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The Cereal Mixing Megathread!


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Hmm I'll have to try it. My recipe for crunch berries has a lot more in it. I use the crunch berry mix , raspberry, blueberry wild as well in mine.


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Hmm I'll have to try it. My recipe for crunch berries has a lot more in it. I use the crunch berry mix , raspberry, blueberry wild as well in mine.
It could have just been the setup I was running it in (and the fact that I was new to DIY) but my first thought was "holy crap the only berry in Crunchberries is strawberry?!"

It's on the short list of recipes to whip up to see if it still rocks out with it's you-know-what out.


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So been following for a while. I just recently got turned on to cereal vapes.
Toungefuck was one I just made. Added 1.5% TFA rice crunchies. It's pretty damn good!

Side question: I seen FW Hazelnut is preferred over FA. How about Cap Hazelnut v2? I have but prefer to avoid FW in general if possible.


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FW is what I use, I haven't tried the others but FW is supposed to be a creamier hazelnut from what I hear. If that's right it would be a better fit for a cereal if you are looking for any kind of milk to it.

I have been using one on one milk flavoring for more of a milk in the bowl which for me was lacking in the mixes I have tried (Louie's & CK) and it has been really good. No idea about nasty stuff in it.
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FW is what I use, I haven't tried the others but FW is supposed to be a creamier hazelnut from what I hear. If that's right it would be a better fit for a cereal if you are looking for any kind of milk to it.

I have been using one on one milk flavoring and no other creams and it has been really good. No idea about nasty stuff in it.

I have plenty to creams and what not to make the milky base. I tend to stick to bull city for my flavoring, they've earned my loyalty, been using since the beginning. How are one on one flavorings? Only ones I want to try I haven't yet is the SC gourmet line from VZ. And at the prices I'm not in a rush.

I'd really like to avoid the FW Hazelnut. I know the "bite" that was described for FA Hazelnut, just curious about other options.


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I think that's just it, a sharp hazelnut as opposed to a creamy hazelnut. Again, haven't tried cap or fa but others that have said both are a nuttier flavor than the creamy fw.

I'm a super custard/cream fan but like the milk over custards/creams in these mixes.

The OoO flavors i have tried have been hit & miss but i haven't adjusted % enough times to give a verdict because most have been way too much to close and some that i do like (rainbow sherbet, lime sorbet and plum, still none of their cereals) I have mixed enough to find a good and tasty percentage.


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So been following for a while. I just recently got turned on to cereal vapes.
Toungefuck was one I just made. Added 1.5% TFA rice crunchies. It's pretty damn good!

Side question: I seen FW Hazelnut is preferred over FA. How about Cap Hazelnut v2? I have but prefer to avoid FW in general if possible.

My first couple batches of the CK clone were made with Cap Hazelnut v2. I've since switched to the FW.

If there was some major the difference playing out between them, none of the people i make it for have said anything (i've yet to get around to trying it myself with the FW).

Johnny Matthews

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Wow, lots of knowledge and mixing saavy in this thread. I'm not at that level by any means, but thought I might share my work.
I've come across a Captain Crunch recipe by Enyawreklaw that I tweaked with what I had on hand as well as what I thought would work, and it gave me a pretty amazing result. Luck maybe, who knows, but pretty stoked about this one. Anyway, haven't gotten to tasting his original recipe without subs, but the one I made is well-balanced and pretty fucking dope.

Clapton Crunch (Johnny Matthews V2)
Capt Crunch Berries (FW) 5%
Marshmallow (LA) 3%
Bavarian Cream (FW) 2%
Sweet Cream (TPA) 2%
Sugar Cookie (CAP) 1%
Hazelnut (TPA) 1%
Acetyl Pyrazine 1%

Mixed mine at 40PG/60VG 3mg nic. Not so hot as a shake and vape, but after 24h is pretty good. Hits the mark perfectly after 4-5 days.


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I keep peaking at this thread hoping someone nails the perfect cereal :) I havent actually had a cereal vape yet but have mixed a looper clone recipe and a lucky charms recipe I found online. Bother been steeping a couple of weeks and I did try the looper one a day or so went right back in the cupboard! Never had the real looper or a cereal like I said.....this just tasted of lemons.....lots of not particularly nice lemons. So Im guessing:
a) It needs more steepinng?
b) There is a pyscho cat somewhere in my flat that got the cream and is also a serial killer! (sorry cringe worth joke, but as mentioned no milk or cereal taste, just bloody lemons afterr 2 weeks steeping so far)
c) The looper clone or original looper just tastes of bloody lemons


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Have you considered 1.5 cream (of choice) to .5 lemon to back off the bold flavor?


