@RocketPuppy ok lol here goes
VCv2 to me tastes like cough syrup and clay. Aged for a week in very familiar mixes - desserts, fruits, tobaccos - it takes a slice out of the body and replaces it with a subtle but distinct dryness. That sensory effect does kind of remind me of the texture of cold custard however, and the effect provided is delivered consistently w/e the %. If I try to ignore and "vape though" the Nyquil/cough-drop notes I get, I find myself kind of nodding and saying "I think I get it," but I don't enjoy it when I listen to my tongue.
Ironically, the recipe I tried that was the most palatable was the popular Skwoddy's Ambrosia recipe - 25% VCv2, 4-5% EM. WTF?!?! why doesn't this taste as horrible as 5-15% to me? Is there some psycho-olfactory force at play that's keeping my brain from registering my sensory information as "custard" (or at least "not horrible")? It's possible for me (and some others) there's a weird threshold of palatability. While I'd like to find it for the sake of ... science ... I don't really know what I've been missing, and VCv2 has had more meh mixes at my table than any other flavor, so my motivation is running out.
French Vanilla v2 by Cap smells the same out of the bottle. There's a vanilla funk that translates to medicine for me, but without the clay. TPA FV at least tastes and smells like the product description.
Vanilla Cupcake by Cap. Standard capella vanilla funk but the cake ... haha. Imagine the taste of awesome cupcake... batter. Tastes raw. Then take that difference in taste between cooked and raw, and double it somehow. Maybe some AP to help the weird virgin taste? Other notes in it are stellar but dammit. Before dumping a mix of this, I discovered I could at least breath off what I don't like about the vanilla in this one but at the expense of the other flavors.
If there was an "American" version of FA custard with vanilla instead of citrus, I'd have no reason to keep trying to make VCv2 work. The only reason to buy Cap vanillas is if you don't know about FA, as I only discovered weeks ago.
I want to discover more about my tastes so I can know when a popular recipe won't work for me.