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Protank Coil Rebuilds


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I originally bought the rubber ones, as they are identical to what the PT comes with.
They work fantastic
When I reordered, I purchased both the rubber and silicone.
The only difference I noticed is .. the silicone ones don't have that extra thick edge on the end that you push back up into the atty first.
I haven't tried them yet, as I'm still working on the first package that I had open.
They seem to be a bit softer to squish, but that may be because of that thinner top edge.
Buy a package of both :p

BTW ... they also sell the little top caps that slides back on the shaft to prevent leakage.

Great observation slots. The LV rubber grommets most resemble the grommets from the original PT1 (actually both types are silicone, different "hardness"). In fact, a bit firmer. Why is this good? The "insulator" is the terminator for the circuit. If it fails to make a firm and stable contact of the wire to the assembly housing…you will short. Perhaps you've had some time to compare both and may have found that silicone has a lot more squirm and slip during use. That's the risk to be paid for ease of insertion and aversion to stinky grommet syndrome.


Really though there's little need to experience either shorts or burns but that's a story I'll have to get back to.

Good luck.



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Mac, you still playing with tubing?

Sent from my stupid iPhone because I don't have an Android.


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Certainly is Ollie. On 3/32", 6/5 26 AWG at ~4.5Ω yielding the coolest densest vape in the repertoire at the moment. Can be made a little warmer on 2.2mm (#44 wire gauge) but I'm still workin' on the threading. Research for this came out of posts on that other place about how to get newcomers to a standardized stable build using XC-132, tension winding and symmetry for the Kanger series…


It's been a wild year Huck since I quit the stinks and started the tension winding project I'll be commenting on further. I'll drop a few notes here which I hope may help those arriving here in transition. It's them I'd like to see get through quickly and on to the great vape.

You take care.

Good luck.



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That's a good lookin' coil! Like, perfect. There was a group of you that would post together and I frequently lurked those threads, lol. Good stuff!


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That's a good lookin' coil! Like, perfect. There was a group of you that would post together and I frequently lurked those threads, lol. Good stuff!

Yeppers. Thanks. Repeatability, all about that. Hopefully, we'll have a big group here willing to share results and help the next onslaught of newcomers (which is kind of what that thread turned into). A self-help group where the baton gets passed.

Good luck.



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As I mentioned at #51 Rip T found the single-coil PT2 every bit as productive perhaps more than the new iteration duals. And cooler doesn't necessarily mean less power. Perhaps more complete or thorough vaporization (energy transfer from wire to juice) at the same power level. A hot vape ain't always all that hot.

Power at any resistance needs an effective coil geometry and symmetry for conversion to vapor.

Good luck.



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i have protank 3 and i always build with singgle coil i was tried make it dual coil and OMG its really hard i was sweat to build it . anyway its protank 2 coil will be fit on protank 3 ?

I use the PT2 single coils in my Evod 2 glassomoser, in place of dual coils sometimes, they work fine if I put on an extra grommet, upside down so it fits around the air tube,


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I just wrapped a parallel coil (per Riptripper) with 32 gauge Kanthal around a 3/64 drill bit 6 times for my protank 2. it came to 1.2 Ohms I'm digging it! it seems to produce more vapor than my microcoils. I run it on a MVP2 at 3.6 volts. Its the best vape experience Ive had so far.


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ECF Refugee
I just wrapped a parallel coil (per Riptripper) with 32 gauge Kanthal around a 3/64 drill bit 6 times for my protank 2. it came to 1.2 Ohms I'm digging it! it seems to produce more vapor than my microcoils. I run it on a MVP2 at 3.6 volts. Its the best vape experience Ive had so far.
I use 34 ga for my mother's coils. 1.45 ohm and she loves them.
In my Tobh clone I roll with 26 ga duel parallels at .24 ohm and love it.


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Best way to stop the burnt taste after a rebuild AND to make it easier to rebuild next time


cut off the little nub

Oh and using the metal tip from the needle dripper bottles

and 5-6 wraps of 32Ga wire 6-7 of 30ga gives almost exactly 2.0 Ω every time (and still have enough space inside the coil to gently pull cotton thru for AWESOME wicks

I can rebuild coils in about 5 min a piece


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Wow, blunt tip needle, awesome! I've been trying to make them way too large. As far as cutting the nub, do you cut the top off, the part that is hard to get back in once you pull it out?


