Among the gun enthusiast forums there is the legend of lucky in Kentucky. It's not really a legend but more so a legendary tale of trolling. So this guy, LuckyinKentucy posted some unbelievable claims about his accuracy while shooting at long distances with an old, surplus Russian rifle. It was notoriously inaccurate and the ammo a claimed to be using was not capable of the performances he was postulating.
His claims began to be challenged by more senior members of the forum who were legit and it snowballed into a 6 way challange between lucky and a few others. A pot was set with a decent sized amount of cash, a location was chosen and travel arrangements were made by the participates. The day before, ol' lucky showed up and claimed while on vacation, his younger nephew hacked into his account and made up the whole thing. It is to this day one of the finest acts of trolling I've ever witnessed. Lucky had class, this guy on here, not so much.