I will be making 1 post and 1 post only.
First, Trainspotting is not me. Just someone who has been supportive every step of the way. So back the eff off.
The accusations you guys are making are ridiculous. NEVER did I say I wasn't honoring orders. They will just be taking extra time, due to my circumstances. No one is playing the victim here. PERIOD. But I will not have you spewing BS or involving my child's safety.
You want FACTS?
I ordered parts in January, got them 5.5 months later.
I ordered parts in April, never received them after forking out 1210.00 of your money. Couldn't dispute it come Aug because paypal won't honor disputes after 45 days. In March I sent back 8 defective boards, of which I never received... months and months later. 100's of emails, phone calls to Dimension Engineering, no response. Think I'm the only modder who got shafted? Ask around. But to make things right I went and saved as much of my profits as I could to go buy more chips, this time from Clouper [these are what I currently have]. So while you guys claim I'm scamming people. NO. I have spent my own money to do right, because that is the way I was raised. Where most of you are heartless I'll stick to the facts. At this point I stopped offering the DNA, because I didn't want to do business with Evolv any longer. Still, repairs are coming in. I'm still sending out emails to DI letting them know I still have 18 faulty boards, Steve's response after IDK how many months "Send them on back and we'll get you squared away" Like an idiot who had already been screwed out of so much money I sent them back in early Sept [I have tracking to provide proof of ALL of this], nothing. NOTHING. NOTHING. I then decided to try and open yet another Paypal dispute and switch over to the SX350, which surely this would fix everything and make everything right to others, right? WRONG. I dug myself deeper. I haven't touched a DIME of money from the mods since January. Not to pay my bills, nothing. It's why my car was repossessed and I still have to pay for it. IDK why my shop website is still showing as UP because that was cancelled when I couldn't make the 9.99 a month payment. Now this isn't me playing the victim, this is FACTS. EVERYTHING has been taken from me or shut off, other than my electric which I am struggling to pay. Oh wow! I made an etsy account, with my REAL name. Trying to come up with shipping money, that is being deposited in a friends bank account. I don't have a Paypal, that was wiped clean and negative over 5,000.00 by charge backs mainly from people who already had their mods [yet I'm the scammer here] I had to go to the lengths to beg a friend for 25.00 to even close it in the 1st place. My bank account was so over drawn that they closed it. You want to know more FACTS? The list you see, is the list that is STILL being completed, but you can thank YOUR VILE BS for me taking my time because the stress of THIS is no good to my health. For those who want just parts sent. Feel free to FB me once I get my account back since you all were so nice to report me for a fake name. Nah you idiots. My name is Shanndah Burkholder, my ID will provide proof and they'll reactivate my account once they get to my claim.
Now, to the fools claiming 15K, 20K, 25K I've scammed people? No, that's more like the amounts I've lost here, but who cares about my losses right? Exactly. As of right now, there are 18 mods TOTAL that I cannot complete because of parts I never received. 2700.00 is the FACTUAL number here. So instead of the people who have been so kind getting that shaft, the people who have made false claims, bad mouthed me, posted my address, or who have just been completely VILE... I will be putting your names at the bottom of my list. I will cater to the customers who have treated me with a little respect. To post my home address where over a dozen children live at these apartments, and my 6 yr old child lives here. ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN? You care so much about 150 - 180.00 that you are willing to risk the wellness of MY child. No, you just made it personal.
I am not on the run, I'm not going by any aliases, and I'm not changing my name to hide.
You cannot contact me by email because it was cancelled, you cannot call me because comcast suspended my service, and thanks to you LOVELY people you pulled my last form of contact by reporting my PERSONAL facebook because you threw fits over money. I removed my ShanMods, because I am SICK of defending myself, while trying to work on mods and keep a SMALL income to pay my electric bill via Etsy. I've had heart problems since I was 12, and the stress from the past 9 months has relapsed me and I am currently dealing with my Rheumatic Heart Disease [google that, and you'll see what I'm up against]
Is money really SO important to you that you would do this? So important that you would put my child at risk? So much that you would call me a drug addict for losing weight because I have been deathly sick? Get effing real.
I'm sick of the accusations. Sick of people thinking they know something about nothing.
I'll continue making these mods, shipping parts to those who have requested, but I WILL NOT justify myself any longer to people as money hungry and heartless as you folks right here. What happens if I stroke out and die from the stress? You gonna go after my kid next?
The police will be involved, but not as ya'll might think.
Thanks have a great evening.
Shanndah "Shan" Burkholder