Yeah, I looked through them all. For a city boy, I really loved romping around those mountains. Lived down there for almost 5 years, 30 plus years ago, as you know. The McDowell range is further north from the Superstitions. (as you also well know)
Even been to the very top of 4 Peaks in the Tonto National Forest. Boy do I have some stories from there
Probably the closest I ever came to actually shooting somebody. A guy walked up on our camp on foot at like 5 in the morning. My buddy and I were at the foot of the peaks. This guy had been walking down all night because his brother had almost driven the two of them and their girlfriends off that narrow dirt road that goes up there. A wall of mountain on one side and a several hundred foot drop on the other and no guard rail.
The pickup was wedged angle ways with the front axle stuck on the edge and one of the rear tires up in the air. They all managed to get out the drivers side and this guy left his brother with the girls and set out to look for help. Imagine being in the middle of nowhere like that and having somebody come up on you in the dark. I had a 12 gauge.
Took a few seconds to get things sorted about what was going on and we went up there and used a tow rope to pull his truck back onto the road. At least back then, that area is WAAAAY off the beaten path. He would have been walking at least another day just to make it to the little two lane highway that's out there.
Anyway. Enough of that. Your pics bring back memories.