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SICK AS TITS!!! - Any Rip Trippers fans out there?


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The cuts can be a little distracting but I do like that he's so animated. I've tried to watch a few review videos from other youtubers and they're so monotone I can't make it through.


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He's much more entertaining then some of the lifeless old farts making tutorials that would double up as a good sleeping aid, but he can be annoying after a while lol. His videos are what i'm using to practice building fancy coils at the moment


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Rip gets major props from me...tells it like it is and gives knowledgeable advice...sickastits!!!

chris damron

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I keep up with his videos. I like the tutorials a lot more than his reviews though, but it seems like the tutorials have slowed down quite a bit over the last few months. I guess there's only so many ways to wrap a coil :/. Either way, Rip and Trevor Jones have taught me how to build.


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Rip is great. First and foremost, he is informative. I also find him entertaining, which is a bonus. I can see how people might find him annoying, good thing there is the option to not watch him if you don't want to. Although he seems like a pretty goofy dude, he clearly takes what he does seriously and he's good at it (at least IMO).


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I watched him, up until the point he started telling folks they wont get the same taste of effect when they use clones from china.....


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I like him. He is out there... esp when his eyes are RED.
Good builds, entertaining and covers the newest stuff.
Haters will always hate.


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I like Rip,as mentioned before, his over the top antics keep the video interesting for me. I've learned a lot
on making coils from his videos.


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I got my avatar from one of the spoofs. His videos are very similar to what is making a ton of money in women's makeup videos. Yeah I sleep while my fiance watches those in bed. Not a fan of the constant cuts, but there is something catchy about doing the videos that way. What will the next coil build with silly name be?


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I can only take Rip in small doses (usually after a few beers), but I think he works hard on his videos and should get props for all the effort he puts in. Judging by his hit counts on his videos, I'd say he is quite successful as an entertainer. I many times disagree with his opinions and conclusions, but I still think he brings good value to the community as an entertainer and I think he adds a lot of useful information to vapers new to rebuilding.


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I like that he isn't afraid to express his individuality. I wish our society/culture embraced and welcomed individuality over conformity, but it doesn't. It expects you to be "normal" or "grow up" (which is code for conform imo), fit in or be cast out mentality.

I respect individuals that do what they want to do, not what they believe others want them to do. It's as simple as that.

So Rip turns it up a notch like a pro wrestling promotion when the camera rolls, unashamed and having fun and somehow getting a shit ton of people to go back and watch the next vid, so what.


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if i find a new atty or mod riptripper is the first i go searching for to get my review and build info. hes entertaining and informative. if it wasnt for rip id prob gave up on vaping and went back to smoking. i subscribe to his vids and look forward to the latest and greatest. and if i had a product i wanted promoted i would sure ship him one for free cause i could sure use free advertisement directed specifically to that type of consumer audience. and he is honest opinion-wise like with the g-plat wires. he says its amazing but if he had to actually buy it he would just stick to kanthal cause of the price. yea so he makes money and hes getting his underground 5 minutes of fame. isnt that what everyone hopes for?


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how many people would watch Ben Stein give mod reviews or tutorials?


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I watched him, up until the point he started telling folks they wont get the same taste of effect when they use clones from china.....

Well, he's just propagating one of the many myths circulating among vapers that fancy themselves as "cool" or "advanced". Such myths include:

- Mechs taste better than electronics
- The more you approach zero ohms, the closer you are to vaping nirvana
- The more power you pump into the coil, the more flavorful the vape
- One can taste the difference between a PWM mod and a stabilized voltage mod
- Torching Kanthal is compulsory before wrapping coils
- The tighter the coil loops are squashed together, the better the coil
- Nanocoils taste better than microcoils, that taste better than regular coils
- Only organic cotton that's been grown on a holy mountainside in Japan, harvested under a full moon and boiled in holy water give the best flavor

Etc, etc. The amount of bullshitting in the vaping community can be staggering sometimes, and newbies who don't know no better fall for it right and left.


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I think Rip's a hoot, is he over the top? Yep.. Is he wild and crazy? Yep.. But, he was the one that showed me how to wind coils.
Thanks Rip.. hahahahaha!
I keep up with his videos. I like the tutorials a lot more than his reviews though, but it seems like the tutorials have slowed down quite a bit over the last few months. I guess there's only so many ways to wrap a coil :/. Either way, Rip and Trevor Jones have taught me how to build.
Thanks for checking out the videos bro! It means allot to me and I am grateful for it! Hope to see you at the next one!


