Okay - finally built that Charm clone from GB that's been sitting on my nightstand for a couple of weeks, lol
It vapes almost 1/1
So those of you that asked if the Mark Bugs authentic is worth the price - that is up to you to decide. Check out the clone, if you like how it vapes, go for it.
The clone has only one drip tip option, no tools and is built somewhat rough with sharp edges, but that is to be expected for a cheap clone. The top cap fits on the base of the authentic, but not perfectly. It does not sit perfectly on the clone base either, but not enough to let air escape or interfere with the It comes with the squonk pin installed and does not have a drip pin option. In fact, it came with no goodies at all, not even a spare o-rings.
I've only been vaping the clone for about an hour.
They are both sporting a single fused twisted clapton at a perfect .7 ohms -
Authentic is on the left
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