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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Maybe you can't do math or look at a calendar. Since he is out on bail, the election is the 8th and he goes to court on the 10th(two days after election day for the mathematically challenged), he certainly can vote.

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Member For 4 Years
Yeah, that part of the story took the fun out of it. Notice the pot being stirred.

Man, you sure are a bitter fuck that can't wait for the opportunity to insult someone. Must suck to be so miserable.


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Yeah, that part of the story took the fun out of it. Notice the pot being stirred.

Man, you sure are a bitter fuck that can't wait for the opportunity to insult someone. Must suck to be so miserable.



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I can not believe that Hillary gave the Most TOP SECRET information away that we have to the intire world! Now how stupid do you have to be to do something like this.

I was waiting to see how long it would take b4 somebody brought that up.
I heard Mrs Klingon make that 4 minute statement and asked myself, "Isn't that classified?"
Wally asks "how stupid do you have to be...?" and the article states "Is she stupid and hapless or just wickedly reckless?"

No, Hitlery isn't stupid, though her brain isn't working very well, not hapless either
though it is beginning to look that way it being all her little tricks keep getting exposed.
Killary Klingon is a sociopath. In her angst to be the winner she cops a "devil may care" attitude
which fortunately keeps being noticed and works against her because some folks do care.

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Yeah, that part of the story took the fun out of it. Notice the pot being stirred.

Man, you sure are a bitter fuck that can't wait for the opportunity to insult someone. Must suck to be so miserable.


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I don't think it's a matter of believing Trump can magically fix everything that's broken or somehow snap his fingers and correct what's blatantly wrong with our government in his first 100 days. I don't even believe he'll be 100% successful at doing everything he wants to do, not because he's full of shit but because it's being realistic.

One of the biggest things going for Trump (in my opinion) is the fact he first of all recognizes the system is broken, second is willing to speak the truth about it rather than sugar coat it with heaps of bullshit and third expresses a desire to change it. Technically that in and of itself doesn't fix anything but it's critical to changing things.

The alternative is someone who lies about lying, knows the system is broke but could give two shits because it's broke in her favor and she wants to keep it that way, pretends things are cheery and has no desire to fix what benefits her. Aka, the status quo, the same thing that's caused the never Trumper movement within the stagnant gop. At that point it's not even a partisan issue, it's good ol' boy corrupt and comfy vs real change that will upset the tea kettle.

Being able to name the problems and addressing them is a major first step in the right direction. Turning a blind eye to it and lying about it has 0 chance of change/improvement. To say things will never change is an ignorant mind set, things always change. Sometimes it takes 100yrs or 500yrs, but shit changes. I'm sure in the days of the Roman empire people couldn't imagine things changing. I'm sure there was a time when the people of England never imagined any sort of voting system, the King ruled, took lands and wrote up rules as he pleased and if he didn't like you, fuck you and off with your head. He didn't need consult with a congress, he said, the pee ons did.

Given our much wider spread use of the internet and social media now vs even 2008 or 2012 and the immediate voice of the people being heard more loudly as news unfolds we might be in a better position to make our voices heard. Rather than being forced to wait for elections, committees and hearings, writing letters to officials that sit on their desk for 8mo until they get tossed in the circular file, the people have a stronger voice when it comes to issues.

We're seeing that with many situations, the dropping on his knees by Kaepernick and the almost immediate loss of viewership of football games. Action and reaction. We can also see a similar effect when news came out of the pentagon going after war vets and demanding their bonuses back after 5-10yrs. In the past it would have slowly trickled to the rest of the nation, people would have grumbled in their social circles at work about it, a few may have pissed and moaned and nothing would have happened. In today's climate large portions of the nation are able to react and call foul, publicly shaming the government into issuing an apology and within a week or so of the story making headlines, statements that the money grab from our vets has been halted. We've skipped the long drawn out process that mutes the voice of the public and are getting results because of it.

This could very well translate to stifling of voter fraud as well. No more hearing about it months after an election, people notice it and get pissed and their experiences are blasted across the airwaves of the internet ignoring msm's failure to report on things. No longer do we need the news spoon fed to us or to pick and choose what topics we need to hear and when. No sitting on it and waiting for it to go away. We can spread information on our own and much faster than the traditional msm. The filtered mediation of the 'news' between incident and the public has been sidestepped and once news explodes around social media the msm can't keep a lid on it. Instead they're forced to cover it and try to play catch up since they're hours or days behind the news.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah, that part of the story took the fun out of it. Notice the pot being stirred.