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I keep peaking at this thread hoping someone nails the perfect cereal :) I havent actually had a cereal vape yet but have mixed a looper clone recipe and a lucky charms recipe I found online. Bother been steeping a couple of weeks and I did try the looper one a day or so went right back in the cupboard! Never had the real looper or a cereal like I said.....this just tasted of lemons.....lots of not particularly nice lemons. So Im guessing:
a) It needs more steepinng?
b) There is a pyscho cat somewhere in my flat that got the cream and is also a serial killer! (sorry cringe worth joke, but as mentioned no milk or cereal taste, just bloody lemons afterr 2 weeks steeping so far)
c) The looper clone or original looper just tastes of bloody lemons

a) Yes, likely so. I have found that steeping does help mellow out the lemon flavor a bit.
b) All cats are psycho. You're not alone.
c) Here's what I did for my variation of a looper clone:

Fruit Circles (TFA) - 7%
Crunch Berry (TFA) - 4% (this was to my liking)
DX Bavarian Cream (TFA) - 4%
Sweet Cream (TFA) - 2%
Marshmallow (TFA) - 2%
Fresh Cream (FA) - 1%
Vanillin 10% (TFA) - 2%

I found that concentrating a bit more on the creamy components helps tone down the lemon. I probably will use French Vanilla (TFA) or Vanilla Swirl (TFA) on the next go-round rather than Vanillin 10%, but that's all I had and it does add a mild sweetness to it as well. When I first mixed this, it was decent but the Fruit Circles was a bit strong. It's been 3 days now since I made the last batch and it's coming along nicely. Not too much lemon for my taste, but still has the milky Fruit Loops taste to it. Also, adding in fruit flavors like Strawberry or Rasberry may balance it a bit I read, though I haven't tried that yet.


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Brown sugar would be prime for this. And IMHO either or would work

Damn it.. I just ordered some more flavors a few days ago and Brown Sugar was supposed to be on the list, but didn't get on the order. Guess I have my excuse for the next order.. lol


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IMO brown sugar would work in most recipes as a sweetener


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Consider bumping up the fresh cream to 3% and subbing sweet cream for brown sugar..... Take out the vanilla and use vanilla bean at 2% lower the berry crunch (imo ..... It over powers)..Then tell me what you
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a) Yes, likely so. I have found that steeping does help mellow out the lemon flavor a bit.
b) All cats are psycho. You're not alone.
c) Here's what I did for my variation of a looper clone:

Fruit Circles (TFA) - 7%
Crunch Berry (TFA) - 4% (this was to my liking)
DX Bavarian Cream (TFA) - 4%
Sweet Cream (TFA) - 2%
Marshmallow (TFA) - 2%
Fresh Cream (FA) - 1%
Vanillin 10% (TFA) - 2%

I found that concentrating a bit more on the creamy components helps tone down the lemon. I probably will use French Vanilla (TFA) or Vanilla Swirl (TFA) on the next go-round rather than Vanillin 10%, but that's all I had and it does add a mild sweetness to it as well. When I first mixed this, it was decent but the Fruit Circles was a bit strong. It's been 3 days now since I made the last batch and it's coming along nicely. Not too much lemon for my taste, but still has the milky Fruit Loops taste to it. Also, adding in fruit flavors like Strawberry or Rasberry may balance it a bit I read, though I haven't tried that yet.

Thanks, as I have plenty of other stuff mixed up I am leaving it for a couple more weeks before trying again and passing judgement and then possibly altering or binning it. I do have an inkling looper will not be for me, hey I preferred lucky charms as a kid anyway, will try that one soon :)


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Lol me too, I haven't tried loopers recipe ever as he made it because, all variables of it has a very high lemon from fruit circles.. With that said ..... Never be afraid to lower %'s and add your thoughts of flavors combinations.


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Pretty sure that is on here under rainbow sherbert as the title or something? On a sidenote, tried the lucky charms recipe I mentioned before, and that was kind of a crunchy, creamy toasted marshmallow (well I did add a tiny bit of toasted marshmallow to the original recipe and lowered the normal masrshmallow), but didnt to me taste like lucky charms or cereal at all either. Was nice enough, nothing special, but if it helps anybody here with this thread, this is the original recipe:


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Shake and vape isn't bad, but as I suspected the Lime Tahiti is pretty dominant. Not bad bud no comparison to cereal killa or it's clones.