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I think he's kinda annoying, but i'll have to admit he's entertaining at times.

Lets see how many Rip Trippers fans there are.

Like this post if you are a fan of Rip Trippers.

Comment below if you are not a fan.

I wasn't a fan but after all the drama I'm gonna go check him out


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I'm not necessarily a fan of his persona, but more power to him for putting himself out there like that. If he actually is like that IRL and he enjoys doing what he does then he's doing it right.

I am a fan of his reviews and tutorials however. His reviews tell you what you need to know and are to the point unlike some other reviewers out there who put up half an hour to an hour reviews on a mech mod or atty.

His reviews also taught me most of what I know about rebuilding.

Over all though, my favourite reviewers are Suck My Mod.


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I'm fairly new to vaping and when I first got started, before I found this place, before I found the *other* forum, I found RIPs videos. As a smoker/casual vaper at the time Rip helped open my eyes to the possibilities out there. Would I have eventually figured things out on my own? Probably. But he puts out fun videos that aren't hour long tirades talking about industry gossip. I like him, probably always will.

I'm not necessarily a fan of his persona, but more power to him for putting himself out there like that. If he actually is like that IRL and he enjoys doing what he does then he's doing it right.

I think it's a character and it's obviously worked for him! He seems to legitimately love vaping but no one has that much energy in real life lol.


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before I found this place, before I found the *other* forum,

LOL, I found ECF first too.

I didn't really have a choice in 2012.

Some of those guys over there are nuts.

The first thing they tell you: Get a provari

The second thing they tell you: Vaping below 1 ohm will cause you to instantly drop dead.

The third thing: You probably already questioned them about the first two and now you are banned:D
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LOL, I found ECF first too.

I didn't really haver a choice in 2012.

Some of those guys over there are nuts.

The first thing they tell you: Get a provari

The second thing they tell you: Vaping below 1 ohm will cause you to instantly drop dead.

The third thing: You probably already questioned them about the first two and now you are banned:D

Yeah that and "to answer your question, here's a link to a 2000 page thread vaguely referencing what you were asking about where someone might have answered your question a year and a half ago. Don't you know how to search?"


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LOL, I found ECF first too.

I didn't really haver a choice in 2012.

Some of those guys over there are nuts.

The first thing they tell you: Get a provari

The second thing they tell you: Vaping below 1 ohm will cause you to instantly drop dead.

The third thing: You probably already questioned them about the first two and now you are banned:D

Who recommends a Provari anymore?

Pauly Walnuts

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I like Rip. I dont worship him, but hes alright. He doesnt annoy me, but hes not a god either.
However, I dont take reviewers word on anything, I watch them mainly to see close ups of equipment and builds. Their builds rarely work for me, but thats fine. I only watch reviews on things I might like to buy, so I never see anyone's complete body of work.


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I was watching Robert Ellis videos and Busardo vids before I found Rip and Vapingwithtwisted420. I never watched busardo and ellis videos again. Just couldnt bring myself to trudge through their boring commentary and dialogue, especially Robert Ellis. God, that guy sucked the life out of me while watching his vids. All bug eyed and shit.


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I like the way he takes everything apart, shows quality images of everything from all angles and goes over all the features. Shows and tells me what I need to know without wasting too much time. If I'm considering a device and he has a video on it you bet your ass I'm gonna watch it. Crappy images, incomplete technical information and too much time spent on opinions causes me to avoid many youtube'ers. Rip does a pretty good job providing what I'm looking for.


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I learned a lot from this guy...
One thing I never really understood is that he never reviews his own juice!!! I'm not sure if I make sense!


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I learned a lot from this guy...
One thing I never really understood is that he never reviews his own juice!!! I'm not sure if I make sense!

Because he'd be biased. He came up with the flavors. Of course he'd like them.


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It took me a few videos of Rip to get pass his annoying presentation. I like watching the coil rebuilds even if I don't plan on making most of them.
I was watching his nano coil video (again), when it dawned on me to do a single coil version for my DIY flavor taster. Changing a "cloud puff" is far quicker for me to do then installing a new wick through a coil.


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LOL, I found ECF first too.

I didn't really have a choice in 2012.

Some of those guys over there are nuts.

The first thing they tell you: Get a provari

The second thing they tell you: Vaping below 1 ohm will cause you to instantly drop dead.

The third thing: You probably already questioned them about the first two and now you are banned:D
#1 was get a provari #2 was get a Carto tank.... I do wish VU had a "Baditude" Battery safety expert....His blogs are the bomb.