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I rebuild mine ALL the time. Rebuilt my first coil ever with absolutely no problems and didnt even have a meter at the time because it was coming in the mail and I was too impatient to wait for it. Ended up building it to my perfect ohms range (2.2-2.3)

32g kanthal, about 4-5 inches, make sure you light it all the way down on both ends to take out the springy-ness (and takes away the kanthal taste), you dont need a torch..just a normal ole lighter will do since its a thin wire.
6 wraps, (6 on the top, 5 on the bottom after you wrap it)

I wrapped it around a ball pump, the smallest one. One of these...
get-attachment (1).jpg

Seriously one of the easiest damn things I have ever done, and I'm the girly-est damn girl on the planet.
Get your cotton here, this is where I got mine and they even give you a free 10 ft of kanthal of your choice.
If youre rebuilding protank coils, the smallest bag will last you FOREVER. Just make sure you have your hands CLEAN before rolling the cotton
for wicks and threading them through your coil, your hands have alot of oils that will make it no bueno. Wash them with WATER immediately
before rolling the wicks, no soap. You BARELY need any cotton whatsoever, just enough for it to thread through easily, dont let it have any tension
because cotton expands alot and I usually roll a little flavor wick and set it on top, wet them with some liquid when you've got them together, then put the chimney on, fill your tank, wait a couple minutes, and youll be good to go. The first drag might taste a little weird, but by the second or third, it should be PERFECT.

Heres the link for the cotton and free kanthal on ebay. Cant go wrong with it. Everythings already done to it, you just open the package and do your thaaaang. ;]

Hope this helped! Now someone needs to go read my post I just posted about rebuilding these damn BVC coils!!

OH BY THE WAY, buy some of the SILICONE rubber pieces that come with the newer protanks, not the rubber ones, you wont have ANYMORE burnt taste because the rubber burns but the silicone doesnt!


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Bridjett, that's an outstanding entry and congratulations. Never mind you're a gal, you have a huge advantage over us ham-handed guys. You have fine motion control we couldn't even dream of. Most of us don't even try. And your hand wind on the widget is like several orders of magnitude better than anything China's throwing at us. But I gotta tell ya…you can do a precision electrical coil in 15 seconds, about as fast as most school kids do a hoop ring, that will outperform anything you'll see on 99% of the videos out there. Last year a fella named Russ, super_X_drifter on ECF, conceived of the microcoil (an electrical contact coil). I have a little bit of a background in electronics and quit smoking to study this phenomenon. In Mar of this year I introduced an adaption of physics, specifically strain, that allows anyone to make an electrically perfect coil in seconds.

In the meantime, you are very observant obviously. I think you may learn a lot from this pic…


A t.m.c. (tensioned microcoil) can get you the most electrically stable and efficient build possible and help you find the best vape of your life. That's the kind of tool we need. One that will help us reproduce the vape we love each and every time. A practical one that just works.

I'll do my best to make time for additions to this forum beyond the 1400 pages I've posted on that other place, I promise.

Good luck all.


p.s. In the meantime, don't lose that ball pump widget! :D
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Wow, blunt tip needle, awesome! I've been trying to make them way too large. As far as cutting the nub, do you cut the top off, the part that is hard to get back in once you pull it out?

Yes. And it makes it easier to replace, too.


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Yikes warhawk, I don't think you wanna be tellin' folks to disfigure those grommets. No sir. Sure we hate 'em. They're causin' most of the problems we're having for reasons I've written a lot about. Consider the contacts on your car battery though. If you get a crappy one that overheats and stretches and you don't get a secure grip…how does your car end up runnin'?

Well that little nip you're cutting away from the grommet are the bolts on the battery connector. They're what provide the additional surface resistance or drag to keep that termination nailed down at the point of contact to the housing.

And I've used the method you describe because I'm a horrible skeptic and have to try everything myself. Unfortunately, it fails more often than it works. You may have other reasons that you're succeeding. Our methods improve as we mechanically learn. Often times we just don't notice by what road we arrive. Suddenly it just works and we didn't notice exactly what we did that was different.

