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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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so am I should hear me when I dont bite my tounge.
Between hanging out at ECF, here and facebook I'm having to re-learn
to bite my tongue and sit on my fingers. I mean, I knew there were fools in
the world but there are *so* many..
and they're all coming out of the woodwork for this election.
Subtlety and degree are absent from most convos that beg my engagement
and I'm beginning to ask myself whether it's worth the effort to bother to comment.


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there is... huh?
I know it sucks for you when people don't see things the way you do.. especially when youre to lazy to read an entire post or try and see what the person is saying...

why are you such a miserable person?
why are you incapable of having an actual conversation with someone that doesn't see things the same way as you?

were you always this miserable? or is it a result of some tragic event?
I'm honestly curious.. you used to be a decent person...
Are you talking to a mirror right now ?

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You can't. It's all spinning bullshit. I read today that several voting machines in Texas
and Michigan are switching votes from Republican to Democrat.
Apparently it's a "glitch" that happens only if one votes the ticket.
And it isn't happening the other way, possibly 'cause nobody is voting Democrat.
Yes the glitch is soros owns the company that supplies voting machines in 16 states

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Are you talking to a mirror right now ?

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no, but evidently you took enough notice in something I said to someone else, .... did it make you think?
maybe it should have been asked to you?

the two of you are quite similar, only pulsevape does appear to be a little more of a thinker.

I do wish you the best also, though. I hope it gets better for you.


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Yes the glitch is soros owns the company that supplies voting machines in 16 states

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You read the article and possibly the petition.
If you read about how some of the road signs in a couple of places
were hacked by changing their wifi from lan to wan then entering "Fuck the cops!" and other cute messages
figure that voting computers can be hacked if at all accessible from the wan.
I've been repeating "It's all bullshit!" like a mantra for years, man.
The crap didn't start now, but there's a lot more of it now or seems that way
now that "the world is a village". LOL.


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Excellent editorial cartoon. That's the situation as I see it.
You'll note that in most cases they all act as portrayed in the 'toon.
By comparison most Trump supporters state their cases sensibly and intelligently.


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This next video truly impressed me. Michael Moore is not my favorite person
and I have been very critical of him. I recently watched a video of him
after he allegedly interviewed Julian Assange and expressed my distrust. But
watch what he said about Donald Trump. Mr Moore hit the nail right on it's little head.
If Trump gets elected it's as if the people are telling the system a big

Let's hope he's right.
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instant gratification-that is what trump is running on, and why it will fail
long term/big picture thinking has to prevail
the only way to work it; effectively and sustain it, is just the way the left did it. Trumps method of feeding off desperation, will only throw us further down.
Have you ever heard the Democrats talk.... There whole platform is based on instant gratification and somebody else paying the cost.

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Have you ever heard the Democrats talk.... There whole platform is based on instant gratification and somebody else paying the cost.

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yes I have heard it; and, agree that is their major selling point to the masses.
BUT- it works; because people work that way. Especially in an age where you can click "buy it now." Amazon is so successful; because, humans work that way. Click it, and it shows up the next day.

BUT, democrats, as you said, started locally and then infiltrated from within. The right needs to follow that model to be successful. e Trump's entire campaign is based on appealing to the anger from the left and what they have done. Dismantling the system in a few years wont work. It took since Woodrow Wilson to build it up. to tear it down so quickly will do no more than anger the masses, and, they will simply put back whatever he may take down only bigger. That is assuming he can actually take it down; which, he wont succeed in alone. The tea party had the right concept. Put people in at the local levels, into the local reprehensive positions, the senate, the house; and garner actual support from the ground up. Then after they build those groups to represent them, at that point someone like a Trump can make something meaningful happen.

