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Something new every time
I have that feeling too....hope to learn alot actually. Expensive bastards tho, I hope they know what their talking about. The doctor I found advertises as holistic and naturopathic, with a few other CAP letters I'm not quite sure of....(yet)....:)


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It has been really unusually cloudy here the last few days since I returned home. Can't figure it out either. No rain today, just hot and (and my perceived) humidity. Most of the cumulonimbus are toward the White Mountains, but nonetheless there billowing HIGH into the sky.
Well, at least the mountains can provide the lift (wind rises up the mountains), and there just wasn't enough wind to push them off the mountains so they could come visit you. :) We have no mountains. The Black Hills (which cannot be classified as mountains, although they could be blamed for causing lift if the wind is right) are nowhere near us (70-90 miles SW of us). So where is all this weird shit coming from?

Lady Sarah

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Well, at least the mountains can provide the lift (wind rises up the mountains), and there just wasn't enough wind to push them off the mountains so they could come visit you. :) We have no mountains. The Black Hills (which cannot be classified as mountains, although they could be blamed for causing lift if the wind is right) are nowhere near us (70-90 miles SW of us). So where is all this weird shit coming from?
Perhaps the climate is changing just enough that meteorology is going to have quite some difficulty explaining much of what's going on.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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@JuicyLucy ...they charge a couple hundred an hour in AK?

Mine only charges $180 for a basic visit - and the sessions have ranged in time from about 20 minutes, or whatever I need really. Once was for 2 hours, same price.

I like mine and haven't shopped for another - guess its a pretty good deal then

What I wish I could find is a good chiropractor who is also a skilled healer

I have a good bone cracker here in town, but I don't like him on a personal level and he is not what I would call a real healer at all


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Mine only charges $180 for a basic visit - and the sessions have ranged in time from about 20 minutes, or whatever I need really. Once was for 2 hours, same price.

I like mine and haven't shopped for another - guess its a pretty good deal then

What I wish I could find is a good chiropractor who is also a skilled healer

I have a good bone cracker here in town, but I don't like him on a personal level and he is not what I would call a real healer at all
There are quite a few in the greater Phx area, may have to visit a couple (few) to figure um out. BUT, I do believe it's the only way to go. These fucking take this pill or that pill big pharma docs make me what to pull a *`.=+~ on um.


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Perhaps the climate is changing just enough that meteorology is going to have quite some difficulty explaining much of what's going on.
Well, when I went to school for all that stuff, it involved things like thermodynamics and atmospheric physics (heavy on complex mathematical formulae - which might be why computerized programs miss a lot due to the lack of applying logic to any given situation). Anyway, to shorten all the BS to a manageable level, climate change would still be predictable, even though one might have to approach things from a different angle. The only thing that could make the weather here act the way it has is that the basic laws of physics have changed... or I am hallucinating, but that is only likely if I have had too many drugs, not because I forgot to take my hydrocodone last night. :giggle:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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There are quite a few in the greater Phx area, may have to visit a couple (few) to figure um out. BUT, I do believe it's the only way to go. These fucking take this pill or that pill big pharma docs make me what to pull a *`.=+~ on um.

Done with that BS forever !!!

Went to my physiologist I've been seeing for years, and they had rehired a receptionist that used to work there a couple of years ago

She could not believe how different (healthier) I looked. She asked me "what my numbers look like"

I just laughed and said something like "who knows", lol

I'm done with conventional medicine - I'll go if I break a bone maybe

Anything else, they can kiss my behind

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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BIG storm here today.
And because of wife was out in it.
Going 40-45 with flashers on on a 70 mph 4 lane. Blown onto the edge of the road twice and was dodging trees down in the road.

And on top of that just found out she left her debit card at the hairdressers so have to go there tomorrow and get it. 20 miles west then 35 miles east to go to a funeral of one of her relatives.
then another 45 min drive to cemetery then an hours drive back home...

then 9:30 am sun take her to SS and church, eat with her friends, (which I pay for) and back home around 3pm...

Think I might have to find a job....

Went in a Vape shop today while she was getting her hair done and they had a position open....

The Cromwell

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Power was off when I got home and took about 4 hours to come back on.
Glad my Krogers deluxe Banana split ice cream did not melt!

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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You know how we are often prescribed medications for side effects of other medications.

Damn healthy type stuff is no better.
Got some probiotics, 5 billion little gut germs of 10 types per capsule.
Actually helped with a loose bowel problem I have been having for a long time....
(no depends yet though :) )
But get a bit of acid reflux with the probiotics...
And I virtually never have acid reflux....

Was throwing out the box they came in today and noticed a rattle..
Pulled out a piece of paper.
It was advertising another capsule to deal with heart burn and acid reflux....

Damn humans...


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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You know how we are often prescribed medications for side effects of other medications.

