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Are you sick of pretentious shop owners?

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...but I can bet you five to one, nobody in this thread that backs him up on his decisions to vent out about customers, can say that they have bought a single thing from his shop.......lol...........

Ah, yeah I have. Proof? Yeah, I have that too (note: personal info removed):

Thank you for your order
Your order has been received and is now being processed. Your order details are shown below for your reference:

Order: #24530
Product Quantity Price
Sony US18650VTC5 2600mAh (#SOVTC5)
5 $49.95
Cart Subtotal: $49.95
Shipping: Free Fast First Class
Order Total: $49.95
Customer details


Billing address

Shipping address

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Sorry, it took a minute or two to try to get the last post to show up right using my Kendal. Now, I know I "could have" just typed up a fake receipt, but it is actually copied and pasted from the original email verification. The order number is valid.
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Kissing ass? I simply agreed with a statement that someone else made. You need to back the fuck off and take a chill pill, asshole.

and kissing ass in the forums will not get him to send you free stuff....

Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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Kissing ass? I simply agreed with a statement that someone else made. You need to back the fuck off and take a chill pill, asshole.

Man, i wouldn't kiss your mom with that mouth......oh wait, I kissed her with mine, i forgot....

Celtic Fog

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I've ordered from Ed plenty of times. I have no problem with his site posting

Wow, your on a first name bases with him? Does he call you Tom?

Celtic Fog

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Well, Im pretty sure you alittle bit of both....but we wont hold that against you. Thanks for playing, please come again.


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His business loses customers daily, and if he does not care, I dont either. My point was that he is an asshat and stupid for throwing money away, and I hope it doesn't come back to bite him in the ass. To each their own. If you enjoy his company, by all means, keep buying from him. We have the right to shop where we want....but I can bet you five to one, nobody in this thread that backs him up on his decisions to vent out about customers, can say that they have bought a single thing from his shop.......lol. His site has the same shit all the other shops have, just cost more, and comes with insults...."Just telling how it is" right Hawk?.....Proud to be an idiot. Vape on.

lighten up buttercup and check post 10...

Celtic Fog

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you...complete me. hehehehehe.
Hi there, Celtic

The industry is not like other businesses its saturated with misinformation and bad business practices. I put that post as a deterrent mechanism for people who soon turn to be problem customers if they did not understand what they were purchasing or even worse cause personal or property damage to themselves or loved ones. That description did very little to hurt my business and it served as a wake up call to many vapers who did not understand the importance of charging lipo batteries or were previously misinformed, using cheap chargers, charging unattended or realize they may be putting others at risk. Other descriptions did not work or convey the point clearly. After the description change battery sales dropped slightly but there was a strong uptick on Xtar chargers strangely. Also the daily issues with batteries dead after 1 or 2 charges and melted chargers disappeared completely.

I do not know why your are taking it so personal, if you chose to be offended that is choice that you personally made. To assume that the vast majority of customers I have feel the same way as you is an error on your part. My success in this business does not come being like everyone else it has come from being different. I created the Protank with Kangertech over a year ago due to the same frustration about eliquids cracking tanks and concerns of people vaping melted plastic. I also worked on the Puritank as well. Currently this a still a new industry and it often times goes in the wrong direction, sometimes I have no choice but to rock the boat a little and steer it strait again. I apologize if your feel hurt but if I catered to every sensitive person in the community I would be doing the industry a huge disservice. If my crazy rant saved one person from potentially setting a room on fire I strongly feel its worth the criticism I have received from you.

To keep it short and to the point. If I have to pick between offending some random stranger or crassly getting someones attention on the safety aspects of a battery to potentially save an issue. I will chose offending the random stranger an infinite amount of times before letting someone assume this is like a rechargeable Duracell type battery. I do not value profit over people to the point where I need to convert every web user into a customer. And undoing previous misinformation is difficult, at a certain point its just about the stiff deterrent which actually works.

I like customers who understand where I am coming from and it allows me to offer better service to right user. I have outlasted quite a few vendors, trying to be all things to all people usually just leaves a bunch of unsatisfied and disappointed customers.


Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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This industry is saturated with poor examples of vendors, like yourself. You will not last much longer with this attitude. That much is obvious by your undying need to be right...in forums and on your webpage. If you felt being crass was how you better protect customers, you should ethically stop selling batteries, and leave that to a battery specialist vendor. After all, there not Duracell's right? Your not rocking the boat either, your setting a horrible example to the FDA, this is why they feel the need to regulate and quell this industry. You have poor business skills and it shows.

Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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Good day to you sir.
You have said a few things that are not credible and your assuming way too much, and at this point I am convinced you are seeking attention.

If the FDA is going to regulate 18650 batteries (which they are not) its not because of my rant, it would be because they actually catch fire.

I have read your post on this thread and on other spots in VU and it appears you seem to not be able to take criticism or digest what people are telling you without arguing. I would speculate you're projecting your own issues.

In other words maybe the product description hit closer to home than you like an that is really what is upsetting you.

Have a good day yourself. :)

Celtic Fog

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First off, this is labeled opinion, you are the one who chose to run here and correct my opinion...Again, showing me your skills in communication and public relations....Attention seeking, again, you are the one who chased me down on a forum post, labeled OPINION, to seek out your fame and glory, as the creator of the protank....The FDA will not ban the batteries, they will ban mods that use them, since people like you get uneducated customers and potential users so scared of them. Third, I can take criticism, quite well, but you insisted on telling me how it was instead."Digest what people are telling you", no asshat, you "don't tell me shit", I tell you. You and your company are a joke. Ill consider you worth a squirt of piss, when you pass your 30 year in business mark. Fourth, your product description has nothing to do with the product, you so poorly represent. Finally, I'm proud to be an idiot, one who would never waste one hard earned cent with your company. Thank you. Btw, these posts are being copied and pasted, they will be shared on all the other forums you run to trying to make yourself feel better for ruining your name with your mouth. Proud Idiot who Will NEVER shop your store.

Celtic Fog

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I do have to say one thing, he does not lack the courage of his convictions, and he believes in himself greatly. Something has to be said for that.


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I think you've gone off the deep end Celtic, and you weren't wearing your floaties. Might turn out bad for you. You started out coherent enough, but you've pretty much devolved into nonsense and raving. I understand you don't like his web page, fair enough, but take a step back and gather up some composure because you're looking pretty foolish right about now. Hope you get your issues worked out.


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You really should consider getting that Xstar charger from him... It is awesome... :D

Celtic Fog

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Thank god I have strong independent women like @robtest and @Drone to keep me guided in the right direction.


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I didn't take offense to the statement about batteries. In fact, I agree. I wouldn't want to sell quality cells to morons who will ruin them and demand satisfaction when an issue arises.

Truth is, there are a lot of uneducated lithium battery users out there and this kind of warning will make them perhaps stop and take notice. Kudos to Sun Vapers. I seriously think you've read this one wrong. We're not talking about some high end clothing store, or something.


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druid boy, if you like strong independent women like me,,, you are doing it wrong... j/s... ;)

Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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I'm no boy....I'm a man, a strong Celt. My beard is long and grey with experience, I do it right and I do it all night long....


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Celtic Fog

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LOL, maybe if the dude wasn't a retard he would still be alive....Natural Selection...Nuff Said.


The Road Warrior
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@Celtic Fog ....I just found this and I have to say it made me smile....but since this is an opinion piece I can't stop myself from adding my opinion as someone who grew up between OC and Seattle and has run a Business out of San Jose as an adult and had to deal with all the extra bullshit from just doing business in Cali period....I actually agreed and liked the way he presented his disclaimer...I am tired of kids that have watched a few controlled tests of shorted batteries on youtube tell me that "oh a battery won't explode, it will just get hot and leak..." when in reality if your mech mod doesn't have adequate ventilation (which I believe most don't in my opinion) then the pressure building up inside that tube from the battery leaking/venting/expanding will be faster and greater than the little vent holes if any can handle causing the mod to blow out the top or bottom. San Diego always felt like to me that you had to have a membership card just to hang out or live there and I never spent much time past Laguna Niguel where we lived (usually headed north towards Long Beach,)