Also you need VERY FIRM grommets and connections to keep resistance and operation stable, predictable. The only offering of an alternative to soft rubber (silicone) grommets is by Sean at Lightning Vapes. You want a secure connection like when the Protank v1 was first introduced? That would be it.

Good luck.

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Yikes warhawk, I don't think you wanna be tellin' folks to disfigure those grommets. No sir. Sure we hate 'em. They're causin' most of the problems we're having for reasons I've written a lot about. Consider the contacts on your car battery though. If you get a crappy one that overheats and stretches and you don't get a secure grip…how does your car end up runnin'?

Well that little nip you're cutting away from the grommet are the bolts on the battery connector. They're what provide the additional surface resistance or drag to keep that termination nailed down at the point of contact to the housing.

And I've used the method you describe because I'm a horrible skeptic and have to try everything myself. Unfortunately, it fails more often than it works. You may have other reasons that you're succeeding. Our methods improve as we mechanically learn. Often times we just don't notice by what road we arrive. Suddenly it just works and we didn't notice exactly what we did that was different.

Also you need VERY FIRM grommets and connections to keep resistance and operation stable, predictable. The only offering of an alternative to soft rubber (silicone) grommets is by Sean at Lightning Vapes. You want a secure connection like when the Protank v1 was first introduced? That would be it.

Good luck.

Actually the contact comes from the center pin and the side of the rubber grommet pressing the wire against the outside of the center (where the little metal center pin goes, have never had a problem cutting that little nub off. the silicon grommets are the absolute best though.

Not my image, but it helps visualize the physical setup of the coils...the press fit of the wires comes from the interaction of the center pin and the rubber.


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a m
p.s. In the meantime, don't lose that ball pump widget! :D

Why thank you! >:]

Ahhh, so youre basically saying the tension from holding the roll of wire and whatever that little thing is your holding against your finger to wrap the coil on (which looks HUGE ,btw, wtf is that thing?!)
is what helps stabilize your hands? I just do mine freehanded,
cut a couple inches, light em up, and roll it on the ball pump!
They still come out tight and purrrrrfekt. LOL

I do have very small hands though. Technically I'm only 5'4 and 100 pounds soaking wet so working with these small things are
probably alot easier than your big boy hands! HA! That sounded hilarious. Anyway, yeah, I dont even own a roll of wire like that, I've never
had to waste a single wire or coil since I bought that cotton with the free 10 feet on kanthal and I've probably made over 20 coils that last weeks and weeks and weeks and still have wire left LOL

Im pretty precise about everything, I dont just snip and let it be whatever, I like to use the smallest amount I possibly can just to see how long I can go
on such a small amount. These things end up becoming little projects for me lol. Last year while I was still smoking cigarettes, I never would have thought, here I am, a year later, owning wire and wrapping my own microcoils that light up from a battery and burn things! LMAO

I just recently made a youtube channel "Vape Queen" 2 or 3 days ago and plan on showing how I build my microcoils for my protanks on there soon, so if you have a youtube, go sub so you can see it when I put it up! Might be quite hilarious to watch. I made a channel and put up a video because I was looking to see if anyone used the Nautilus Mini on a spinner battery, and since there was nothing. I was like, fuck it, I'll just do it. Recorded the video within the first hour of me getting it in, so the coil hadnt even had a chance to break it, but it still worked fine! I'm using it on my MVP now though of course. I just wanted to get the vid out for people that couldnt upgrade from spinners yet.
Ive found that the vision spinner 2 is probably the best one out there right now.
But you can get an MVP on ebay for 38 bucks!! I mean....people are selling vision spinner 2's for that much on vaping sites! Why not get the mvp, duh! hahaha.
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Why thank you! >:]

Ahhh, so youre basically saying the tension from holding the roll of wire and whatever that little thing is your holding against your finger to wrap the coil on (which looks HUGE ,btw, wtf is that thing?!)
is what helps stabilize your hands? I just do mine freehanded,
cut a couple inches, light em up, and roll it on the ball pump!
They still come out tight and purrrrrfekt. LOL...

