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its been a while since ive posted anything, but i have been lurking. good to see a bunch of new builders in here making tons of progress :cheers:

as for me, i have been pretty busy with work related projects for the last few months. mostly just been vaping on fused claptons and the occasional alien build if theres time. eventually i ran out of wire and i hit a point of "do i even build any more?" when deciding what to order for wire. i almost just bought a spool of fused clapton wire just to save myself the work, then i had an out of body experience where i watched myself thinking like that and realized i was being a pussy and ordered 3k feet of wire to correct the problem.

heres a couple recent builds. feels so good getting back to all this <3

basic aliens

my first ssfc

alien framed staple


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So tomorrow will be exactly 1 month since I built my first coil. How do you guys think I'm coming along. I have an idea for a build I want to do to celebrate but open to ideas. What kind of crazy build should I do to commemorate this event


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@Whiskeywarrior from your build pics I would say you are doing just fine.

I have been building for much more than 1 month and pretty sure you have me beat.

My build for the day 2x26/36 SS316L fused on a mini buddha I got in a trade. Should have taken a pic of the build the guy had in it. Think he had different wire, diameter, and spacing for each coil. Needed a good soak in the ultrasonic to get the smell of garbage juice out of it. Not sure what flavor, but some combination of dish soap and perfume.


Macro lens is en route. Hopefully have better pics next week.


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Nice fused Clapton's. Nice tight wrapping. Beat you? Hell this ain't a contest, and if it were I'm sure you would spank me.

Edit to add. May the Schwartz be with you.
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Member For 4 Years
Nice fused Clapton's. Nice tight wrapping. Beat you? Hell this ain't a contest, and if it were I'm sure you would spank me.

Of course it is a contest.....

Kidding of course.

Was simply saying that you seem to have a knack for more advanced builds right out of the gate. So, in that sense, I envy you. Full on jealousy that it seems to come easy to you.

Pretty much have the fused down pat. Gotta step up my game now. Still struggling with the aliens. At a point where builds are "it's gonna happen" but takes at least double the wire it should and sometimes a lot more time than it should. Just gotta get over a hump. Then maybe I will be "beating you" Ha!

Practicing aliens has made building fused automatic, effortless, absolute cake by comparison.

Tried my first staple today. 7x0.4K/36K. Turned out pretty good. Until I tried to coil it. Wicked looking. Went to the trash. Rushed and tried to coil it without the vise and in a hurry with kids needing attention. Haste makes waste. Lesson learned.


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What kind of mod is that? Wish I could see the alien part of the build. Just kinda looks like fused Clapton's from the angle. Can you get a better pic?


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What kind of mod is that? Wish I could see the alien part of the build. Just kinda looks like fused Clapton's from the angle. Can you get a better pic?
That's an atty stand from Tenderfoot Stands that I use when I'm building. Makes a ton of diff as far as being comfortable and accessibility.
Gonna sound like a commercial for the man that makes these, but all of his work is handmade by him using exotic woods, so each piece is one of a kind.
This stand has Yellowheart, Purpleheart & Bolivian Rosewood woods.
He also makes drip tips, altho I haven't tried one yet.
Dude has mad skills.
Here's a link so you see his work, he's also on fb under the same id...
Gimme a few mins on the closer up pic

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I see all these crazy builds (with envy).....i put tiger wire build on my avocado 24 and it gets super hot after 2 tokes. Pretty much unvapable.....any ideas? I have the coils in and down as much as possible.. everything is right and tight......


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I see all these crazy builds (with envy).....i put tiger wire build on my avocado 24 and it gets super hot after 2 tokes. Pretty much unvapable.....any ideas? I have the coils in and down as much as possible.. everything is right and tight......
What's the guages and how many wraps and ohms. How are you running it, VW or TC? And at what temp or watts are you running?


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Wrapped 0.2 ' 0.8 flat, core 26 ga A1. Running wattage mode, .25 ohms. 40- 50 watts

Tiger wire as in twisted round and ribbon? Or ribbon wrapped around round wire?

If wrapped around, your resistance is not right.

If twisted, you have a pretty high heat flux with that build. Input your build data in steam engine. It will tell you heat flux per your specs. I usually like to stay right around 1 or less for heat flux per watt. Higher heat flux will ramp faster (per watt) but be a hot vape. Lower flux will ramp slower (per watt) but be a cooler and usually denser vape with better flavor. Could add a few wraps to that build to lower the heat flux. Or do something completely different.

Have done a couple builds wrapped in ribbon. Have not impressed me much. Just fired up a simple coil dual 24g. Made me realize that yes, claptons etc are very worth it. Flavorless and hot with the simple build.

If you are using a regulated mod, resistance is not super important (compared to a mech). As long as it is in the range your mod will fire, you are good. What I am trying to say is you can build a 10w 0.5 ohm coil or a 100w 0.5 ohm coil. The resistance itself becomes slightly irrelevant in a regulated device. Amount of wire becomes more important in creating surface area, aiding wicking, and holding up to high(er) wattages.

