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Get that wind they were guessing at yesterday?
Yes and no. This morning the forecast said we would have partly cloudy skies (i.e., mostly sunny) and winds 23 mph with gusts to 40. REALITY: Overcast all day (we might have seen a sunbeam for maybe 3 minutes out of the whole day) and the wind was 40-45 mph with gusts over 60 mph! Expect more of the same tomorrow. Obviously, other than routine chores, we got nothing done outside today. Good thing I have not managed to repair the flagpole yet or it might have broke again. :(


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Yeah, when I seen 20+/- yesterday, I figured at least 35mph

Was warm here again today, supposed be near 100 again the week ahead.....getting a lil sick of this heat


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Rich, if your in the market for a new mod, try the Pasito, it's a little pod with a rebuildable head, extremely good flavor with a 1000mah battery, I love this thing when vaping good tobacco juice...the battery lasts a long time if you have the mod on the lowest setting, which is 10 watt (I believe). It goes up in 5 increments to 30 watt (I believe)

I'd have to research the mod to know for sure what the settings are......the damn thing isn't much bigger than a zippo lighter, perhaps one and half times the size?

Anyway, its a good pod you can rebuild


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Wow! Talking about vaping stuff on a vape forum. How unusual. :D

So Pasito is a mod and tank combination? Internal (not replaceable) battery I assume? Lannie keeps trying to get me to move up from my little Protanks but, so far, I am perfectly happy with the old junk I have. Oh, of course, we would all like some new shinies now and then, but as long as this out-of-date stuff works, why spend more money? :rolleyes:


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Wow! Talking about vaping stuff on a vape forum. How unusual. :D

So Pasito is a mod and tank combination? Internal (not replaceable) battery I assume? Lannie keeps trying to get me to move up from my little Protanks but, so far, I am perfectly happy with the old junk I have. Oh, of course, we would all like some new shinies now and then, but as long as this out-of-date stuff works, why spend more money? :rolleyes:
Yes, it's a tiny built in pod-tank mod, hold can be cranked down to zero airflow, good mtl vape

They sell coil heads for it too if you don't what a rebuildable, altho the rebuildable doesn't come with the mod, have to buy it separately, the whole setup is still cheap...they sent me the rebuildable head by mistake, or like me a lot?.....cuz initially I didn't order it


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Does the protank have a rebuildable head?....I can't remember now, but have a couple in storage


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the whole setup is still cheap..
Cheap enough for a poor man's budget? o_O

Does the protank have a rebuildable head?
No, it uses a tiny insertable factory coil/wick (something once called the atomizer). When bought in quantity, they are under $1 each and last me 3-4 weeks. Back when Lannie used them (4 years ago), she wanted a clean one every week, so it was much cheaper for her to build her own.


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Cheap enough for a poor man's budget? o_O

No, it uses a tiny insertable factory coil/wick (something once called the atomizer). When bought in quantity, they are under $1 each and last me 3-4 weeks. Back when Lannie used them (4 years ago), she wanted a clean one every week, so it was much cheaper for her to build her own.
That's correct, just remembered changing coils in it, it's a tight draw if I remember correctly


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it's a tight draw if I remember correctly
If you use the standard factory setup, it relies on the tiny grooves on the top deck of the mod to get its air, so that makes it pretty tight. I have inserted an air inlet piece at the bottom of the tank which makes the airflow adjustable, so it can be tight for certain flavors at low wattage or totally open for other flavors at higher wattage.


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I have inserted an air inlet piece at the bottom of the tank which makes the airflow adjustable, so it can be tight for certain flavors at low wattage or totally open for other flavors at higher wattage.


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Looks like all hell is going to break loose in your area by the end of the week....low 20's.....can that be right?


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Incredible, first of Oct...with hard freeze and possible snow....this isn't normal, is it?
No, not normal at all. Several years ago (5? 6?), we had a blizzard the first week of October. 100,000 cattle died and a couple people. The animals have not grown a winter coat yet and the ranchers had not moved their livestock to winter pastures, so the cows just gathered together in low spots too get out of the cold, wind, and snow, and were covered and froze to death. For months afterward, you could see dead cows all over the pastures as you drove down the highway.

We do get occasional light snow in October, but typically it does not stick. That usually does not happen until the end of November,


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Incredible, yes I remember you mentioning that blizzard in the past, but I forgot about it. Hopefully it won't happen again. These global warming fruitcakes should be given one way tickets to the Dakotas, if the cold don't do um in, perhaps you could help.......:teehee:


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How was your day?

I hadn't planned on much today, but some guy called me at 9:00 this morning asking if I could inspect a small building, like today, so I emailed him an inflated price because I really didn't feel like doing anything, he said great, what time would I be there......:cry:

Finished at about noon, it was in really good condition....lucked out


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I am hanging in there, tail still hurts like hell but it's getting better.
Still getting anything fro your garden?


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I am hanging in there, tail still hurts like hell but it's getting better.
Still getting anything fro your garden?
Mine is dead, Jimi.....have two pineapples still growing, but I doubt they'll take the cold coming in Dec


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Not very good till the last month or so, now the blight has them so I wont get many more:(. Mine had a tougher skin this year than usual and I always grow the same ones:confused:


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I had a few cherry tomatoes, just one plant. For the life of me I can't figure out why they don't sell good organic tomatoes in the stores.....they must pick the fucking things when their just as green as can be, let um ripen, then sell um, and they taste like shit....dry fucking tasteless garbage


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Yup sleeping like a baby, was getting 7 and almost 8 hours some nights;). I got a couple whole nutmeg nuts and been using that, it5 drops me like a rock;)
Really?....that is interesting. I've not heard of that method in the past


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Well I just got through with my soak and the next stop was bed but I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing so now I guess it's that golden time so gonna say G,Night my friends


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Man, getting a good night sleep helps wonders for your health.


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Well I just got through with my soak and the next stop was bed but I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing so now I guess it's that golden time so gonna say G,Night my friends
Have a good one, Jimi....I'm heading that direction too.

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