Complete failure hahaha. I need to watch some videos I guess.
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I’m not seeing a complete failure..if nothing else, your Decore wire looks consistent as hell so, even though your wires may have gone into the dreaded triangle configuration rather than staying flat, it looks like you are good and steady with feeding the Decore into the cores without it backtracking by not leading enough or big inconsistent gaps from leading too far. For me, I had to practically “accidentally” find the right amount of stretching for my Decore and “accidentally” hitting the right rhythm. Once I felt those things click from trial and error I knew what kind of “feel” I was searching for that would produce a good looking length of Alien wire.
Not to mention with that level of zoom you’re taking pics at, you could find errors all day long in practically everyone’s coil builds, lol.
Edit: I keep a set of toothless needle nose pliers next to me while doing that step of Aliens because you’ll eventually start seeing if your wires are starting to slip from being flat into a twist or triangle rather than flat while wrapping your Decore...if I feel and see that, I can stop and slightly pinch that section of wire back that I just wrapped with Decore to perfectly flat without damaging the wire with the toothless pliers and that straightens out the unwrapped section of cores in front of where I’m wrapping...then I just start wrapping Decore again...sure, there’s a bit of a gap in that portion from the stop and start, but that just gives your coils character
You're not drinking water are you?! You realize that stuff is found in antifreeze!?!
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