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I wish I didn't have the rattlesnake drama. I can live without that shit. Because of it, I have some work to do tomorrow, closing off where the snake went, and anywhere else I can find.
I'm not a snake fan either, but never had one bother me....leave um alone, they leave me alone.


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Gotta go close all the windows (the pitter patter of tiny raindrops and the rumble of distant thunder suggest this might be wise), ask the cats if they want to come in, then seek out my pillow and dream of better places in better times. Yak at y'all tomorrow.
You get crazy storms last night?


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Humidity was low today, although hot, it still felt better than the last few days with rain and heat.

Lady Sarah

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Probably not...can't think of a solution for that dilema.
The schnauzer thinks all creatures are sweet and friendly. There is one exception, after he got bit on the snout by a rattler. Kind of a harsh lesson. The barking tonight sounded vicious, which led me to grab the flashlight and check out the disturbance.


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Evening Rich....just returned from my mother's house awhile ago, had dinner there, was a good evening....!
So nice to hear. Once upon a time, I enjoyed visiting mom (she died in 1995) and the nearest living relative today is about 1,400 miles away, so that stuff just never happens for us. Good evening with mom often makes up for a hard day's work...


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So nice to hear. Once upon a time, I enjoyed visiting mom (she died in 1995) and the nearest living relative today is about 1,400 miles away, so that stuff just never happens for us. Good evening with mom often makes up for a hard day's work...
Wasn't a very hard day today, actually pretty simple. It was pushing 108 degrees, but didn't feel that bad.


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You get crazy storms last night?
Not overly crazy... just a tad weird. I went outside and looked south (where Twinkie usually comes from when headed for the house) and I saw a big bright red spot (Mars) and a few stars, but at the same time, I could feel light raindrops hitting my back (I wasn't wearing my shirt), so I turned around and saw the lighting just north of our place, flashing inner-cloud and lighting up that portion of the sky. No clue if it was headed toward us or just skirting by on its way to create havoc somewhere else, so i gathered what cats showed up, came in the house and closed it up, logged off of here, and went to bed.


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Not overly crazy... just a tad weird. I went outside and looked south (where Twinkie usually comes from when headed for the house) and I saw a big bright red spot (Mars) and a few stars, but at the same time, I could feel light raindrops hitting my back (I wasn't wearing my shirt), so I turned around and saw the lighting just north of our place, flashing inner-cloud and lighting up that portion of the sky. No clue if it was headed toward us or just skirting by on its way to create havoc somewhere else, so i gathered what cats showed up, came in the house and closed it up, logged off of here, and went to bed.
Take it easy today?....or just keep on keeping on?


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I do miss looking at clear bright stars at night, the population is getting out of hand here, too much pollution to see a clear sky, unless a strong storm happens to blow the shit out of the suburbs, which doesn't seem to happen often. Love going to the White Mountains tho... the sky is as clear as can be.


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Take it easy today?....or just keep on keeping on?
Among other things, I managed to mow the ditches out in front of this place, which is always a challenge because the one on the east end is pitched about 30 degrees, but I hate going up and down, while logic says not to try to traverse an angle that steep, which is what I always do, so you should see the acrobatics as I hang off the seat on the uphill side to move the center of gravity so as not to roll the mower. Yes, it is difficult, but the mow lines are so much prettier when they parallel the ditch instead of crossing it. Have had several people ask, "How the hell did you pull that off?" and I just grin.


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Among other things, I managed to mow the ditches out in front of this place, which is always a challenge because the one on the east end is pitched about 30 degrees, but I hate going up and down, while logic says not to try to traverse an angle that steep, which is what I always do, so you should see the acrobatics as I hang off the seat on the uphill side to move the center of gravity so as not to roll the mower. Yes, it is difficult, but the mow lines are so much prettier when they parallel the ditch instead of crossing it. Have had several people ask, "How the hell did you pull that off?" and I just grin.
Mowing Maniac.....:teehee:


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I do miss looking at clear bright stars at night, the population is getting out of hand here, too much pollution to see a clear sky, unless a strong storm happens to blow the shit out of the suburbs, which doesn't seem to happen often. Love going to the White Mountains tho... the sky is as clear as can be.
Both Lannie and I used to be part-time astronomers and the extremely dark skies here was a big selling point for moving here. No pollution and no street lights and all neighbors' yard lights (miles away) are blocked by trees or hills. Of course, after Lannie acquired cows and started getting up at Oh-Datk-Thirty, that ended the staying up late to watch the sky.


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Inspected a small office condo for an investor today.....she never seen the place, just bought it with pictures the used building salesman sent her......:giggle:

Guess 500K is just pocket change to some folks.


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Both Lannie and I used to be part-time astronomers and the extremely dark skies here was a big selling point for moving here. No pollution and no street lights and all neighbors' yard lights (miles away) are blocked by trees or hills. Of course, after Lannie acquired cows and started getting up at Oh-Datk-Thirty, that ended the staying up late to watch the sky.


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Ahh the butt hang mowing manuever :)
Need seats that will slide sideways about 1 foot.
electrically driven and controlled by an inclineometer.
With all previous mowers, I disconnected the seat switch (the one that kills the engine if your weight is not on the seat), but the CubCadet has a new switch that I have not figured out how to disengage YET. This makes the butt-off-the-side much more difficult because every time you raise up, the engine quits, so you have to sit down again quickly. Lots of interesting maneuvers...