Well thanks Bridjett. After failing 8 times to quit I'm utterly grateful for this technology. Decided to give it a shot and committed to paying it back if I did. So glad to see you're making it and want to make a contribution yourself. Welcome!

That spool does look big in that closeup. But no bigger than a common coil for fashion jewelry winding. Fact is Kanthal is sometimes sold for that. Once you discover the method I'm spreading across S Florida and the internet you won't want to make a few dozen…you'll make hundreds and want to, with the confidence and the interest to perfect the return from all the devices that you'll want to savor. It'll be easy, and yeah fun. When you can make a perfect one in seconds, you throw away far more that don't make the grade. You'll know the difference. And you will definitely see the difference between those and the ones you have now. Some of the best and fastest adoptees on thread I've participated on, as well as workshops, etc. aren't the guys. Yeah, you got that right. And they're winding these…


I've yet to make a video myself but various have been made of the techniques involved in my adaptation of tension winding coils into the state of adhesion. That's as close as nature will allow two objects to come together. There's a lot of video and other material even after the microcoil and tensioned microcoil were conceived still demonstrating the existing common method of hand winding.

I know you'd want to make a great video that's going to help folks get the best vape they can. The data is out there and I don't mind sharing some of my results with you so you can make that clip outstanding. I'll also share some excellent clips of others doing conventional winds too that you may use as a guide for comparison. That would be great actually, to demonstrate the differences. A source of the older methods are Sean's excellent videos on various rebuilds on his Lightning Vapes website. There are some technical points we disagree on but he has his presentation basically right. And that's what we should always try to do.

And for Pete's sake don't be torchin' coils. You know us guys just can't help playin' with our tools but it just degrades the wire. It's brains over brawn when you let mother nature help out.

Hit me up on this thread or PM and I'll point you in the right direction for background as you need it. Lord knows I've had a lot of help across the internet finding things myself.

You have an awesome opportunity here to get it right Bridjett. Not only to make a fun and appealing video but one that helps change peoples lives in the process.

Good luck.



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Very thankful for that! I will definitely send you a PM shortly and well collab on something and ill pass some credit on to you when I make the video.
I obviously dont have much of a following yet since its only a 2 day old channel, but I'm sure it will gain some quickly with some good knowledge involved!

BTW how do you feel about nichrome wire? I'm assuming thats kanthal in your photo?
Definitely no torches used here! Only torches I ever use is a kitchen torch, and thats for my fabulous creme brulee... :p


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Holy crap MacTechVpr, it's the donut of destruction :D

Well yeah, it kinda is. That's funny. :D

Here's the bottom line. I've done a consumer study over the past year on consumer winding and rebuilding efforts. Well over a thousand builds on Kanker primarily and other clearo's. Once you get a basic build right, even a hand wind, 90% of the problem are "hangers", basically trailing leads left cut (or twisted off) too long. Done with that and grommets are the big sore thumb that remain. As they've gotten softer since the Fall, the design leads to instability…like over compression of the grommet, skewing of the wires internally (makes them susceptible to crossing or bowing producing side-wall shorts and through upward pressure high end turns which cause hot legs.

So yeah soft silicone grommets are a big deal. It begs the question why clearo makers have gone to them. Well ironically because of consumer pressure, largely be users on places like ECF, complaining about the burned taste of things like hanger and high turn shorts.

The average consumer has no clue as to the shoddy nature of the builds and why they experience the seemingly inexplicable failures of coils that look perfectly fine to them. In large part they mistakenly blame their suppliers.

So I just needed to stick that little part in. The nib may seem irrelevant but engineers put them in the grommet design for a reason. To help more firmly trap the neg lead wire against the assembly wall. It doesn't work as effectively because grommets are now much softer (makers claim to help make the taste better). Funny, how forums are filled with more and more complaints about failure rates as we keep hearing about new and improved tank designs. As more new vapers come on board it would seem they're willing to admit that the Emperor has no clothes.

BTW, all grommets are silicone. The difference is entirely in their "hardness".

It's not the end of the world warhawk, I'll grant ya. Just the end of your vape.



Good luck.