Damn healthy type stuff is no better.
Got some probiotics, 5 billion little gut germs of 10 types per capsule.
Actually helped with a loose bowel problem I have been having for a long time....
(no depends yet though :) )
But get a bit of acid reflux with the probiotics...
And I virtually never have acid reflux....

Was throwing out the box they came in today and noticed a rattle..
Pulled out a piece of paper.
It was advertising another capsule to deal with heart burn and acid reflux....

Damn humans...

Most of the "healthful" stuff you find at a regular grocery store or pharmacy are indeed garbage


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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lol....nothing really....worked today, hot SOB, bout the same as yesterday and the day before that....:cry:

Hear anything about the house yet?


Just sitting here petting my cat, eating cherries, perusing VU and I had a good hair day, so can't complain too much


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None. Only a couple tiny puffs of cloud floating by, so I mowed and I mowed and I mowed and I mowed........
Wow, a really ODD day...!

It was hot as hell here, but supposed to be about 118 by Tuesday......gotta buy that plane ticket.

As usual, when you make plans, there is enough work for ten people, stay home, enough for three.....can't seem to win....:cuss2::gaah::cuss2:


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My containers are supposed to be there next week....I need to pick-um up, or be charged $200 bucks-a-day storage fee for my stored shit. I can't believe it took this long, been about a month if memory serves me correct....without a calendar in my home office-den-of iniquity, I'm lost tho...seems like a month.


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So as much as you desire to run off to EC, cool down, fall into the arms of your GF... some part of your reality wants you to stay right where you are... (Ah, maybe it is your banker plotting to make you richer...) :xD:
No bankers ever helped me, been fucked a couple times, but not the way I'm accustomed to.....:xD::cry::xD:


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Lannie have any ripe maters yet?
I'm gonna leave that to her (tomorrow morning) because the last time I looked, it was all green, but what the hell, I am half blind, so what do I know?. I know she brought in a huge summer squash (18-20" long) that she found growing UNDER the mallow weeds, then she cooked it up and... like Yummy!


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I'm gonna leave that to her (tomorrow morning) because the last time I looked, it was all green, but what the hell, I am half blind, so what do I know?. I know she brought in a huge summer squash (18-20" long) that she found growing UNDER the mallow weeds, then she cooked it up and... like Yummy!
Haven't had one of those in ages....just the old shitty store bought squash. God only knows where they originated from. Probably last years crop their trying to rid themselves of.


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Gotta hit the hay early again, Rich....have jobs scheduled all weekend and into next week....been tired as hell lately and getting lazier by the day....:cry:


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Sorry you're being over-worked, Dale (and over-heated), but you WILL survive this. But, survival starts with a good night's sleep, so go snuggle your pillow now. Catch ya later. I'm gonna turn in too.


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No ripe maters yet, but another squash lurking in there. I'll let it get just a little bit bigger. There's a bunch of flowers, don't know how many are female, but there should be some more squash out there shortly. I did pull up a baby rutabaga yesterday. :) Still a few more weeks to go on those, but I think they need thinning to properly fill out. :devil: I just split it and put it in the nuker wrapped in a paper towel until it was softened, then put a little butter and a sprinkle of salt on and... OMG, better than that squash gratin I made the other night! My basil is ready to harvest, too, I need to get out and cut some of that. I need a basil sammich. Just some mayo (homemade of course) on a slice of bread (homemade of course) and a handful of basil leaves, fold it and YUM! I LIVE for basil sandwiches. I need to save SOME of it for drying, so I hope I don't eat my whole crop all at once. :oops:

There should be some cucumbers out there by now, too, but I didn't see any in my initial look-see, and I stirred up a SHITLOAD of mosquitos, so I ran. I'll have to slather myself in orange oil later and go out and try to get some of the bindweed and mallow out of the way so I can see better.

We have a severe thunderstorm watch for tonight, and then the extended forecast says there's a chance of storms and rain every night this week, some severe. It's a crapshoot. :confused: But hey, I've only had to water the garden a few times this summer. The rain is definitely good for the garden.


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I know it's going to be a lot of work milking two cows after having the whole summer off, but I honestly can NOT wait until the cows calve. I need fresh milk! I need to make cheddar cheese that's NOT shockingly yellow, and cottage cheese to go with the future tomatoes, and mozzarella to go with some of the basil (if I don't eat it all), and ICE CREAM. Ice cream withOUT corn syrup in it. I make mine with honey. :) I've been lost these last few months without my fresh milk.


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Now you've done it!

Thou shalt not criticize thine wife's cooking on vape forums; woe to he that breaketh the divine wisdom from on high
Me and Mom have told her the same thing but even when we cook them they turn out dry after about 2 minutes on the plate. I'm not criticizing her cooking.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Me and Mom have told her the same thing but even when we cook them they turn out dry after about 2 minutes on the plate. I'm not criticizing her cooking.

Yea verily - maybe you should cook them yourself then :teehee: using Draco's advice perhaps

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