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Both Lannie and I used to be part-time astronomers and the extremely dark skies here was a big selling point for moving here. No pollution and no street lights and all neighbors' yard lights (miles away) are blocked by trees or hills. Of course, after Lannie acquired cows and started getting up at Oh-Datk-Thirty, that ended the staying up late to watch the sky.
There were dark skies in Canada....really enjoyed that, but not the things in the air with wings and teeth.

Lady Sarah

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With all previous mowers, I disconnected the seat switch (the one that kills the engine if your weight is not on the seat), but the CubCadet has a new switch that I have not figured out how to disengage YET. This makes the butt-off-the-side much more difficult because every time you raise up, the engine quits, so you have to sit down again quickly. Lots of interesting maneuvers...
I suppose you already thought of wiring the seat to the switch, so it would not shut off.


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I suppose you already thought of wiring the seat to the switch, so it would not shut off.
If it were only that simple, it would have been done before first use. All previous mowers, you could simply unplug the switch wires. This one is sealed and stuck to the bottom of the seat and appears to measure your weight - a small child could not drive this thing because it would not recognize that there was someone in the chair.


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If it were only that simple, it would have been done before first use. All previous mowers, you could simply unplug the switch wires. This one is sealed and stuck to the bottom of the seat and appears to measure your weight - a small child could not drive this thing because it would not recognize that there was someone in the chair.
Need one of those ignitions for jet-skies....wrap the cord around your wrist, if you fall off, the engine stops when the key is pulled out.

Lady Sarah

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If it were only that simple, it would have been done before first use. All previous mowers, you could simply unplug the switch wires. This one is sealed and stuck to the bottom of the seat and appears to measure your weight - a small child could not drive this thing because it would not recognize that there was someone in the chair.
Ah, a PITA. With a proprietary system(if that's what it is), you prolly couldn't look up schematics, to find a way to short it out or something. They say the older we get, the wiser we get. I'm sure you'll find a way to defeat it.


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Need one of those ignitions for jet-skies....wrap the cord around your wrist, if you fall off, the engine stops when the key is pulled out.
I think the riding mower people did this to take care of the idiots who let the mower blades run, then get off to move a stick or something and get their foot under the deck and mow off their toes. Some of us have enough sense to not get under the deck while the blades are spinning but, of course, the manufacturer cannot allow the few intelligent types to have their way when 99% of their users are stupid fucks. So everyone suffers. Up until this CubCadet, I have always managed to defeat all their safety features. I will eventually get around this one too, but it might take a bit of studying (all the others were very obvious).
you prolly couldn't look up schematics, to find a way to short it out or something
All it will require is judicious use of the VOM to figure out which wires do what, then a couple snips or shorts and it will be done. Just a matter of finding time to do it that is not allocated to other projects (always something that needs doing around here).


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I think the riding mower people did this to take care of the idiots who let the mower blades run, then get off to move a stick or something and get their foot under the deck and mow off their toes. Some of us have enough sense to not get under the deck while the blades are spinning, but of course, the manufacturer cannot allow the few intelligent types to have their way when 99% of their users are stupid fucks.

lmao....I bet it happens more often than I'd care to bet on......:giggle:


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Gotta hit the hay, 7:00 AM appointment in the morning, and a 30 minute drive before I arrive.....:cry:

Hope everyone has a great Monday.....if there is such a thing....weekdays, weekends, all the same here...and in SD too....:wait:


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Given the propensity of juries in this country to award huge sums to idiots (always judging against those nasty filthy rich manufacturers, of course) o_O, I fully understand the manufacturers' needs to cover their asses. I have heard of a court case where an idiot propped his ladder up on frozen horse shit, climbed up the side of a building, fell off as it got warmer (the shit melted), sued the ladder manufacturer for not having a warning sticker, and won. Then we wonder why, when we buy a ladder, there are 47 ridiculously stupid warning labels stuck all over it.

Lady Sarah

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Took a 55 gallon bag of stuff to the local pantry, closed off where I saw the rattler, and cut up an old pallet this morning. Temperature is currently 108.5°.

The Cromwell

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Temp here is about 80 with 99% humidity. Been drizzling rain most of day. Not hot but still miserable out there if you do anything.
Got a chainsaw going that a sister gave me.
It had not been ran in over 10 years.
Runs great now.
Starts revs and idles good.
Not sure if the oiler is working or not but that is an easy fix if not.

Lady Sarah

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Phillip called animal control about the snake. Of course, they never found it. My flashlight is at least 4 times brighter than theirs.


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Seriously, folks, is the average American really so stupid as to actually do the things these silly warning labels tell us not to do? Yes, I can see some children doing this crap, but let's face it -- children do not read the warning labels anyway. Then again, our school system today is so fucked that we no longer teach anyone to read or write, so maybe there should be audio warnings blaring across the room: DON"T PUT THIS POISON IN YOUR MOUTH, YOU STUPID MORON!!!

Lady Sarah

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Seriously, folks, is the average American really so stupid as to actually do the things these silly warning labels tell us not to do? Yes, I can see some children doing this crap, but let's face it -- children do not read the warning labels anyway. Then again, our school system today is so fucked that we no longer teach anyone to read or write, so maybe there should be audio warnings blaring across the room: DON"T PUT THIS POISON IN YOUR MOUTH, YOU STUPID MORON!!!
Like he idiots eating Tide Pods?

The Cromwell

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How about we remove all warning labels from everything, then the bozos will all kill themselves and the rest of us will have a better place to live because they are gone?
Only problem is some of the idiots will take some smarter peoiple with them.
Like on that duck boat in Branson. Captain" ohh you do not need to wear life jackets".

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