohol anymore either. Never did have "a passion" for the stuff... it was more of a social thing. Have a drink. Have a cigarette....


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I think I am gaining weight just sitting here reading this stuff. I don't do alcohol anymore either. Never did have "a passion" for the stuff... it was more of a social thing. Have a drink. Have a cigarette....
Yep, smoking and drinking go hand and hand....but quiting smoking without a vape would have been litterly impossible for me.


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Yep, smoking and drinking go hand and hand....but quiting smoking without a vape would have been literally impossible for me.
I agree. I didn't really want to quit smoking. I was addicted to the "suck and blow" routine, and vaping provides that just as much as cigarettes. It was not the nicotine or any of the other chemicals... it was strictly the oral fixation. And we have that now without the killer chemicals.

Anyway, I need to crawl in the sack now too. G'nite to any lurkers still out there.


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At least part of it WAS the nicotine, though, remember? You went to zero nic and sank into a deep dark cesspool of depression. The only reason I noticed is that I had gone through the same thing a few months earlier when I went to zero nic. And I wouldn't have known what was wrong with ME if I hadn't happened to stumble across a thread that talked about nic withdrawals and depression. Sheesh, I never was depressed a day in my life until I quit the nic completely. It's not a nice feeling, and I never want to go there again.

I can't tolerate over 1mg nic now, but I have to have at least that little bit, or my ass starts dragging and I start wondering why I'm here in the first place. Weird stuff, nic. Maybe someday I won't need it anymore, but I'm in no rush. 1mg is practically nothing, anyway. When I was tootling at 12mg, I used to laugh at the people who vaped 1 or 1.5 because I thought, what's the POINT? But now I see, there is a point. ;)

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I agree. I didn't really want to quit smoking. I was addicted to the "suck and blow" routine, and vaping provides that just as much as cigarettes. It was not the nicotine or any of the other chemicals... it was strictly the oral fixation. And we have that now without the killer chemicals.

Anyway, I need to crawl in the sack now too. G'nite to any lurkers still out there.
Wife unit tricked me into switching to vaping by buying me an over priced cigalike kit that wanted you to subscribe to their prefilled cartomizers at as much as I was spending on smokes.
I tried it got off of cigs in a week, researched vapin on the web. Cancelled the subscription and ordered unfilled cartos on the web.
Figured out that most ejuice caused severe allergic reactions in me. Found a gas station Chinese tobacco juice I could vape.
Did more research and got into DIY within 6 weeks of starting vaping.
Not bought any factory juice since.


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At least part of it WAS the nicotine, though, remember? You went to zero nic and sank into a deep dark cesspool of depression.
I think you missed the point, dear. Yes, there was a nic withdrawal (cesspool of depression? wow! I remember confusion about why I was feeling down, but...)... my point is that if it is just nic, you could get that through a patch, but my true addiction was the oral fixation, which no patch would ever take care of, but vaping does. Why didn't we both just get on nic patches? Because we love sucking the cigarettes... or the vape gear. We should take a home movie of us sitting on the couch, sucking our binkies, and the expression of satisfaction on our faces as we blow out the vapor tells the real story.
quitting smoking was no big thing. Did that several times :rolleyes:
Now staying quit was a problem that only vaping solved.
I don't think I ever really tried quitting before vaping. I did not want to quit. I liked it. Then again, I did quit, every night at bedtime, then started again in the morning. :) Many many years ago, my sister said she wanted to quit, and went to therapy classes, tried hypnotism, and even some weird shock therapy. She managed to stay off for about a year, then had a huge stress event and started smoking again, right where she left off, as if all that time and money to quit was a total waste. Obviously, she didn't really want to quit. I sent her some vape gear and juices. She uses that stuff occasionally, but still smokes. Obviously the nic level in her vape juice isn't what it is all about (I sent her juice with the same nic level as her Camels supposedly supply). She LIKES smoking. She'll quit when they put her in the hospital in an oxygen tent or something (isn't that where the Marlboro man died?).

Lady Sarah

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I had quit smoking 3 times prior to vaping. The longest was about 4 years. Then, I was put through so much stress, that I was about to have a mental breakdown. It started with being shot at by someone that thought he was a sniper. Going back to smoking just made me feel better.
It only made sense to switch to vaping, instead of giving up nicotine altogether.

Lady Sarah

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And is he currently in prison for attempted murder? If not, why not?
I could not clearly identify him enough for the ElDorado County Sheriff's Office to take action. It's not likely they would have anyhow, since the fucks sold m*th out of their cruisers.
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Ah, THOSE kind of hillbillies.... in almost any state I have heard about, many of these people shoot at anyone (antisocial neighbor or not) who gets too close to their "product" processing area. I have heard of people getting shot on Orygun for accidentally wandering into a maryjane growing plot.

Lady Sarah

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I recall when a couple of them came to talk to my ex. One was carrying a Marlin .22, and the other, some POS 9mm pistol he kept in his pocket. They promptly left when I introduced my Ruger .44 Redhawk to them. It was good for close quarters.
One asshat actually called the cops to when when I was firing the 8mm Mauser to zero in the scope, and that was before my order for armor piercing ammo had come in from Cannon & Cartridge.


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Evening pholks...hope you had a nice day, was one HOT SOB here today, close to 110 I believe....supposed to be pushing 115 this weekend, but I won't be here.....:)

Lady Sarah

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Lots of divorces end with the wrong person taking possession of items that were never theirs. Lost some of my best cookware that way.
He stole from me when we split ways. It ended when he shot at me with his Ruger Mini14. The cops didn't do anything about that either.

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Evening pholks...hope you had a nice day, was one HOT SOB here today, close to 110 I believe....supposed to be pushing 115 this weekend, but I won't be here.....:)
Evenin' Dale. We only got to 100 here. Supposed to be 102 tomorrow.

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