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The Evolv DNA 40 Temperature Control chip do you think it was designed for e-juice or for Dry herb?

The Evolv DNA 40 Temperature Control chip do you think it was designed for e-juice or for Dry herb?

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Spicoli! :D "All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine.":cool:


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Uhm, really? That I need to experience.
Me too... But I can see it. W/o the liquid 'vaporizing' and taking away the heat, the coil would hit your max temp limit really, really quickly and the DNA40 would dial back the power to compensate. It can dial it all the way back to ZERO, so basically you would have no power to the coil(s). No power = no hit. No hit = no dry hit ;)


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Whatever it may be, I think its nice to see something going toward a new direction. Personally, I buy vape gear for vaping e-juice. If it could be used for dry herbs, crystal **** or cooking ******, I could care less, its not why I would buy it. LOL


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Ultimately, your poll serves no real purpose: who gives a turkey what it was designed for? A tool doesn't define what you do with it, the same way a shotgun can be used for clay shooting, game hunting, admiring on a mantelpiece or going on a rampage downtown. It's the people that do something with a tool, not the tool itself.


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When I did partake in vaping my thc, it was for the same purpose as why i chose to start vaping ejuice, to find a healthier alternative to smoking. I was able to vape my wax, and my ejuice from the same device. It's another step forward for vaping regardless of what you're vaping. Nicotine is in the infancy stages of being studied for medicinal uses, while thc has proven to be beneficial in treating symptoms of debilitating diseases. Anything that promotes harm reduction in the ingesting of anything I'm for. As far as what it was designed for, only the guys at evolv know. Ejuice? Great! Wanting to get high, great also!


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Evolv DNA 40
40 Watt Variable Power Module with Temperature Protection needs nickel wire it is able to detect temperature changes by monitoring small variations in temperature by monitoring the changing resistance of the wire. It then adjusts to keep you within a certain range by varying wattage.
Automatically detect whether a temperature sensing Nickel or standard (Kanthal etc) coil.


Nickel - an Occupational Hazard

Nickel is a carcinogen, meaning that inhaling this substance is hazardous to your lungs and nasal canal. As a result, nickel is on the Hazardous Substance List in the United States as being one of the most dangerous alloys, and is regulated by OSHA (Occupational Hazard Safety Association). Since nickel can be found in the work place, and is therefore an occupational hazard. The levels of exposure to carcinogens/ nickel is very minute, and all necessary precautions should be taken to reduce your risk to nickel exposure. According to OSHA, the legal airborne limit to nickel exposure is 1 milligram per every eight hours.
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Evolv DNA 40
40 Watt Variable Power Module with Temperature Protection needs nickel wire it is able to detect temperature changes by monitoring small variations in temperature by monitoring the changing resistance of the wire. It then adjusts to keep you within a certain range by varying wattage.
Automatically detect whether a temperature sensing Nickel or standard (Kanthal etc) coil.


Nickel - an Occupational Hazard

Nickel is a carcinogen, meaning that inhaling this substance is hazardous to your lungs and nasal canal. As a result, nickel is on the Hazardous Substance List in the United States as being one of the most dangerous alloys, and is regulated by OSHA (Occupational Hazard Safety Association). Since nickel can be found in the work place, and is therefore an occupational hazard. The levels of exposure to carcinogens/ nickel is very minute, and all necessary precautions should be taken to reduce your risk to nickel exposure. According to OSHA, the legal airborne limit to nickel exposure is 1 milligram per every eight hours.
But wouldn't the coil in the atomizer have to be made of nickel before nickel would be heated and inhaled?
Where is this nickel wire located in this box? In the connector?
I'm trying to figure out how nickel would be inhaled with the vapor.


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But wouldn't the coil in the atomizer have to be made of nickel before nickel would be heated and inhaled?
Where is this nickel wire located in this box? In the connector?
I'm trying to figure out how nickel would be inhaled with the vapor.
For the temperature control to work your coil has to made of Nickel, so you would be inhaling this burning metal. But you can just use a kantal coil instead without the temperature control functioning.