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Very thankful for that! I will definitely send you a PM shortly and well collab on something and ill pass some credit on to you when I make the video.
I obviously dont have much of a following yet since its only a 2 day old channel, but I'm sure it will gain some quickly with some good knowledge involved!

No problem. Glad to help. I'll give you some of the basic background and straight up video sources from super_X to RipTrip. Save you some time. Then I can take you to an expert inside a week if you're up to it. I wish there were a thousand of you giving the demonstration. My goal is a million Americans enjoying the vaping lifestyle havin' a vapathon on the FDA's lawn.

BTW how do you feel about nichrome wire? I'm assuming thats kanthal in your photo?
Definitely no torches used here! Only torches I ever use is a kitchen torch, and thats for my fabulous creme brulee... :p

My take is that Kanthal gained popularity because Nichrome was thought to have too metallic of a taste. Maybe some truth to that. Nichrome doesn't oxidize as efficiently as Kanthal or have as high a temperature resistance. Both but Kanthal best builds an alumina oxide layer on its surface when its pulsed electrically which serves to insulate the wire (resist shorting). Optimizing THAT is what I teach and how that can produce an out of this world vape.

Good luck B. Be back with ya.


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Have you guys heard on Indoorsmokers on youtube? The guy is absolutely hilarious and awesome to watch. Hes trying to get to 100k subscribers and hes at around 70-80k and hes doing a HUGE giveaway at 100k! Theres alot of shit including the Sigelei-30 and a couple ITaste 134vf's!! Neeeeeeeeeeeed in my liiiiiiiifeeeeeee!


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Have you guys heard on Indoorsmokers on youtube? The guy is absolutely hilarious and awesome to watch. Hes trying to get to 100k subscribers and hes at around 70-80k and hes doing a HUGE giveaway at 100k! Theres alot of shit including the Sigelei-30 and a couple ITaste 134vf's!! Neeeeeeeeeeeed in my liiiiiiiifeeeeeee!

Funny as shit the guy's goin' hood…watup, the beard next? People are desperate for tube popularity. Anyway, thought I'd take a stab at embedding a video here…

Well there, finally, that seemed to work. Now back to the regularly scheduled program.

Good luck.



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The Minimalist's Tensioned Contact (Micro) Coil
, 02-05-2014 at 11:40 PM (490 Views)

Originally Posted by timshead
Okay, so I tried that method. I used 32ga Kanthal. Taking it directly off the spool like that meant that I couldn't anneal it first, so when I cut the wire after getting approximately the number of wraps I wanted, the tension in the wire caused it to partially unwind from the screwdriver. Not much, maybe one wrap's worth, but it also decreased the overall tightness of my coil. I think I honestly get tighter coils from cutting the wire, annealing it, and hand-wrapping it. My coils touch all the way around when I use that method, so I don't know that I could really improve them. I did use the technique to eliminate hot legs, and wow, it worked like an absolute charm. That's going into my bag of tricks for sure.

Tim, the point is if you wind with tension they do not unwind. The tension is like that in a torsion screen door spring. If your coil unwrapped (except for your starting turn) when you released tension you did not reach the point of natural adhesion. Not enough tension was applied. The coil will at best underperform. Properly tensioned you can forego annealing and do so on your mod as you pulse the batt and compress the coil lightly to clear any hotspots, usually none. That more uniformly anneals the wire than manually torching it. It takes a bit of practice to get the muscle memory right, a few times usually. To find the sweet spot where the wires won't get any closer, but any separate either. Then you will save a great deal of time and the hazards like minute high turns or open turns you can't really see…that will mess you up bro. Just because they seem to touch doesn't mean they do until you have adhesion. The fact that they don't is one of the main reasons the microcoils may contribute even more gurgling and flooding than a loose hand wind. They can increase the efficiency of power delivery but if it's uneven for such reasons as I mentioned you end up with a lot of unvaporized juice. So, huh!, for the microcoil. But it's got to be done right. And when it is, you'll get the video result.

Once you achieve uniform adhesion physics dictates that you will see the maximum and uniform distribution of energy across the coil. That's the best that such a wrap could possibly do given the laws of nature. And it's doable. Fact is I've watched many people actually do it without realizing that they were achieving it.