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Oooph I tried ecto's fruit rings flavor-tastes like crushed pez

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That emoticon should look far more disgusted

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so I've been trying to make a good crunch berries since I have a big bottle of berry crunch by TFA...I thought of this recipe and hopefully will be trying it out tomorrow if my FA cookie and FA strawberry comes in.

Berry Crunch (TFA)-8%
NY Cheesecake (CAP)-2%
Cookie (FA)-.5%
Strawberry (FA)- 2%
Raspberry (FA)-.5%
Bavarian Cream (TFA)-4%
Vienna Cream (FA)-1%
Meringue (FA)-.5%

If anyone wants to give it a shot, let me know how it turns out.


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so I've been trying to make a good crunch berries since I have a big bottle of berry crunch by TFA...I thought of this recipe and hopefully will be trying it out tomorrow if my FA cookie and FA strawberry comes in.

Berry Crunch (TFA)-8%
NY Cheesecake (CAP)-2%
Cookie (FA)-.5%
Strawberry (FA)- 2%
Raspberry (FA)-.5%
Bavarian Cream (TFA)-4%
Vienna Cream (FA)-1%
Meringue (FA)-.5%

If anyone wants to give it a shot, let me know how it turns out.

Even as somebody who tends to prefer larger flavor %s in my mixes, the 8% Berry Crunch there looks pretty crazy.

In my experiences that particular flavor doesn't play nice at high levels. Or as a primary flavor for that matter.


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Even as somebody who tends to prefer larger flavor %s in my mixes, the 8% Berry Crunch there looks pretty crazy.

In my experiences that particular flavor doesn't play nice at high levels. Or as a primary flavor for that matter.

Maybe use it at 4.5%? My brother in law ( who I'm making this juice for mostly) actually likes its strong flavor...I don't so maybe that could be a good medium?

Pauly Walnuts

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Im interested to know if anyone has used TFA silly rabbit in place of TFA fruit circles in the tongue fuck recipe.
I just got it and im going to try this in a few days.


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Im interested to know if anyone has used TFA silly rabbit in place of TFA fruit circles in the tongue fuck recipe.
I just got it and im going to try this in a few days.

I had a similar thought the other day, but forgot to order the stuff. I can't imagine it would be bad at all; let us know what you come up with.

Pauly Walnuts

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It's crazy strong steps. It easily overpowers fruit circles
What would you recommend for a starting percentage when replacing fruit circles with silly rabbit?
What are your impressions on silly rabbit in general?

Pauly Walnuts

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I was told if you add silly rabbit at low percentage it will take the lemony taste away from fruit circles. Is this true?

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I wish I could tell you. I purchased a bunch of flavors just before work started taking over my life, once again.
Ive been on a mixing slump, since my 'me time' at home has been all but eliminated for the summer.


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Wow, lots of knowledge and mixing saavy in this thread. I'm not at that level by any means, but thought I might share my work.
I've come across a Captain Crunch recipe by Enyawreklaw that I tweaked with what I had on hand as well as what I thought would work, and it gave me a pretty amazing result. Luck maybe, who knows, but pretty stoked about this one. Anyway, haven't gotten to tasting his original recipe without subs, but the one I made is well-balanced and pretty fucking dope.

Clapton Crunch (Johnny Matthews V2)
Capt Crunch Berries (FW) 5%
Marshmallow (LA) 3%
Bavarian Cream (FW) 2%
Sweet Cream (TPA) 2%
Sugar Cookie (CAP) 1%
Hazelnut (TPA) 1%
Acetyl Pyrazine 1%

Mixed mine at 40PG/60VG 3mg nic. Not so hot as a shake and vape, but after 24h is pretty good. Hits the mark perfectly after 4-5 days.
Welcome to the party @Johnny Matthews. Your recipe looks good but I don't have most of the flavors. :( Awesome name though!!!


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IMO brown sugar would work in most recipes as a sweetener
I like Brown Sugar but it definitely has a flavor of it's own in addition to sweetening. I tried a Cinnamon Toast Crunch recipe that had Brown Sugar at ~4% and I didn't like the flavor. I usually use Brown Sugar at 1ish%. EM and TFA Sweetener still have their place for me. Sweet cream is a good sweetener for cereals IMO.


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I wish I could tell you. I purchased a bunch of flavors just before work started taking over my life, once again.
Ive been on a mixing slump, since my 'me time' at home has been all but eliminated for the summer.

Silly rabbit has a decent orange flavor. I've only used it mixed with fruit circles...can't remember exactly and I'm at work so can't check but it was around 8% fc and 6% sr and to me fruit circles is pretty much completely negated.


