interesting topic I’ve often thought about this too
These things sell ....just like sex sells that plays a part of course it does just like every other industry in the world.
what’s popular in different countries would be a good way to look into it also, is it the same everywhere or just a western thing?
development of it ...right from vaping starting into the early days to the “the modders” Phase of vaping, I’m talking about the dudes pumping out the early vids anyway .....this is going to be the scene/trend setting side of it ... (not all of the folks by any means here, so not tarring everyone with the same brush) but a lot of folks were/are into tats/symbolism anyway...naturally when they release products they like all that kind of stuff .....China emulates and it becomes mainstream.
...if you look at vaping up until fairly recently it’s been in its own bubble kinda of developing into a mature model...legislation kicking in everywhere is a sign of that process (to me anyway), and where this is concerned historically word of mouth, and peer to peer advertising has been the chosen tool for as long as I’ve been vaping...which relates to the topic above “influencers” or “trend setters” drive a lot of it...Hardware branding hasn’t yet entered the spotlight proper yet although juices targeted at kids almost certainly’ll come just hasnt yet.
Names sound better ....some angelic stuff out there also, as well as other religions entirely, certainly see a lot of Ancient Greek and mythology
There is also a large amount of non symbolic vaping hardware, many of the “high end” mod scene don’t furnish thier gear with any branding, don’t need to looks good without it.
...then you have others ....HAAR went as far as putting broccoli on it, ample pixie RDTA looks like a minion ...
In this market you’ll see a bit of everything because no one size fits all...styles just like music, most people just walk on by and don’t think one way or another about it, except just think not for me and move on.
Symbolism is really important we kinda of have it all around us in our everyday lives just most people are oblivious to if you started putting swasticas on stuff bet that gets noticed quickly as an example which is an interesting debate all in itself...a symbol morphed from an originator to other purposes which most in the west recognise as nazi/white supremacy these days and would be frowned upon.