I'd say relax and don't push the work. Observe. It'll start talkin' at ya showing you what needs to be done. Once the body mechanics start getting recorded for the repetitive motions, the tensions needed here and there and the delicate moves it will seem like second nature. You'll have dozens strewn in your drawer and everywhere waiting to be recycled…someday. But you'll only want to do more. Because you can, in minutes. Funny thing.

In your case I would suggest trying 30AWG. It will give you something more substantial to work with and even more capable of wind memory. The thinner gauges are more fickle because the vaporization itself is really quite violent at that size and 32 gauge is thin. The energy stored in the wire preserving its shape can be easily overcome. So 32 AWG will not be as durable, or re-wickable as the thicker.

Now about the hot legs thing. Reinserting the mandrel, drill bit, whatever shouldn't even ever happen. The method I've been explaining on the Protank MicroCoil Discussion!! thread and others is a tension wind. That coil stays in a tensioned state until it is terminated. Period. Then, the bit is withdrawn and the intact perfected coil, pulsed and threaded.

Not much point in making a coil perfect and then to put it through gyrations each one of which can and will distort it. You just won't see it. The method I've described is simple, takes far fewer steps and has a predictable repeatable result. Less fiddle, more vapor.

If some believe they can improve on the physical limits of mass proximity by adding process, who am I to say no. I ain't lyin'. Just reporting the facts. The physics are incontrovertible. But we once believed the world was flat too. We all gotta find our own way.

Now can I promise you a perfect build? Hell no Tim. I make mistakes all the time. And skew and misalign and introduce distorted turns. The huge difference is now I don't give a fudge. I didn't work 20 minutes to create a perfect coil. I drop a nickels worth of wire on the screwdriver and do a good one. Next! Just sayin' Tim.

It's not rocket science, true. Just good science.

Good luck Tim. I know you'll be able to do it. I did and I'm a spaz.


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You have skype or anything MacTech?! We could totally do a coil building sesh on skype! Fun times. Easier for you to see if im doing things wrong or right too, since I feel like they perform perfect, but I could be wrong, because I'm still slightly newISH


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You have skype or anything MacTech?! We could totally do a coil building sesh on skype! Fun times. Easier for you to see if im doing things wrong or right too, since I feel like they perform perfect, but I could be wrong, because I'm still slightly newISH

I have, I'm a Mac Tech! Seriously a consultant to the media and publishing industry for many years. Yet this year when I tried to get my MacTechVpr moniker working had lots of problems seeing that happen. Trouble with a certain media giant workin' with another media giant. Just could not get the id happenin'. Some of the reason why I don't have video strewn all over the internet. In part that's what caused me to rethink the whole thing. And honestly I'm not interested in being an internet persona. No that it's a bad thing. But what I'm doin' is not about me. I'm an avatar. It's about all of you, and ya'll gettin' your vape on. That's why I said bridjett, that I'd love to see a thousand of you makin' these videos showin' as many as you can reach how to get that vapelife thing happenin'. Much faster and no doubt a lot you can add in style and substance to the effort. Far more than I could alone. So I am gratified and flattered by the interest. Truly.

I'm retired btw. I live on the beach. I could be doin' other things, know what I mean. This is a real labor of love.

The short answer, yes. I have taught foks how to do this via Skype. And as I get set up I will be using it to provide support on the front lines of the project to expand awareness of t.m.c.'s (tensioned micro coils).

However, as a thank you for being the first on the underground to express an interest, I'll let you be the lead on a bit of important news when it happens (not Rip, not Pete nor any of the vendors I've provided free consulting services over the past year).

Be back at ya as soon as I have some news. Good luck.



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However, as a thank you for being the first on the underground to express an interest, I'll let you be the lead on a bit of important news when it happens (not Rip, not Pete nor any of the vendors I've provided free consulting services over the past year).

Be back at ya as soon as I have some news. Good luck.


You just seem like an all around amazing person that can do amazing things!
I hate Arizona...I wish there was water here....freakin desert. Stupid cacti!

