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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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“Nato squares up to Putin: As Russia beefs up its military might on Europe’s border, West responds with biggest show of force since the Cold War” according to the Daily Mail.

Maybe I should make a lot of popcorn and get some


Russia is getting ready too. They just have a different game plan. And I like theirs better than ours, which seems to be to do nothing for the population when the nukes fly.



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Let me update that for you old fart. LOL.

The originals are always best. Note that I played the Stones'
later live version just for you youngsters.

There's an old Spanish saying,
"Mas sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo."
The devil knows more from being old than from being the devil...LOL

It all comes together in the end, my friend.


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Sweet. Except, of course, that means they killed an innocent man. Fucking Gestapo bastards.
Yup. That's why I just said, " Dedicated to the memory of Lavoy Finicum"
in the comment when I shared the story on my facebook community page.

They set him up. He was unarmed. He reached for his celly.
All they did was kill a patriot and give 3% a martyr.
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#whiterancherslivesdontmatter.......where the DOJ...oh yeah there the ones doing the shooting.
nobody's lives matter
we're close to killing the planet and everything in it because
of greed and dogma. for Big Brother, Uncle Sam, and Duck McScrooge
killing one or killing a billion "what difference does it make?"


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Trump Says Michael Moore is right?



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M Moore is a hypocrite, i wonder how much the Clintons paid this fat motherfucker to endorse her!!

Only the people of this fucking country will change shit... ONLY US!!
None of these motherfuckers would!!


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M Moore is a hypocrite, i wonder how much the Clintons paid this fat motherfucker to endorse her!!

Only the people of this fucking country will change shit... ONLY US!!
None of these motherfuckers would!!

I thinks its hilarious, that so many people believe the edited part of what he said, but, STILL never took the time to listen to what he said in it's entirety.


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M Moore is a hypocrite, i wonder how much the Clintons paid this fat motherfucker to endorse her!!

Only the people of this fucking country will change shit... ONLY US!!
None of these motherfuckers would!!

I watched Michael Moore in Trumpland, the whole thing
and what he tells Megan Kelly in the interview is not what he said
in the flick..unless I'm having audio, I'm not.
It seems he copped flack and is spinning his fat ass back into the good graces
of the would be empress.
I'm gonna go vote on Halloween. I think it's appropriate. Was thinking of going in costume.


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Who knows. Burnie was able to swing a new $600,000 dollar house after endorsing Hitlery. He only owns three houses now.

Fat ass Moore is probably house hunting now.
last time I checked Bernie was worth about 800 grand in total. is that new spread paid for or mortgage?


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I watched Michael Moore in Trumpland, the whole thing
and what he tells Megan Kelly in the interview is not what he said
in the flick..unless I'm having audio, I'm not.
It seems he copped flack and is spinning his fat ass back into the good graces
of the would be empress.
I'm gonna go vote on Halloween. I think it's appropriate. Was thinking of going in costume.

LOL.... someone whispered on his ears bro...
What a douche!



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Yup, except it hasn't been hacked by white or even grey hat hacksters.
It has been hacked by evil motherfuckers who want to make the system crash
for nefarious purposes.
The mysterious "they" want to tear away our individuality and replace it with a hive mentality.
The Collective want to enslave US and all of planet Earth
and make us serve the Corporation, The Queen of the hive. It's the Aliens.



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His other two houses are worth more than 800 grand by themselves. He bought one in '07 for $488k and one in '09 for $405K. Now another for $575K.

Socialism pays well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,if your at the top.
Yea well he's a socialist like the pimple on my nose is a nazi.
He's a Bernieist just like Hitlery is a Klingon and Trump is a Trumpet player.


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How can you like a blank reply, EJ? I wrote a reply but it disappeared mysteriously.
Otay, I said it was hacked by bad guys


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How can you like a blank reply, EJ? I wrote a reply but it disappeared mysteriously.
Otay, I said it was hacked by bad guys

I know man, if you accidentally delete a letter it wont show as a quote!!

The bad guys that you were referring to was the fucking government!! They destroyed that movement!!



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I know man, if you accidentally delete a letter it wont show as a quote!!

The bad guys that you were referring to was the fucking government!! They destroyed that movement!!

nah, not in your quote, the whole post dude..some admin/mod fucking with my head no doubt
no sweat, I paraphrased my lost post and re-replied


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It was hacked but not by white or grey hat hacksters, it was hacked by
bad dudes who want to turn us into a hive

Exactly... who do you think did that shit, then blamed it all on anonymous?
Fucking government!



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A cute meme but complete horseshit. That's what happens when pretty colors win over logic and common sense. For one, muslim isn't a 'race'. Are muslims lumped together and being stereotyped because of some bad apples? Sure. Are the 'good' muslims speaking up and turning in the people who have twisted their religion and used it as their calling to attack innocent Americans? Where was cair when it came time to speaking out that the actions of a few don't represent the others and they'll be glad to help starting within their own apparently semi dysfunctional religious teachings to curb to wayward ones? That's right, they were busy tripping over each other to scream "They weren't terrorists, this didn't happen, they didn't do it" before they had the facts. It was just 'workplace violence' and lone wolf yadda yadda until the threads quickly unravel.