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But wouldn't the coil in the atomizer have to be made of nickel before nickel would be heated and inhaled?
Where is this nickel wire located in this box? In the connector?
I'm trying to figure out how nickel would be inhaled with the vapor.
To use the temp control, you must use Nickel 200 wire for your coil.


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For the temperature control to work your coil has to made of Nickel, so you would be inhaling this burning metal.
At the temps we are talking (less than 600F), the metal is not 'burning'. Its not even glowing.

FYI, stainless steel has Nickel in it and you use it all the time for cooking.

Every 'pre-made' coil made is NiChrome.. An alloy that is mostly Nickel.


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Evolv DNA 40
40 Watt Variable Power Module with Temperature Protection needs nickel wire it is able to detect temperature changes by monitoring small variations in temperature by monitoring the changing resistance of the wire. It then adjusts to keep you within a certain range by varying wattage.
Automatically detect whether a temperature sensing Nickel or standard (Kanthal etc) coil.


Nickel - an Occupational Hazard

Nickel is a carcinogen, meaning that inhaling this substance is hazardous to your lungs and nasal canal. As a result, nickel is on the Hazardous Substance List in the United States as being one of the most dangerous alloys, and is regulated by OSHA (Occupational Hazard Safety Association). Since nickel can be found in the work place, and is therefore an occupational hazard. The levels of exposure to carcinogens/ nickel is very minute, and all necessary precautions should be taken to reduce your risk to nickel exposure. According to OSHA, the legal airborne limit to nickel exposure is 1 milligram per every eight hours.
I think this is a legitimate concern but kinda seems like you are mudslinging here.

They do touch on this subject in the interview.


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At the temps we are talking (less than 600F), the metal is not 'burning'. Its not even glowing.

FYI, stainless steel has Nickel in it and you use it all the time for cooking.

Every 'pre-made' coil made is NiChrome.. An alloy that is mostly Nickel.
Has some nickel, and being 100% nickel are two different things. I personally do not want to use 100% nickel at any temperature you will still inhale dust or particles from the wire. And yes NiChrome is also bad for you if concerned. Kantal is the best to use out of all these materials for vaping if anything else.


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So fast forward to when vaping is totally banned by the FDA and that nice corporate casual look Brandon has now will be plugs, 2 full sleeves, neck art, a few piercings, and a dashiki when he goes on the P Absurdo show to talk about the DNA420. lol

Just kidding all... have a great day

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For the temperature control to work your coil has to made of Nickel, so you would be inhaling this burning metal. But you can just use a kantal coil instead without the temperature control functioning.
Oooooh Ok I see now.


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Might I respectfully suggest that we all wait for Scientific evidence before we either love or condem Ni200. Then each of us can make an "informed" decision with respect to our health.


I'm referring to a crowd funding campaign for Dr. Farsalinos study titled "Temperature of evaporation, liquid consumption and vapor analysis in realistic conditions" which will also deal with Ni200 and other aspects. See my sig for the latest or go to

I would be remiss if I did not encourage ALL VENDORS to contribute to this valuable study. Although Vendors are the target for contributions, this does not prevent any of us "consumers" from contributing.



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Since thc vaporizes at a certain temperature, doesn't this technology already exist?


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Might I respectfully suggest that we all wait for Scientific evidence before we either love or condem Ni200. Then each of us can make an "informed" decision with respect to our health.


I'm referring to a crowd funding campaign for Dr. Farsalinos study titled "Temperature of evaporation, liquid consumption and vapor analysis in realistic conditions" which will also deal with Ni200 and other aspects. See my sig for the latest or go to

I would be remiss if I did not encourage ALL VENDORS to contribute to this valuable study. Although Vendors are the target for contributions, this does not prevent any of us "consumers" from contributing.