Man, you sure are a bitter fuck that can't wait for the opportunity to insult someone. Must suck to be so miserable.
Aleppo is a city in Syria...


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Check out "Requiem for the American Dream" on Netflix
I said it before
We need a revolution, we have to organize, get people out their safety caves!!!
they need to go out there and shit!!
People want change!! We will never achieve change voting for CLOWNS! They all lie, they all for them selves...trump gives us a chance to change the system, but he is part of the system, he knows how take advantage of the system, he knows how to manipulate the system, he is part of the system we want DESTROYed!

Neither presidential candidate brings hope to the American working class, the FINANCIAL sector
Runs the show(HRC)
I'm for a REVOLUTION, I'm for
And god bless us all

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah, that part of the story took the fun out of it. Notice the pot being stirred.

Man, you sure are a bitter fuck that can't wait for the opportunity to insult someone. Must suck to be so miserable.

I did notice the pot being being stirred. Advice for the future, if you don't want shit on you don't stir the shit pot. It has a way of splashing back on you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,doesn't it?

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the first lady looks like she could kick shaquille O'Neal's ass.


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LMAO!!!!removed as not to upset Hilary
There it is. Can't have a picture of a paper mache Hitlery titty but a mod can post a picture of a plastic trump dick.

Rules is rules, except when you're the one enforcing them.


adjective: arbitrary
based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
LMAO!!!!removed as not to upset Hilary

Begging your pardon Madam, I must refer you to the forum rules.
It would seem that you're violating rule number four: " No posting of nudity pictures- Removals/warnings will be up to the Staff/Admin to determine"
In fact, in my opinion a penis pic is a more egregious violation than a nipple pic.
If the vaping underground administration objected to a paper mache effigy because
of it's naked breasts then it follows that they also object to a dick.
You as a moderator should set an example. I am offended by your penis.
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Platinum Contributor
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Begging your pardon Madam, I must refer you to the forum rules.
It would seem that you're violating rule number four: "4. No posting of nudity pictures- Removals/warnings will be up to the Staff/Admin to determine"
In fact, in my opinion a penis pic is a more egregious violation than a nipple pic.
If the vaping underground administration objected to a paper mache effigy because
of it's naked breasts then it follows that they also object to a dick.
You as a moderator should set an example. I am offended by your penis.

You're just a common folk. The rules are different for you. I'm surprised you haven't learned that yet. Whiskey and Hitlery are above following rules. They make the the rules for us, not them.


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Begging your pardon Madam, I must refer you to the forum rules.
It would seem that you're violating rule number four: " No posting of nudity pictures- Removals/warnings will be up to the Staff/Admin to determine"
In fact, in my opinion a penis pic is a more egregious violation than a nipple pic.
If the vaping underground administration objected to a paper mache effigy because
of it's naked breasts then it follows that they also object to a dick.
You as a moderator should set an example. I am offended by your penis.

It looks like orange lizard to me... penis? lol



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
There it is. Can't have a picture of a paper mache Hitlery titty but a mod can post a picture of a plastic trump dick.

Rules is rules, except when you're the one enforcing them.


adjective: arbitrary
based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
were any babies harmed in the posting of this note?


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
There it is. Can't have a picture of a paper mache Hitlery titty but a mod can post a picture of a plastic trump dick.

Rules is rules, except when you're the one enforcing them.


adjective: arbitrary
based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.

How many likes can I give you?
If there's one thing that bothers the fuck out of me
it's selective enforcement of rules. The other is flagrant violations of rules
by people who are supposed to enforce them.

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yeah you dumb cracker...the diffrence is Trump isnt a fucking war criminal looking to start another war to kill your sons in like hilary.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Why can't we all just get along?
I wanna see a pic of Whiskey's penis fucking the Hitlery effigy.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
How many likes can I give you?
If there's one thing that bothers the fuck out of me
it's selective enforcement of rules. The other is flagrant violations of rules
by people who are supposed to enforce them.
in the words of the world most famous femminists....."I dont remember"...
Why can't we all just get along?
I wanna see a pic of Whiskey's penis fucking the Hitlery effigy.
I do not.
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