But I will say this...his disclaimer stuck in my mind...and if it got me to pay attention and you to write a comment piece than it stuck in yours too...and id rather have someone get a good point across in a candid manor and have people remember it and be more safety consciousness of it regardless of their feelings being hurt by it than someone trying to cater to everyone's feelings and have no one listen...one thing I haven't agreed with is this new idea of "everyone gets a participation trophy so no one's feelings get hurt" mentality this country seems to be developing.....when I played sports I didn't get a lot of trophies or awards because I sucked and didn't deserve them....yeah it sucked at the time but now that I am older and wiser I'd rather me not get a trophy than everyone get one regardless of whether they suck or not because it sends out a bad message. He felt that was the best way to get his point across and ran with it, and despite being rather blunt and in your face it seems to have been quite effective. There's always someone who is going to be unhappy with something. Better it be someone sending the right message the wrong way than the wrong thing happening from the message being politically correct and no one listening....

Just my opinion bro...looking forward to many more debated conversations like this :)

ps...I am not going to screen shot all of them but I've made half a dozen orders with the guy...not always the cheapest...but everything is shipped, shipped right, never had a problem with anything and his batteries have always been authentic when I got them from him. Just sayin...

Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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I grew up in Southern California, ran a family business for 15 years there as well...and you are right about Cali standards lol. Have family in San Diego and you are VERY right about having to be a card carrying member to even hang there lol. The day I left Cali, was the day my life truly began. I give him credit for having the balls to be him, thats for sure. I have used his links a few times to help people recognize fake sony's, they are to the point and extremely helpful. I always put a disclaimer in, when linking his sight however, telling our members here that I, in no way, share his attitude towards newcomers to the hobby. Glad you added to the discussion @madmonkey


The Road Warrior
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I grew up in Southern California, ran a family business for 15 years there as well...and you are right about Cali standards lol. Have family in San Diego and you are VERY right about having to be a card carrying member to even hang there lol. The day I left Cali, was the day my life truly began. I give him credit for having the balls to be him, thats for sure. I have used his links a few times to help people recognize fake sony's, they are to the point and extremely helpful. I always put a disclaimer in, when linking his sight however, telling our members here that I, in no way, share his attitude towards newcomers to the hobby. Glad you added to the discussion @madmonkey

It was my pleasure and thank you...like I said I am looking forward to hopefully many more conversations like this. I don't want to step on anyones toes or get into a knock down drag out fight....but there's nothing like a good debate :) I've been a professional mover my whole life. I've hauled medical equipment, high end motorcycles, electronics, and even stage and AV equipment but all of that is part of the "special products" division of Allied Van Lines and United Van Lines. I was an Independant contractor for them for several years before I got rid of the truck and just work locally for one of the agents up here by seattle but back then all of the "business" aspects were dumped on me and I had to pay the taxes, insurance, labor, everything out of my revenue earned. The only thing I didn't have to do is drum up the business but I've done the sales part of it in more recent years too and that's probably my favorite part. When you move someone out of their old house and into their new one they're stressed out and their true nature comes out.....sometimes they're cool, decent, good and honest people but about 85 percent of the time they're complete twat waffles. And you're stuck dealing with this person in their home (and more often then not their filth,) until you're done and they go out of their way it seems like to make your life miserable because they can.

Most of the work I did was military or large corporations shifting personal around the country but sometimes you still got someone paying to move themselfs...and they will do anything they can to try and get out of paying the bill including calling up my boss after I left and telling them how horrible and worthless I am....even if they said I did a good job to my face and tipped me and I know I did a good job. Edward did with his disclaimer what I would love to do with my customers but I can't....I understand your statements about tact and business...but even my patience runs out once in awhile (I can't do it often but it does happen once or twice a year,) and I just have to let the customer know what a douche bag they are and need to mind their place. I've won customer service awards, I know I am good and I don't need some cheap prick ruining my service rating because he's a cheap bastard....that's where my opinions stem from. I believe tact is everything. but sometimes "da bitch jus needa good slappin'!" ;)
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