I do not personally need a study about inhaling Nickel at any temperature which we are talking about here. Nickle itself has already been studied.


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I do not personally need a study about inhaling Nickel at any temperature which we are talking about here. Nickle itself has already been studied.
I understand your thoughts and respect your own wishes. Respectfully, telling me that "..Nickle itself has already been studied" is to a large degree apples and oranges. Sure, I've read about Nickel in great detail but NONE of these study's have replicated the following conditions and if you have one that meets the following criteria I would love the link and of course I would stand corrected.


- A coil built with annealed Nickel 200 (Ni200) The complete coil and not just the legs
- During a puff: Temperature control on this coil which in theory provides intelligence to prevent dry hits, charring of the wick, burned taste
- Exactly what chemicals are released and at what level. Which of these chemicals which are released pose a "health risk"
- How do the chemicals released using a Ni200 coil compare to Tobacco/smoking. Lower, higher, the same. Greater or less health risk. The actual level of same
- The implications of dry burning and or heating to form a coil. What chemicals are released and at what levels. Are any of these levels posing health risks.
- At what temperature does ejuice degrade and release chemicals and at what level. Are any of these levels posing health risks.

That's my short list but I'm not a Scientist, Dr. or even an attorney. /lol :)


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From what I understand, replaceable head systems (kanger for example) use NIChrome wire, which is typically 60-80% Nickel. Hope you dont use these @SMOKIE!!!


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I think this is a legitimate concern but kinda seems like you are mudslinging here.

They do touch on this subject in the interview.
the entire thread is mudslinging. watch the dna40 bit from mod envy last night, my god


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Pure Nickel melts at 1455C and vaporizes at 2730C. Nickel sheds ions at a much lower temperature.


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Start at 1:09
Thanks, I am about about 10 minutes into it now.

Just passed the part where the DNA40 sucks because Busardo said the eleaf doesn't give accurate wattage.

I totally get VaporJoes point about dollars per watt. I happen to think the gigavaping trend will blow over pretty soon. I have a iPV2 and I hover around 30/35W. Even Joe said he does not vape over 40W. I agree with the point for the most part because I will never pay $200-$300 for a mod. But for me its not Watts per dollar but $100 is about all I want to pay period. I also agree that there is a good chance that it will be their slowest selling product but thats just because the DNA20/30 had no competition.

Nitro however is talking nonsense IMO. He said if the coil transfers too much wattage to the juice in an oxygen rich environment it will combust but inside an atty it will just get hotter. Isn't he just making Evolv's point for them? He is also ignoring the fact that juice to the coil is not a constant. Further, the videos that I have seen of the DNA40 in action show the wattage ramping up for a few seconds and then quickly cutting back to very low voltage. This board can dump 23 Amps to get you up to that designated temperature. His final comments seemed to say that he desired this but it just isn't there in the DNA40.

Is it just me or is Tyger Tyger biting her tongue the whole time Nitro is blathering?
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WOW! What a fact filled and insightful mod envy show with my very very special kudos and best wishes to Joe and Nitro regarding their "sourced" comments with respect to the DNA40 !!!!! You guys both must have spent hours watching the Brandon and Phil video!!!!!

/sarcasm intended

Just think, I've still got more to watch since I'm only at 1:18 !!!!! You want more page views, uniques, and a higher CPM! Stay tuned boys and girls!!!!


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Yeah..give me the cliff notes to that..


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OK I watched it all at least up to around 1:36. More praise and kudos for Joe and his outstanding knowledge of the ProVape P3. Gosh, I had no idea you were a marketing and Mod expert and had connections in the B&M world. Finally, I had no idea that Joe and Nitro both enjoy and cherish dry hits, burned wicks, burned juice, and chared wicks when they drip. I'm envious of your pleasant experiences!

