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CrazyChef v2.0

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Well then the hosting company needs to go, it's so slow
I agree 100%. I don't know who suggested the current host to Joe, but they need to be fired if they work for him. They have no idea what they're doing.


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IMO, then they aren't's 2024, you should be.

I can get VU to load well, just takes some effort. It's loading fine for me now...from a non-US country. Joe don't host his w33d site in USA...der. VU is basically fodder.

CloudFlare just is an intermediary between you and the domain...they provide D0S attack mitigation, etc.


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Use an Asian VPN location...der. Go where the food is...

This site isn't in North America.

VU just loaded in ABOUT 5 SECONDS.


Bliss Doubt

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Yup, most websites use cloudflare...
Yet here you are trying to give technical advice based on reviews of a service provider you obviously have some beef with...

And the "other" 2 vape large forums use Cloudflare, yet they have no issues. Why is that do you suppose?
Okay, let me put it in another way that you'll understand - you're a fucking idiot.

TrustPilot made me prove my "beef" with Cloudflare when Cloudflare tried to have my complaint taken down. I'm not trying to give technical advice here. I'm just reporting a very frustrating problem that others complain of too.

I don't know why this thread exists. People with legit issues are just told "gee it's working fine for me, duh, what's yer problem?" Then there are ordinary little grunts pretending to be tech experts, strolling up to belittle other users for posting about issues. Are you two the people designated to answer members posting on this thread?

If, as you say, ECF has Cloudflare too, and it isn't disrupting their service, then what are they doing differently or doing right, or how is their server better managed?

What kind of uninformed generalization is it to say "most websites use Cloudflare"? I did WHOIS lookups on several sites I visit all the time without issues, and they DO NOT use Cloudflare.

If you do a search in any browser search engine you can see people asking how to block Cloudflare (can't be done of course), why Cloudflare is tormenting them, WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT CLOUDFLARE.

If you think sites like Amazon or or Wordpress are getting disrupted by Cloudflare too, you are in a bubble. You can visit them, and many, many other sites, day and night, any time, and not have Cloudflare jump up and keep you out.

"We have no control over it" is a pathetic out, the tail wagging the dog.


Cranky Old Fart
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The forum has been really slow the past few days. Something I have noticed is there are over 500 guests being reported online. I think that is hard to believe as true individuals just visiting. Coincidence or cause, I don't know, but maybe something to investigate. @5150sick


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Yup yup yup, I'm with you @gopher_byrd @Jimi . I do hate complaining, but geezer, had to get another email address in order to receive the notifications from here and VU runs crappie.
Do we need more people to pay? Would this help to get better servers or whatever it is that is needed for the forum to run smoothly?
Makes it so very difficult if/when you're in a PM and it's a serious conversation and all the sudden you are unable to reply :eek: get kicked off, can't get back on for who knows how long, the person thinks you just left them high n dry. Not good not good at all !!!
Please oh Please help us HELP the VU stay the VU !!!

CrazyChef v2.0

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The fix is really quite simple - move the forum to a new server. I don't know where it's currently hosted, but there are MANY options, under $30/month, that are considerably more reliable than the current host.

CrazyChef v2.0

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From what I can tell using a simple search, they switched to Shinjiru hosting in Malaysia 3 years ago. Crap hosting. I'll dig a bit deeper to see what I can find. @CJ would you mind letting us know where it's hosted?

CrazyChef v2.0

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It's a bit of a challenge when a site is using Cloudflare as its CDN. Gotta find out what's behind it.


CrazyChef v2.0

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I did a bit more digging. It looks like they switched from Shinjiru to a Ukranian host at VSYS at some point in the last 3 years. Another crap hosting company. Their main selling point is privacy for the company using their hosting services. Joe is extremely over-cautious when it comes to hosting, thinking that he can be shut down if hosting in the U.S. He wants the data stored offshore so that the U.S. can't regulate what's on the site. That's understandable. However, the major reliable hosting companies all offer offshore storage these days. There's no reason to resort to cheap quality hosting anymore.

CrazyChef v2.0

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Apparently, Joe doesn't give a fuck about the forum any longer. There's an ad for on the main page. went out of business over 2 years ago. If he gave a shit, the least he could do is get his people to update the ads. These are PAID ads - so nobody is actually paying for that space the ad is taking up.

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