I am not arguing that anything he has said or proposed is wrong, as a matter of fact, I agree with his formal position on most things. (as I have said)
what I don't agree with is his methods for fixing it, nor his communication skills. Angering people you want something from never works. Pissing off people you need to work with, either shuts them down, or turns them into a retaliatory state of mind. He has proven that at every turn. on the one hand he garners support, on the other he takes it away. His, is not a policy issue, it is an issue with speech and ability to actually work with people- especially people he does not agree with and that don't agree with him.

put his policies and ideas into the mind of someone who can go longer than 3 days without pissing off someone he needs to work with, and you have my support. 3 things on his plate that I am completely, "all in," on are term limits, Obama Care and the supreme court.
only 1 of which he might actually be able to achieve with his current state of support.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This next video truly impressed me. Michael Moore is not my favorite person
and I have been very critical of him. I recently watched a video of him
after he allegedly interviewed Julian Assange and expressed my distrust. But
watch what he said about Donald Trump. Mr Moore hit the nail right on it's little head.
If Trump gets elected it's as if the people are telling the system a big

Let's hope he's right.
no real progressive no real liberal can vote for hilary, her ties to wall street and the corporations is huge well documented,and has been exposed....the only people supporting her are people who see profit from supporting facisim....and the useless fucks that support Hilarys totalitarian abuseses of power to institute her agenda.
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no real progressive no real liberal can vote for hilary, her ties to wall street and the corporations is huge well documented,and has been exposed....the only people supporting her are people who see profit from supporting facisim....and the useless fucks that support Hilarys totalitarian abuseses of power to institute her agenda.
BS. Wall Street and the BIG Corp. As we know it today. Was created by and for the Benefit of the progressive liberal...... again you are falling into the propoganda trap. Your falling for the lie.. they build it and support it all the while telling the sheeple how evil it is and how it is supporting the other side. Which is the lie. The big money goes to the Progressives or globalist. Regardless the party..

Of course the sheep prefer the progressive.. Afterall they are promising EVERYTHING for free.

Fact Is the only way to do that is to also support big Corp and wall street. Somebody has to pay the bills.

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BS. Wall Street and the BIG Corp. As we know it today. Was created by and for the Benefit of the progressive liberal...... again you are falling into the propoganda trap. Your falling for the lie.. they build it and support it all the while telling the sheeple how evil it is and how it is supporting the other side. Which is the lie. The big money goes to the Progressives or globalist. Regardless the party..

Of course the sheep prefer the progressive.. Afterall they are promising EVERYTHING for free.

Fact Is the only way to do that is to also support big Corp and wall street. Somebody has to pay the bills.

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you're right..Im talking more about the rank and file person who calls themselves progressive the people with the soft spots on their heads who think shit is FREE.

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Wow, he almost made me believe, I hope the dude that made the speech gets paid!

its a great speech and a great arrangement made... from the speech to the video editing its fantastic!

if he could have kept himself like that for most of the campaign, I wouldn't be on every trump supporters "ignore" list. lol


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its a great speech and a great arrangement made... from the speech to the video editing its fantastic!

if he could have kept himself like that for most of the campaign, I wouldn't be on every trump supporters "ignore" list. lol

Yup, I know my presidential vote don't count, but it would be nice to have someone to vote for!


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I want to know who the artist is

Yup, I know my presidential vote don't count, but it would be nice to have someone to vote for!

amen brother

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I thought that and kept listening to the bridge. I don't think its him, He annunciates the staccato a lot more; and, gets a more of a "gravel" with his overtones.


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BS. Wall Street and the BIG Corp. As we know it today. Was created by and for the Benefit of the progressive liberal...... again you are falling into the propoganda trap. Your falling for the lie.. they build it and support it all the while telling the sheeple how evil it is and how it is supporting the other side. Which is the lie. The big money goes to the Progressives or globalist. Regardless the party..

Of course the sheep prefer the progressive.. Afterall they are promising EVERYTHING for free.

Fact Is the only way to do that is to also support big Corp and wall street. Somebody has to pay the bills.

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No Pulse is correct. He said no REAL progressive would support Hitlery. Just like no REAL libertarian would support Johnson and no REAL conservative would have supported Romney.

Real Progressives supported Sanders.


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This next video truly impressed me. Michael Moore is not my favorite person
and I have been very critical of him. I recently watched a video of him
after he allegedly interviewed Julian Assange and expressed my distrust. But
watch what he said about Donald Trump. Mr Moore hit the nail right on it's little head.
If Trump gets elected it's as if the people are telling the system a big

Let's hope he's right.

