I picked up a second derringer clone from another b&m today. New one is made by tobeco, my original was supposedly made by plume.
A few differences right off the bat, plume version has gold plated center post and 510 pin. Tobeco version is all stainless. Plume version comes with grub screws and a hex key, tobeco comes with philips screws and a little blue screwdriver. Both come with replacment orings. Plume version comes with a bit of kanthal and cotton to get you started, i guess. Center post on plume version spins on me, so I grab it with pliers when I tighten my center screw. Tobeco hasn't spun, yet. Tobeco version comes with no drip tip, plume version comes with a cool looking shorty which is usually too hot to use.
Slight difference is lightining bolt engraving between the two, but both look good. Machining on tobeco airflow ring was poor, holes were drilled crooked and oblong and the atty whistled when hit. Redrilling quickly resolved that.
Topcaps and airflow rings are not interchangeable. Tobeco version has a slightly larger inside diameter for AFC and top cap, and will not mount to plume version.
Deck of tobeco version is slightly thicker than plume version as well, so when assembled, looking at the atty mounted to the mod, that seam at the bottom of the derringer which is the side of the deck is noticibly thicker and more distinct. The plume looks a bit more seamless from a foot away, to my eye.
Both have center pins that extend far enough for hybrid use, but the tobeco has a slightly longer center pin.
Fwiw, IMO, ymmv, and such
I need a genuine, in every color. Lol
Favorite builds so far have been 22ga kanthal @ .2 ohms dual coil, or .45ohms single coil, wicked with kgd.
Fwiw, I picked up some shiseido cotton from a b&m, and it tastes funky compared with the kgd I have been using, which I can't taste at all. I figured they would be the same thing, but I was wrong. The more ya know, lol.