Wow! I'm the first person on here that you've come across that has expressed an interest in doing this?! I'm surprised! Seems like you would be bombarded by people so much that you wouldnt even want to give out information anymore! LOL. I'm very grateful that you're willing to let me be somewhat of an intern :p

I just wish I had a freakin rebuildable. I yearn to do some REALLY awesome builds! I spent so much getting this mini nautilus/bvc coil pack, and the mvp energy all at once so I spent a bit too much already to buy a rebuildable as well at the moment. Being 23 with an outstanding hospital bill balance and bills SUCK! haha. Doesn't let me buy my toys I want when I want them :[

If only I could find a way to rebuild these new bvc coils.....
because I dont even use my mini protanks much now, so haven't even been rebuilding anything since I bought this damn thing.
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You just seem like an all around amazing person that can do amazing things!...Wow! I'm the first person on here that you've come across that has expressed an interest in doing this?! I'm surprised! Seems like you would be bombarded by people so much that you wouldnt even want to give out information anymore! LOL. I'm very grateful that you're willing to let me be somewhat of an intern :p

Heard that, med bills suck. Car accident 15 years ago forced my early retirement. So I feel ya.

What's amazing about my life experience is simple. I decided as a young person not to miss an opportunity. In your case you merely had to have the wherewithal to ask. And yes, lots of people say they want to. Not all are earnest, or dedicated. You have to believe. If you do in yourself your capable of even more. And that means dedication to a thing. That's important, or you never get where you want to go. Life today is very distracting.

No worries. Get your webcam ready. I'm ready for real people, every day vapers and real vaping enterprises to take this on. I estimate there may be as many as several thousand people already applying tension technology and they're teaching others every day. Just like what happened with super_X_drifters contact micro coil last year. It's slow at first then all of a sudden everyone's doing it. But it'll be those like you that make it happen for them.

And hopefully they'll thank you and give you credit. That makes it possible for you to reach more. It's like that.

Good luck.



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No worries. Get your webcam ready. I'm ready for real people, every day vapers and real vaping enterprises to take this on. I estimate there may be as many as several thousand people already applying tension technology and they're teaching others every day. Just like what happened with super_X_drifters contact micro coil last year. It's slow at first then all of a sudden everyone's doing it. But it'll be those like you that make it happen for them.

And hopefully they'll thank you and give you credit. That makes it possible for you to reach more. It's like that.

Good luck.


Thats so crazy that you mention him! I was literally JUST watching one of his old videos rolling on a mini screwdriver. Thats what I was going to use first but then ended up using the ball pump haha. Good thing I have one of those too!

You let me know when youre available and well chat on skype! :D
Only thing is...I dont have kanthal with a spool. I still have the extra that came with the organic cotton I bought. Think that will be a problem?
Probably huh...because of the tension. I'll just have to show you how I get down freehanded on cam and well go from there lol


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And yeah.. I had lung surgery and problems with my heart after taking a fall before going tubing down the river. I got this huge gash in my leg, which lead to infection, but the crazy part was that the infection was already in my body after the wound had healed. It wasn't like the wound got infected or I would have known. It was the bacteria in the water that got into my blood, so I didn't even get sick till 2 months after the incident, and it was....really bad..
I didn't have insurance, and I was in the hospital for almost 3 months, then sent me to a nursing facility to complete everything for another 3 weeks. Came out with a 300k bill. Luckily most of it got taken care of anyway, but I'm still making payments on the rest. Its been rough.


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You're gonna need some. I think I'll have D organize it tomorrow (sent you message). Lots of loose rolls around I can probably spare. No worries.

Take care. Goodnight all.



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Received, read, and replied :3



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Just wanted to say I tried wrapping a tensioned micro coil tonight and it was a lot easier than hand wrapping like I had been. Dry fired it and wow what a difference in how the coil fires.


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Just wanted to say I tried wrapping a tensioned micro coil tonight and it was a lot easier than hand wrapping like I had been. Dry fired it and wow what a difference in how the coil fires.

Easier and faster. Avoiding having to torch coils to get 'em close enough to pulse is a huge time saver. But more important when you torch you start to oxidize the coil. You really don't want to do that until they're stickin' closely together. That's how you get the most perfect bonding of the coil surfaces. And the goal is getting as uniform a contact as possible when you pulse the coil alive. That's what gets you closer to perfect efficiency (although imperfections in the wire itself prevent the latter). Efficiency is the measure of vapor. The more perfect the turn to turn adhesion and alumina oxide bonding, the more actual work (vaporization) the coil will do. More work, more vapor and flavor. Do the tension wind people. You'll thank yourselves for tryin'.

