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In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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If you get harassed via PM asking you to buy/trade their gear let forum moderators know, we can take action, however sales section is purely down to members discretion ...you buy, sell and trade at your own risk...we do not play the role of mediator in sales disputes


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I see killer deals on good stuff here on vu and love that i have the chance to get in on them.

I too love and use the Trading Post to buy, sell and trade - but feel the ppl I have done business with are also my pals mainly


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It makes it easyer buying from people i have seen b a reputable seller and many i have talked with here on vu. So i know they are good people b4 hand.


The Vapin' Drummer
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The first item I posted for sale here ended up being a trade with gadget! Great guy and first positive feedback. I've bought more than I've sold and found that some people don't give feedback for buyers despite quick payment and smooth transitions.

At the end of the day you just need to make sure everything passes the smell test.
That's one thing I'm bad about and never think about. But thanks for mentioning this as I need to put it at the top of my list in the next transaction. And for those that I did forget I'm truly sorry

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