Did you pulse and work out hotspots?


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Tiger wire as in twisted round and ribbon? Or ribbon wrapped around round wire?

If wrapped around, your resistance is not right.

If twisted, you have a pretty high heat flux with that build. Input your build data in steam engine. It will tell you heat flux per your specs. I usually like to stay right around 1 or less for heat flux per watt. Higher heat flux will ramp faster (per watt) but be a hot vape. Lower flux will ramp slower (per watt) but be a cooler and usually denser vape with better flavor. Could add a few wraps to that build to lower the heat flux. Or do something completely different.

Have done a couple builds wrapped in ribbon. Have not impressed me much. Just fired up a simple coil dual 24g. Made me realize that yes, claptons etc are very worth it. Flavorless and hot with the simple build.

If you are using a regulated mod, resistance is not super important (compared to a mech). As long as it is in the range your mod will fire, you are good. What I am trying to say is you can build a 10w 0.5 ohm coil or a 100w 0.5 ohm coil. The resistance itself becomes slightly irrelevant in a regulated device. Amount of wire becomes more important in creating surface area, aiding wicking, and holding up to high(er) wattages.

Did you pulse and work out hotspots?
Yes, pulsed it and it glowed nicely from the middle- out. I will check steam most definitely. Thanks for the info!


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What kind of mod is that? Wish I could see the alien part of the build. Just kinda looks like fused Clapton's from the angle. Can you get a better pic?
Hope this isn't cheating too much, but already in bed and too lazy to get up to get that setup.
Have my Hex v2 & Serpent Mini 25 with me now.
But I do have my wire & building supplies within arm's reach under my bed

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Shit whiskey you only been building a month? Damn son big props to you! Ive been working at it slowly for a good 5-6 months and am just getting comfortable with ribbon wire and gauges higher than 34 lol. To make a mohawk like that on your first try is incredible. You sure you didn't get that off google :teehee:
Nice ass build though man keep it up! You kickin ass


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View attachment 71701
I know it's not perfect but it's my first ever clapton build. By hand mind you. My hand was tired! Thinking about buying a coil jig. Have any of you used one of those clapton maker jigs?

Stainless 24g single core with 30g wrap.
I haven't used one, but I watched Zophie do a review on one. She said it was more trouble than it was worth. She had a hard time getting the wires to stay in there. And then it was way slower than a drill.

Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads.


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Thanks man. No Google here, just ask my wife. I feel like I'm behind just trying to play catch-up with all these nice builds I can't even come close to. I always feel as if I am lacking behind.


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My first truly successful build. Great flavor and even draw and no leaking or flooding or burnt/dry hits. Can't wait to continue building and learning more!
View attachment 71483 View attachment 71484
Great first build, that coil looks really clean. I haven't done any extravagant builds yet myself, but going to try my first fused clapton soon. Really looking forward to it. I'm just waiting on income tax time so I can buy kanthal wire. I only have ss atm and only 24 & 29g at that. I'll be getting kanthal soon, and alot of it. Let's wish each other luck and learn together :)

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Damnit man those colored up real nice. I would hate to even vape some of your builds cause theyre just about too beautiful to use and ruin
He doesn't vape most of them lol


Silver Contributor
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Thanks man. No Google here, just ask my wife. I feel like I'm behind just trying to play catch-up with all these nice builds I can't even come close to. I always feel as if I am lacking behind.
I know exactly what you mean about the wife thing lol. Shes starting to loath vaping cause im always doing something; building, makin juice, looking for deals online, etc. My argument? Im not smoking cigarettes honey :banana:


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Great first build, that coil looks really clean. I haven't done any extravagant builds yet myself, but going to try my first fused clapton soon. Really looking forward to it. I'm just waiting on income tax time so I can buy kanthal wire. I only have ss atm and only 24 & 29g at that. I'll be getting kanthal soon, and alot of it. Let's wish each other luck and learn together :)

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Thanks, midknight! I really appreciate your support. Good luck with your builds! Make sure to post them here in the forums!


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Hey to all the new builders thats joined in the fun here! Im pretty new at this myself and only have 5 or 6 months of building under my belt but wanted to remind you guys that if youre wanting to step away from regular round wire a great first step to building artisan coils is twisted wire. You can start off twisting 2 together, then 3, and 4! Then mix it up and toss in some ribbon wire! After i got the hang of that then i tried adding a helix to it, and thats where you take a small, high gauge wire like 36+ and fill in the channels left by the twist. Its a great flavorful vape and even Twisted Messes said his journey began by twisting wire.
Heres some 26g (x2) with a .4 ribbon twist
And once again I still dont have an empty atomizer to put anything in. All of them still have builds that are kickin ass and i use them until theyre completely dead! Lol

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