I just read the whole thread. And I have been using cotton bacon v2 and will not use anything else unless it stands up to the same quality. It holds more juice. It seems to be more heat resistant as you can unsaturate it almost to the point where the wick is dry and not get a burnt hit. Yes of course the flavor goes down at that point. And it lasts forever. I'm not sure how they are doing it. Must be doing something with the strands. But the heat resistance thing gets me. Go ahead order a bag and you will see. Now I've been hearing about this kendo vape cotton. I want to try this. After seeing a few reviews and the reviewers act as though there mind is blown by the performance. But I believe it will be comparable to cotton bacon v2. So basically my point is they are processing it somehow to make it work better whether it's restranding or who knows. Anyways hope this means anything to anyone. Take care and vape on!!!
I've tried the cotton bacon. Compared to the $9 per 200ct Organic Japanese cotton pads I have, it's subjective. I like the wicking capability of the cotton bacon, but it's not better than the cheap organic pads I use IMO.
I bought a team pack on Ebay for about $14 the other week. And everyone is correct, it's some great cottonNo its $6.99 and 1 pack will probably last a month or so
I love Cotton Bacon V2 and NW Platinum Blend...I wont use anything else as everything else has a nasty taste at first or a break in or doesnt last very long..Some of the other stuff out there is gag worthy even without dryhits!
They arent the same as other cottons, they dont have a taste like Cotton Balls or Jap Cotton, They are much more absorbent, they are cleaner and whiter then anything else Ive seen and the taste is as clean as the juice itself. It may look similar to something else but until you vape on both after a fresh wick of each you are just speculating...theres a massive difference.
ITs not when you have them side by side with brand new wicking....theres a distinct difference much like Rayon vs Cotton. I have most types of cottons and Ive used them all, I still have a bag of Jap Squares and Cotton Balls but you can tell when you go to take a draw off them there is a strong taste from them for a good while until it dissipates.Placebo effect. Have you heard of it?
I like it for drippers but not rta's as its too inconsistent like working with a cotton ball that rips to easyITs not when you have them side by side with brand new wicking....theres a distinct difference much like Rayon vs Cotton.
Brother cotton bacon goes through a washing and purification process and I believe that. I will occasionally try Jap organic pads and I can get over the taste, Wich is rather small honestly but why when I can spend 5 on a pack and I don't care I'm finicky as fuck and am always throwing new shit on together etc. I go through more than most and i haven't used half of one pack.
- Cotton Bacon is good stuff but if your like me have been building for awhile and basically only use one or two different builds and want to keep it simple it's not for you! With a cotton pad you get used to cutting the amount you need peeling it, fluffing it then using it. While you don't need scissors for cotton bacon it still sucks and has no purpose unless you need to wick your rda on a roller coaster to get a pull before you get off and have to re wick again. It is super inconsistent you can spend hours trying to figure out how much cotton you just ripped off. With pads after you find out how much you need you can cut all of your pads up to the size you need then use it or package it call it cotton chicken and sell 70 cents of cotton for 10$ I.M.O it's not worth the better taste you get off the first two puffs lol and if you build to Vape at high high wattages every cotton breaks down fast so just buy organic cotton from cvs. If you like cotton bacon it's only $4 on and I have wicked 100 3mm dual coil builds on one of the strips they are a lot bigger/thicker than they look whoever said one bag will wick 50 builds must be running 8 ,10mm coils in one build.
Very true. I usually buy it on eBay. I just happen to be on that app and thought why not I'm already here. LolOn ebay Ive found places that sell it in the USA for 5 bags for $21 shipped, its a dollar more then outside the USA but I get it in 3 days...enough to last 2-3 months for me