/sarcasm intended


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Nitro is obviously batshit crazy. It's a shame he is representing a knowledgeable perspective without any knowledge. I wouldn't even know where to begin with his rant filled with blatant falsehoods and outright BS. Little things like stating the DNA40 will shutoff after reaching a target temp. I don't think after watching his diatribe with so much misunderstood and patently wrong information I will ever believe a word he says from now on. On anything. I have passed on many of his misunderstanding of vaping in the past, but last night he clearly showed his ignorance... and used a very popular medium to do it with Mod Envy. He really needs to just pay attention to running the tech of the show and leave his lack of knowledge as question rather than confirming it as fact.


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Nitro is obviously batshit crazy. It's a shame he is representing a knowledgeable perspective without any knowledge. I wouldn't even know where to begin with his rant filled with blatant falsehoods and outright BS. Little things like stating the DNA40 will shutoff after reaching a target temp. I don't think after watching his diatribe with so much misunderstood and patently wrong information I will ever believe a word he says from now on. On anything. I have passed on many of his misunderstanding of vaping in the past, but last night he clearly showed his ignorance... and used a very popular medium to do it with Mod Envy. He really needs to just pay attention to running the tech of the show and leave his lack of knowledge as question rather than confirming it as fact.
So Drone your saying it will fire past the temperature you set, with of course a using nickel coil?


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So Drone your saying it will fire past the temperature you set, with of course a using nickel coil?
It wont 'turn off'... It'll reduce power until it can keep the temp you set. Unless it CANT keep the temp, of course. Then it will reduce power to zero to save the wick... This has been explained before and in the vid with Brandon.


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It wont 'turn off'... It'll reduce power until it can keep the temp you set. Unless it CANT keep the temp, of course. Then it will reduce power to zero to save the wick... This has been explained before and in the vid with Brandon.
Well maybe that was what @NitroBex meant in his rant but came out wrong.


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Hows about we listen to some people that have actually used it. This is every youtube video in english after the PBusardo video featuring people that actually have the DNA40. From oldest to newest. I didn't cherry pick.

edit: Oops 5 pieces of media limit. Sorry gotta click the last one.
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Well maybe that was what @NitroBex meant in his rant but came out wrong.
What Nitro said and what is reality are two different things entirely. Since it would be impossible for a rational person to assume the mindset of a raging lunatic, I think it is unrealistic to assume we could divine this. He owes the vaping community an apology for all the misinformation I think, but I realize that is not likely to happen. So yeah, his credibility and veracity are severely compromised and unfortunately, reflects poorly on Mod Envy. Joe really should have stopped the tirade dead in it's tracks if he cares about keeping a reasonable professional relationship with Evolve. But maybe that's not an issue for Joe, and that's his decision which I don't have an issue with. I can only imagine Brandon fuming if he was witness to all the disinformation disseminated by Nitro. But at least most won't take Nitro seriously anymore, so I guess that's a positive.


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I heard that with the temp control it makes it impossible to get a dry hit.
Yup, that's what I heard. The pbusardo vid with Brandon explained it. What's the big mystery about? Either you find this chip useful for you or you don't.
Shuddup and fuhgeddaboudit!


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Anything that reduces or eliminates the danger of a dry burn while maintaining great vapor production and flavor is never too little & never too late. The more I look into the DNA40, the more intrigued I am getting. I think the first vid said it well, just forget about what you know about high wattage and various resistance coils, and just give this a try.

However, there is one niggle I have about this temp control feature and that is the required use of Nickel wire. As Smokey mentioned, its seems to be considered a toxic substance, so I would like to learn more about the safety and/or danger of heating this type of wire to certain temperatures.

Bottom line, if the juice and wicks are cooking at very safe levels, but the wire is producing something harmful, then I'll take a pass on this. If nickel wire is perfectly safe to use though, then looks like I'll definitely give this a go.


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Anything that reduces or eliminates the danger of a dry burn while maintaining great vapor production and flavor is never too little & never too late. The more I look into the DNA40, the more intrigued I am getting. I think the first vid said it well, just forget about what you know about high wattage and various resistance coils, and just give this a try.