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Silly rabbit has a decent orange flavor. I've only used it mixed with fruit circles...can't remember exactly and I'm at work so can't check but it was around 8% fc and 6% sr and to me fruit circles is pretty much completely negated.
Sorry, missed a bunch of posts in between, but I've found Silly Rabbit is great to offset the bite of Fruit Circles, cut the fc in my recipe from 5% to 3% and subbing 2% sr...also using Berry Crunch, Sweet Cream, Malted Milk, Cookie, and Bavarian Cream to round things out in my don't-know-WTF-this-is-but-it's-perfect blend...


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I have been making a fruit loops type vape from a recipe I found on here or e-liquid-recipes but i can't get the cereal note. The recipe is;

Fruit Circles TFA 7.5
Berry Crunch (TPA) 2.5
Bavarian Cream TFA 3
Cream Fresh (FA) 1
Marshmallow TFA 4
Sweet Cream (TPA) 2
Juicy lemon (cap) 1
sweetner tfa .5

Any suggestions/feedback, Thanks.


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I have been making a fruit loops type vape from a recipe I found on here or e-liquid-recipes but i can't get the cereal note. The recipe is;

Fruit Circles TFA 7.5
Berry Crunch (TPA) 2.5
Bavarian Cream TFA 3
Cream Fresh (FA) 1
Marshmallow TFA 4
Sweet Cream (TPA) 2
Juicy lemon (cap) 1
sweetner tfa .5

Any suggestions/feedback, Thanks.

I see FW Hazelnut is used in quite a few "cereal type" recipes.
Maybe a little FW Yellow Cake?
I'd also try .5% TFA Brown Sugar and .5% FA Coconut as they will add some sweet and creamy.
Used in small amounts they won't impact the flavor profile very much.


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I have been making a fruit loops type vape from a recipe I found on here or e-liquid-recipes but i can't get the cereal note. The recipe is;

Fruit Circles TFA 7.5
Berry Crunch (TPA) 2.5
Bavarian Cream TFA 3
Cream Fresh (FA) 1
Marshmallow TFA 4
Sweet Cream (TPA) 2
Juicy lemon (cap) 1
sweetner tfa .5

Any suggestions/feedback, Thanks.
I would also consider adding a little AP, start at .5% and if that's not enough bump it to 1%


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Thanks guys, i have tried AP at .5 might bump it upto 1+. Its that feeling when your juice is just missing that one thnig.


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Might consider using a few types of vanilla Bean ice cream,cream....exc....just saying. Lol


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I have been making a fruit loops type vape from a recipe I found on here or e-liquid-recipes but i can't get the cereal note. The recipe is;

Fruit Circles TFA 7.5
Berry Crunch (TPA) 2.5
Bavarian Cream TFA 3
Cream Fresh (FA) 1
Marshmallow TFA 4
Sweet Cream (TPA) 2
Juicy lemon (cap) 1
sweetner tfa .5

Any suggestions/feedback, Thanks.
I use FA Cookie (sparingly, 1-2%) to get some of the graininess of the cereal and also sweetness to smooth out the Fruit Circle bite. Might eliminate the need for straight sweetener if you go this route.


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Well a week or two back (too lazy to scroll back) I commented on here my disappointment in a looper clone I had steeped for 2/3 weeks and have also mixed a lucky charms recipe that was ok. Neither tasted of cereal, the looper just of lemons, so it went back in the cupboard. NOW I get the whole point of this thread! Wow after those extra couple of weeks I finally get the fuss about these cereal vapes, creamy milky goodness!
Will definately be trying to come up with something not cereal tasting but to utilise the creamy milk taste im getting


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I use FA Cookie (sparingly, 1-2%) to get some of the graininess of the cereal and also sweetness to smooth out the Fruit Circle bite. Might eliminate the need for straight sweetener if you go this route.
Yes. This.

I didn't like the first few mixes that I used Cookie in but lately it has helped a few of my recipes. I usually stay around 1% with it. I'll have to try it with FC, don't think I've done that yet. Thanks for the tip OBD.


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New to the forum , have been following this thread while licking my lips. I just placed a couple orders to fill in some missing flavors for the op's firsts post of cereal killa and tonguefuck...My suppliers, ecx, and osdiy were both out of cream fresh(fresh cream) so that kinda stinks to replicate these as they were designed. I do however have some tfa whip cream I'll try in place of the cf. My palette is not so refined, so I'm hoping to have decent results. Any thoughts on using whipped cream in place of cream fresh?


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Ahh, I just looked, no vienna but I have sweet cream. Who knows maybe I'll like it with one or the other(sweet cream or whipped) .


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Are you looking to make a mix sweeter or adding for flavor

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