Hail me here if you get hung up on either the wind or assembly procedure. Here's a summary I did of the installation process elsewhere…Fine Tuning: Precision Centering and Termination.

Good luck.



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OMG! I thought I had the micro coil built around the needle tip bottle working. It worked great, until I rewicked, now, I can't get it to stop leaking! I thought not enough rayon, but I ended up putting in too much and that was just as bad. I am getting SO frustrated with these protank coils! I had no problems building my taifun and squape, but can never seem to get these right!


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OMG! I thought I had the micro coil built around the needle tip bottle working. It worked great, until I rewicked, now, I can't get it to stop leaking! I thought not enough rayon, but I ended up putting in too much and that was just as bad. I am getting SO frustrated with these protank coils! I had no problems building my taifun and squape, but can never seem to get these right!

Needle tip is probably too small a diameter for a wick of proper size Ethel. Too much wick and you can choke the tank too. The vape that'll make you happy is a balance that fits the slots. The slots on a PTII head are about 1.8mm, maybe a few thousands over (sometimes). Here's a typical example of the perfect screwdriver to wind on — a 3/43" which is a misnomer for a .07" really, or the equivalent of a #50 drill gauge bit. If all that sounds too technical, it isn't. Just get yourself that instrument screw and it will fit. Down the road we can talk about alternatives that are equivalent and cheaper, easier to work with. Like drill blanks.


You do two or three good tight real tension winds on one of these (3/43", .07") ethel. Get a good match in your cotton to that diameter and same for a flavor wick and your gurgling days are over. Why? Because you've provided a match between the power capacity of the coil and the flow capacity of the wick to equal the maximum size the geometry will allow in the Protank.

Or, we could talk about a pin vise and drill blank cheaper than $10. Either will do the job but the pin vise is better as it can accept an assortment of diameters useful for both clearomizers and other atty's.

Once we get there, we can talk about a wind that will do that and last you weeks at a time. Promise.

Tap me on the shoulder if I can help.

Good luck.


p.s. btw, once you get one of these seriously awesome but simple tensioned contact micros working in a Protank it will be a snap to do one on a kay or dripper. You think you've seen vape heaven. Wait.
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I thought it was this thread that talked about using needles and ball pumps. Its probably the other protank head thread. I was using a q-tip, but some will say that is too big, guess it depends who you ask. I get frustrated, give up, find something new to try, get frustrated, on and on. I don't have tools, but I will look around for something a bit thicker. Thanks!


Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I thought it was this thread that talked about using needles and ball pumps. Its probably the other protank head thread. I was using a q-tip, but some will say that is too big, guess it depends who you ask. I get frustrated, give up, find something new to try, get frustrated, on and on. I don't have tools, but I will look around for something a bit thicker. Thanks!

Ethel, it does matter really. Too big, bigger than the wick slot it may choke. If the wick chokes it'll char up going dry and your coil along with it. As the coil turns less efficient it will run cool, not vaporize as well and flood the wick. As the wick floods like a soggy saturated sponge it will gunk up your coil further. Vicious cycle. So as they say…size does matter. It's real easy to just grab a needle or a toothpick. But its not about simply finding what's easy to wind on; it's about what the tank needs to work well. Fact is it can be both simple and easy. Don't know or understand how the whatever works philosophy evolved in vaping. But whatever you can get your hands on has disappointed a heck of a lot of people and certainly prevented a great many human beings from being able to escape cigarette addiction. So no, absolutely not, size does matter. And gettin' by doesn't get us over.

Good luck ethel.



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Hey now Mac! My ball pump worked perfectly!! :p
Ive never experienced leaking, but it could be because youre using rayon and not organic cotton. I know the rayon absorbs juice much quicker, which could lead to flooding. Sorry I havent been on here in a bit Mac BTW. Some stuff came up and my bf's dad had a stroke and has been in the hospital so things have been a little rough past few days.

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