However, there is one niggle I have about this temp control feature and that is the required use of Nickel wire. As Smokey mentioned, its seems to be considered a toxic substance, so I would like to learn more about the safety and/or danger of heating this type of wire to certain temperatures.

Bottom line, if the juice and wicks are cooking at very safe levels, but the wire is producing something harmful, then I'll take a pass on this. If nickel wire is perfectly safe to use though, then looks like I'll definitely give this a go.

Love that, Has me written all over it


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I tried my friend s DNA 40 Hana and i can do the same thing by feel and cycling my finger on the fire button on my sigelei 100w. Gimmick=dna40

Sent from my XT1030


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"Nickel 200 / 201 (UNS N02200 / N02201) Ni 99.0 C 0.15 Commercially pure wrought nickel, good mechanical properties, excellent resistance to many corrosives. Nickel 201 has low carbon (0.02% max.) for applications over 600 degrees F (315 degrees C).
Food processing equipment, chemical shipping drums, caustic handling equipment and piping, electronic parts, aerospace and missile components, rocket motor cases, magneto-strictive devices -"

Just a quick search..I don't have one, and don't have money for one, so I doubt I'll spend much time looking.
I tried my friend s DNA 40 Hana and i can do the same thing by feel and cycling my finger on the fire button on my sigelei 100w. Gimmick=dna40

Sent from my XT1030
So by operating your sig like that, your coil will not go over an allotted temperature? Lol.


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I'm down for that... I'll give that a whirl on my broke ass IPV2..elev8vape said they'd be emailing me after this Friday about my replacement.


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Some quick thoughts:

1. See this post of mine at

No SCIENTIFIC evidence yet to support an intelligent decision under a very specific set of circumstances..

2. Listen to this interview with Dr. Farsalinos which goes into great detail about his study which will tell all of us exactly what gets emiited and at what levels from Kanthal and Ni200. See:

3. A whole new way of thinking. I should have my protovapor xpv DNA40 tomorrow and Joe and his buddy Nitro may wish to interview me. /lol /joke Actually, "redemption" is possible for Joe and Nitro. Just get a gaggle of DNA40 users on your Mod Envy Show and fire away. Unfortunately, I can't promise to say fuck a zillon times but just do it. :)

4. My first two builds will be:

I have no "skin in the game" and if the DNA40 and or Ni200 have issues from my perspective you can bet your last dollar I'm going to tell anyone who cares to listen exactly what the pluses and minuses are.

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Anything that reduces or eliminates the danger of a dry burn while maintaining great vapor production and flavor is never too little & never too late. The more I look into the DNA40, the more intrigued I am getting. I think the first vid said it well, just forget about what you know about high wattage and various resistance coils, and just give this a try.

Well put. I'm also very much looking forward to trying out the DNA40. Just waiting for the right device that has it. So far I know of three: VaporShark (like the price, but don't care for the bottom mount screen); Vaporflask (love the design, bit too pricey for me) and the Protovapor XPV (like the price and design, but really want one with a removable battery).

Any other DNA40 devices out or on the horizon?


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Anything that reduces or eliminates the danger of a dry burn while maintaining great vapor production and flavor is never too little & never too late. The more I look into the DNA40, the more intrigued I am getting. I think the first vid said it well, just forget about what you know about high wattage and various resistance coils, and just give this a try.

However, there is one niggle I have about this temp control feature and that is the required use of Nickel wire. As Smokey mentioned, its seems to be considered a toxic substance, so I would like to learn more about the safety and/or danger of heating this type of wire to certain temperatures.

Bottom line, if the juice and wicks are cooking at very safe levels, but the wire is producing something harmful, then I'll take a pass on this. If nickel wire is perfectly safe to use though, then looks like I'll definitely give this a go.
Busardo would be the first to say, "Don't vape that shit"!

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