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The Cromwell

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I have way too many animals - I will not use poison on this property in any place where the animals might get to it.
Glyphoshate is not really a poison, but I get your drift.
Speaking of poison I need to make a wasp sprayer on a long stick. A hole in soffit is full of wasps and it is up at the peak in a gable end.
I really do not want to fight wasps from a ladder to replace the bad soffit....


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I really do not want to fight wasps from a ladder
A funny thing happened on the way to the forum... Oh wait... never mind. Anyway, when we moved in here just over 14 years ago, there were wasps everywhere. They were nesting in the house attic, the homestead cabin, and the shop to some extent. I never used poison on them because, oddly enough, none of them ever stung us. When I painted the house, they would land on my arms. I brushed them off and told them to go someplace else. I have only seen a couple wasps in the past year. Seems they moved on. I wonder why... they did not bother us, so I did not bother them. And now they are gone. Go figure...

The Cromwell

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A funny thing happened on the way to the forum... Oh wait... never mind. Anyway, when we moved in here just over 14 years ago, there were wasps everywhere. They were nesting in the house attic, the homestead cabin, and the shop to some extent. I never used poison on them because, oddly enough, none of them ever stung us. When I painted the house, they would land on my arms. I brushed them off and told them to go someplace else. I have only seen a couple wasps in the past year. Seems they moved on. I wonder why... they did not bother us, so I did not bother them. And now they are gone. Go figure...
My uncle can just pick em up.
Little bastiges like to sting me if I mess with their nest which is unavoidable in this case.
But yes unless you get one down the collar or somesuch wasps are not too bad at stinging normally.
Now Yellow Jackets, Hornets and bumblebees around their nest is another matter. Those suckers will chase ya.


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We have all those types and huge honeybees too. Last time I was stung by any bee was 1979 and it wasn't his fault. I was doing bout 80 mph on a back road on my motorcycle and I hit him with my throat. Swelling only lasted a day, but that poor bee was turned to pulp.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Glyphoshate is not really a poison, but I get your drift.
Speaking of poison I need to make a wasp sprayer on a long stick. A hole in soffit is full of wasps and it is up at the peak in a gable end.
I really do not want to fight wasps from a ladder to replace the bad soffit....

When I was a kid, me and my little brother found a wasp nest; we thought it would be a great idea to smoke it out ourselves instead of bothering grandpa.

Fortunately, the gasoline dissolved the Japanese-made squirt guns we were gonna use to spray gas on the nest....:giggle::giggle::giggle:

The Cromwell

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When I was very young, used to harrass Yellow Jackets to no end.....paid the price numerous times....:devil:

Fire, explosions, gunshots, sticks in the hole, you name it we did it...them nasty bastards.
If you find their nest in the ground. open the valve on a propane torch and stick the nozzle down the hole.
give it 15 min or more then get the torch and light the hole with a long stick.

Acetylene works even better :D

Those things are bad if you run over their nest hole with a mower.
Real bad


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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If you find their nest in the ground. open the valve on a propane torch and stick the nozzle down the hole.
give it 15 min or more then get the torch and light the hole with a long stick.

Those things are bad if you run over their nest hole with a mower.
Real bad

My BIL almost burned down his house doing something like that about 10 years ago :facepalm:

It did burn his yard down, lol


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If you find their nest in the ground. open the valve on a propane torch and stick the nozzle down the hole.
give it 15 min or more then get the torch and light the hole with a long stick.

Acetylene works even better :D

Those things are bad if you run over their nest hole with a mower.
Real bad
Those bastards are the Piranhas of Bees.


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Those bastards are the Piranhas of Bees.
I don't think I have been stung by one of them since I was a wee little child. Yellow Jackets, Bumble bees... I used to sit in a clover patch next to our house and a big bee sat on my thumb while I talked to it. My mom came out of the house and saw this and screamed at me. Only when I panicked over mom's reaction did the bee sting me. I usually get along very well with all of the creatures on this planet...... except humans.


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I usually get along very well with all of the creatures on this planet...... except humans.
I agree....had some dumb SOB tell me I missed a loose toilet tissue holder in a restroom. I asked him if he read the contract?....."Any items systems or components which cost less than $1,000 to repair-replace of upgrade are considered insignificant, nor will said item be in a report"


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Oh, my concentrates arrived to make Lannie's Butterbear.....damn is that some tasty jooce...!!

