I was hesitant for a long time to try any tobacco because I didn't want that nasty cigarette taste in my mouth ever again. I thought I was getting brave with RY4 double, but let's face it, that ain't tobacco. I got a taste of FA maxx blend in
@Daintanee's Ralph's Peach Tobacco and fell in love! I still haven't tried many tobacco flavors, but I love FA's maxx blend and Cuban supreme, burley, and the Inawera vanilla for pipe. And ECX used to sell one in their Tobacco Express line called Yun Yan that is absolutely a favorite with me. Unfortunately they've stopped carrying that one but I did run across 120ml of it that I'd mixed up over
two years ago that had gotten buried in the juice graveyard at the back of my desk. Best damn tobacco juice I've ever tasted, I ration myself on it because when that's gone, it's gone.
Best way I can describe tobacco juice is that it tastes like a freshly opened pack of cigarettes smells. That fresh, sweet aroma that smells so rich and good before you grab your lighter and create a stench.