I got the cube 2 days ago, and so far really like it. A few little piss offs though. The Fire Bar, stuck in the fire postion, Being shiny new and all, I managed to suppress the urge to tear it down, and instead took it back to the shop the next day, where they told me that mine was the third one with that same problem. You could clearly see in the upper right gap of the fire bar, (if you are looking straight on at the fire bar) is catching on the case because there is not enough clearance. The shop guys just backed off one of the Allen screws, and it doen not stick now, but the reason it was sticking, is that the part was not finished properly, It should have been ground down a little more on the top surface of the bar. At some point its coming apart, and I'll set up a play date for it with Mr. Dremel. Annoying.
QC should be catching this stuff, after all, there is a reason it's called a FIRE fkn bar!! I upgraded the firmware today, the "new" Beta exe did not work, so I used the older version, easy peasy. What is a piss off there though, is that it still does not do temp controll on stainless (and I'm ALL about stainless) unless you use their stupid app, and pay them 3$ extera to activate it. Sort of pisses me off, and I'll be starting a thread on that bit of shamefull cheapery. Otherwise, what's not to like? It's big! its heavy! With the TFV4 on it, I can use it to club baby seals, and blow big enough clouds Greenpeace will never catch me!
I have 3 Smok M65s, I got them from 25-35$. They fit nicely in a .40cal mag pouch on my belt, and have been very durable. The X Cube 2 has continued in the lowest price per watt footsteps, and if it is half as tough as the M65, I think I'll be very happy, and may even forgive Smok their 2 bit fuckery over the stainless TC.