I'm gonna try my version of it (had to sub ingredients and guess proper ratios) should be ready tomorrow - might drip some on a squonker to see how it progressed from when I made it last week :)


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You have anything exciting happen today, Rich...besides the weather guessers concern?
Not really. I weed whacked around the house, shop and garage. Kinda stressful to my shoulder (that rotator cuff BS), but I used the lighter electric whacker (trailing a 100-foot cord) instead of the heavy gas whacker, which would have been a killer for that much weed.


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I'm gonna try my version of it (had to sub ingredients and guess proper ratios) should be ready tomorrow - might drip some on a squonker to see how it progressed from when I made it last week :)
It has a really nice mild taste...I may even jack the percentages up some....I feel frisky....:)


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If Lannie can cook as good as make jooce recipes, you found that one many search a lifetime for.....:wave:
Yes, she can. When we discussed our old school classes, she always used to tell me that she was lousy at chemistry. I asked her if she knew that this was exactly what she was doing in the kitchen by adding each herb, spice, etc. to her cooking... they ARE chemicals. And she just seems to instinctively know which chemical needs to be added and in what quantity to make the taste she desires. And e-joose is also just a combination of chemicals that produces a desired taste.

She just followed me home one night, so I kept her. :D
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My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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If Lannie can cook as good as make jooce recipes, you found that one many search a lifetime for.....:wave:

Apparently the kid crossed the border onto the neighbors lawn illegally, cutting into the wrong lawn!!!

This would put Cromwell into an unbearable conundrum: instinctually chasing kid off lawn vs the allure of free grass clipping :question:


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You guys are cracking me up! LOL! Yes, I followed Rich home, and yes, I'm a fabulous cook. My granny taught me not to be afraid to try something different. Use what's in the cupboard, and if it smells like it will go, dump it in. I call it her "sniff and dump" method of cooking, and it works, so that's kinda how I come up with most of my juice recipes. :p

Dale, that custardy one gets more intense with age. I had half a bottle that I didn't finish (got onto something else, and totally forgot about it), and when I discovered it hiding back behind the other bottles several months later, it had become something incredible. Fresh, it needs to be mixed with something (which is the reason I made it, to soften and tone down sharper fruit flavors), but after some nice age time, it's a great vape all by itself. However, you can never have too much flavor, so for the short term, bump all the percentages up.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Not really. I weed whacked around the house, shop and garage. Kinda stressful to my shoulder (that rotator cuff BS), but I used the lighter electric whacker (trailing a 100-foot cord) instead of the heavy gas whacker, which would have been a killer for that much weed.
I use a weed eater Feather light. Very light and good for moderate trimming.
My old one used single string .060 line.
The newer replacement model uses dual ,080 line. Cuts bigger stuff.
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The Cromwell

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More than 80% of doctors who filed Medicare claims in 2016 for H.P. Acthar Gel -- a drug best known for treating a rare infant seizure disorder -- received money or other perks from the drugmakers, according to a CNN analysis of publicly identified prescribers.

The analysis, which looked at doctors who filed more than 10 Part D claims, found that the drugmakers -- Mallinckrodt and Questcor -- paid 288 prescribers more than $6.5 million for consulting, promotional speaking and other Acthar-related services between 2013 and 2016. Mallinckrodt purchased Questcor in 2014.
At about the same time, Medicare spending on Acthar rose dramatically -- more than tenfold over six years.
Medicare spent nearly $2 billion on Acthar from 2011-2016, according to the agency's data -- even though some doctors say an equally effective treatment would have cost a tiny fraction of that amount. Medicare spending on Acthar from 2013-2016 accounted for nearly $1.8 billion.

The evidence that this drug is any better than synthetic steroids is either weak or does not exist.
Daniel Hartung, Oregon State College of Pharmacy

Much of the rise in Medicare spending coincided with a marketing push by Mallinckrodt to target adults, especially seniors, after it purchased Acthar's previous manufacturer, Questcor, in 2014, according to company documents CNN has reviewed.

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