Trump never said mexicans need to leave, he said illegal immigrants. The issue is kind of in the name so there's no fixing that or dodging it. People can't be expected to be 'wonderful' when their very first act is to break our laws. To say that's the only way they can get into this country makes one wonder well then how did all the LEGAL immigrants get here? Illegal immigrants aren't just mexican, it's anyone from any other country who comes here while dodging the proper channels. If people automatically think illegal immigrant and 'mexican' are synonymous then they only have their failed education system to thank for not teaching them the difference. The ignorance of one person is not the crime of someone else by default.

Stop and think for a minute, assuming someone is mexican and assuming they're here legally, what do they have to worry about? Legal citizens aren't up for deportation. They've got nothing to worry about and no one is trying to blindly round up mexicans. The whole tears over breaking up families, that's understandable. New rule, no one can be arrested or imprisoned ever again for any crime unless they have no living relatives. That drunk driver? Can't arrest her, she has a family. That robber? Can't arrest him, sentence him to jail, he has a wife and kids. Oh, was a teen caught smoking ******? Can't take them away from grandma and grandpa. Oh wait, I'm starting to see the difference - it's not equality people want it's preferential treatment. Any other law breaker faces consequences, immigrants breaking the law are special.

If only common sense were half as common as illogical memes I have a feeling much of the angst and division in this country wouldn't exist.


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Who knows. Burnie was able to swing a new $600,000 dollar house after endorsing Hitlery. He only owns three houses now.

Fat ass Moore is probably house hunting now.[/QUOTE

Remember when Gore was running...that fat slob Moore was a big Ralph Nader supporter......then the DNC whispered in his ear and threw him some money and he sold Nader out....after that when Moore would have a speech there would be all these Nader supporters with bullhorns calling him a whore and a sellout......I think what Moore is doing the DNC's bidding again....the DNC has lost and is bleeding the white blue collar workers vote...more and more working class whites are supporting Trump..because the realize.....the DNC is doing to most whites what the are doing to most blacks...selling them out to immigrants legal and illegal....the DNC has blown smoke up the ass of the black community for generations and in the mean time have brought in latinos to displace them and their vote...and have given black america empty promises and lies...the DNC is doing the same thing to white america....Moore is trying to blow smoke up the ass of white america on the orders of the DNC to try and placate them enough to get their vote and then after the election give their jobs to a mexican and their forclosed house to an ISIS member with a forged Syrian passport. Moore is bought and owned by the DNC he is a propogandist who the DNC uses to con dumb college kids and posturing twits who think the New Yorker magazine is relevant.


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For many years one of the people whose minds I have found really interesting has been Camille Paglia, she is truly iconoclastic..A femminist with a brain,who refused to be pigeonholed, or hand her mind over to the National Orginization of Women or the DNC.....she went off the reservation....hell she never was on the reservation....Her thoughts on what she calls the Disaster of a Hilary presidency and the oppurtunity for freedom a Trump presidency can offer...from a femminsts who scares the shit out of femminists


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guess the DNC arent gonna be giving her a free ride to the polling station this year.

So, I think this illustrates the big lie being manufactured by the media.....The Trump star was destoyed by a rich white man,a liberal who owns a finnancial company,and a family winery...who destroyed the star because Trump is a racist pig who hates women........This black homeless woman has taken it upon herself to protect Trumps star, and has asked people to vote for Trump.....who you gonna believe ..your lying eyes or the media.......

as an aside this rich white liberal,owned a pair of spectecales that once belonged to Mahatma Ghandi...The goverment of India asked him to return them,as part of the Indian peoples history......he refused and aucctioned them off for millions to an Indian man who eventually returned them to India........not being a SJW I'm not sure, but is that cultural appropriation.
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guess the DNC arent gonna be giving her a free ride to the polling station this year.

So, I think this illustrates the big lie being manufactured by the media.....The Trump star was destoyed by a rich white man,a liberal who owns a finnancial company,and a family winery...who destroyed the star because Trump is a racist pig who hates women........This black homeless woman has taken it upon herself to protect Trumps star, and has asked people to vote for Trump.....who you gonna believe ..your lying eyes or the media.......

as an aside this rich white liberal,owned a pair of spectecales that once belonged to Mahatma Ghandi...The goverment of India asked him to return them,as part of the Indian peoples history......he refused and aucctioned them off for millions to an Indian man who eventually returned them to India........not being a SJW I'm not sure, but is that cultural appropriation.

She's in the wrong state!! That's what happen when choose to live on the streets, use illegal drugs and rely on tax payers like my self!
Who gives a fuck about the Hollywood star, trump don't give a shit about that either!
Please man, you sound like a leftard!
They all lie, they all have special interest, you kept putting trump in the throne like he's gonna fix shit!! You know better man...
You say trump is the only hope?
Hope is gone in this country LONG FUCKING TIME AGO... unless we REVOLT, nothing gonna change...
Don't be selfish, you want trump to win for your own gratification, you point out all the Clinton/dnc flaws, but you never once talk about the American people!! !!
Your nothing but a FORUM, HYPOCRITE


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