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I learned a lot from this guy...
One thing I never really understood is that he never reviews his own juice!!! I'm not sure if I make sense!

Welp, there lays the honest truth behind him always touting his moral beliefs. He probably wants someone else out there to rise up and impress the shit out of him with a juice review on his own stuff. Like he always says, he's not in it for the money.... Maybe.


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Welp, there lays the honest truth behind him always touting his moral beliefs. He probably wants someone else out there to rise up and impress the shit out of him with a juice review on his own stuff. Like he always says, he's not in it for the money.... Maybe.
Todd just did a review/blog where he touched on this drama and How he handles things...It was honest and open.


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He did a sort of "soft" review on one of his juices in his latest video
Just a quick "this is what I'm vaping, this is what it tastes like." basically lol. I bet when that flavor is actually released sales are through the roof and I have zero issue with him doing that. It's his platform, his products, his character, he should have the right to make some money and if it keeps him making quality videos I think we should all be for it.


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LOL, I found ECF first too.

I didn't really have a choice in 2012.

Some of those guys over there are nuts.

The first thing they tell you: Get a provari

The second thing they tell you: Vaping below 1 ohm will cause you to instantly drop dead.

The third thing: You probably already questioned them about the first two and now you are banned:D
Years ago I had never been on ECF. I was on another forum and a guy was going to sell me an updated ecf approved Zmax. I asked him what "updated" and "ecf approved" meant. Turned out it was ecf approved because the vendor had cut slits down the side for venting. It was updated making some type of seal to put in the holes so water couldn't get in.

So yeah, that was my introduction to ecf. Cut slits in your mod, then plug the holes back up and now it's safe. Morons. And no, I didn't buy it.


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Years ago I had never been on ECF. I was on another forum and a guy was going to sell me an updated ecf approved Zmax. I asked him what "updated" and "ecf approved" meant. Turned out it was ecf approved because the vendor had cut slits down the side for venting. It was updated making some type of seal to put in the holes so water couldn't get in.

So yeah, that was my introduction to ecf. Cut slits in your mod, then plug the holes back up and now it's safe. Morons. And no, I didn't buy it.

Also they have a 300 page rule thread and when someone pisses a mod off they just add a new rule way after your OP and ban you for breaking that new rule.


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Years ago I had never been on ECF. I was on another forum and a guy was going to sell me an updated ecf approved Zmax. I asked him what "updated" and "ecf approved" meant. Turned out it was ecf approved because the vendor had cut slits down the side for venting. It was updated making some type of seal to put in the holes so water couldn't get in.

So yeah, that was my introduction to ecf. Cut slits in your mod, then plug the holes back up and now it's safe. Morons. And no, I didn't buy it.
I remember the hub-bub about that, sat behind keyboard "Laughing my ass off"


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I remember the hub-bub about that, sat behind keyboard "Laughing my ass off"
I know it isn't fun to admit when you're wrong, but they coulda just changed the cutting slits rule and act like it never happened. Lol.


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I get a kick out of the crazy hillbilly deal sometimes, sometimes I want to bitch smack him and shave his beard out of sheer annoyance and hop up and down yelling Valhalla in victory.

Reviews aside, I have to give him credit. For a long time, and still to date he was/is one of the very few who could/can do a good build video. I learned a lot of the coils I use from his videos. My center coils would still look like I was cognitively impaired of not for his video.

I don't get caught up in vape drama. Even if he was on the take, it only means so much. If you buy a mod or atty because someone told you to, you did it to your self. If you only watch one video to make a choice on a mod and you really want to see what people think, then you should do more homework. Not saying getting paid is/would be right. I'm just saying take you're time to look into things. Watch a few big name reviews. Better yet, watch videos from the nobody reviewers out there. They are like most of us. They do not get it for free and they want a product to be good when they spend hard earned money on it. Just beware of fanboys. They're not to hard to pick out.


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do not take more then one rip tripper a day
side effects may include
liver failure
adrenal failure
excessive beard growth
overuse of just for men
a overwhelming urge to wear stupid hats
irritable bowel syndrome
humming the titanic song in your sleep
and sickly tit syndrome in females
pregnant females should not handle rip trippers to avoid spontaneous miscarriage
talk to your doctor before starting rip trippers

cant afford your medication? astra zenica may be able to help


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fan?....short Long answer....Oh hell no.
mostly because he's a cloud chaser, and knows next to nothing about gennys.some of his genny builds are laughable.

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