And that is what I have been saying all along!

It would be "We The People's" way of giving the finger to the establishment at the bare minimum.

Will they listen................

Hell no but it will give us the "Warm and Fuzzies" for 4 years if trump should win.


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And that is what I have been saying all along!

It would be "We The People's" way of giving the finger to the establishment at the bare minimum.

Will they listen................

Hell no but it will give us the "Warm and Fuzzies" for 4 years if trump should win.
You know, I think it would do far more than that,I think it has already done far more than that.....the control that the political class and the propoganda mills that prop them up has ....if threatened by any candidate of any persuassion that candidate is going to be absolutely crucified, and Trump is proving that.....anybody who thinks that Trump is Hitler and a racist xenophobic sexual predator is a mindless fuck that has swallowed the propoganda...if bernie had got this close to unthroning Hilary he would have been called a lunatic perv....what Trump has already done is break the purple ceiling...he has already broken the paradigm that you must be a politician,approved by the two major parties,supported by the bankers and the corporations,funded by the corporations funded by the banks in order to be a viable presidential candidate......the genei is out of the bottle,and both parties and the entire political class and america will never be the same for it......what is possible has now been expanded.the control the party elites had has been seriously damaged, the media has been totally discredited.....the number of people that will now look to the altmedia and the internet is exploding and the trend will continue...people are no longer looking to the party elite for political solutions...I think you are about to see a political renissance in the entire west but particularly in the US.
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Platinum Contributor
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You know, I think it would do far more than that,I think it has already done far more than that.....the control that the political class and the propoganda mills that prop them up has ....if threatened by any candidate of any persuassion that candidate is going to be absolutely crucified, and Trump is proving that.....anybody who thinks that Trump is Hitler and a racist xenophobic sexual predator is a mindless fuck that has swallowed the propoganda...if bernie had got this close to unthroning Hilary he would have been called a lunatic perv....what Trump has already done is break the purple ceiling...he has already broken the paradigm that you must be a politician,approved by the two major parties,supported by the bankers and the corporations,funded by the corporations funded by the banks in order to be a viable presidential candidate......the genei is out of the bottle,and both parties and the entire political class and america will never be the same for it......what is possible has now been expanded.the control the party elites had has been seriously damaged, the media has been totally discredited.....the number of people that will now look to the altmedia and the internet is exploding and the trend will continue...people are no longer looking to the party elite for political solutions...I think you are about to see a political renissance in the entire west but particularly in the US.


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No Pulse is correct. He said no REAL progressive would support Hitlery. Just like no REAL libertarian would support Johnson and no REAL conservative would have supported Romney.

Real Progressives supported Sanders.
Guess that depends on what REAL is.

Reality being purely subjective, and all.

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Guess that depends on what REAL is.

Reality being purely subjective, and all.

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what I mean is there are people who actually think socialism will work,despite the fact the socialist economies of europe which was the gold standard to american leftist, all of them are going down in flames...but how do you as a socialist who hates the corporations go out and vote for a woman who is giving 200 thousand dollar an hour speeches to wall street bankers,who admitts she tells the public one thing about wall street, but in private supports them,how do you as a socialist support a candiidate who recieved 48 million from the hedge fund do you as a socialist ignore the fact that Hilary Clinton is bought and paid for by the do you as a socialist and a egalitarian support a woman whose charity winfs up giving less than 10% of the money they take in to the poor and pocket the rest like the Clinton Foundation did in Hati, how do you ignore that after all the wikileak drops that the Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a money laundering some point you gotta realize Hilary's rhetoric is one thing,but her actions are and the people that support her are the global elite and not fucking ghandi....of course if you were smart enough or had the integrity to figure that out you wouldnt be a socialist to begin would have realized socialisim is how totalitarian dickheads sell slavery to the stupid and the desperate....for instance...The Daughter of Castro inspired revolutionary Socialist dictator Hugo Chavez is now the richest woman in Venezuela worth over 4 billion dollars....she didnt earn it building a better mousetrap.....she earned it by her father raping the country.
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