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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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"It" has teeth similar to a fucking Honey Badger.........:popcorn:


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Ya gotta love the democrats, bless their little hearts...they just keep shooting themselves in the foot, ya think to yourself.."hey maybe I should take that gun away from them so they don't keep shooting themselves", but then you decide it's more fun just to listen to their screams.....So, after doing every imaginable dishonest illegal trick they could think of to steal the vote they lost....with all the money from wall street and the ISIS sugar daddies,all the propoganda mills they still lost.......and what do they do????? they keep chanting the racist mantra of "Kill Whitey.KIll Whitey"...because Hilary lost not because she was a fucking lying criminal war, but because White Americans are all they keep calling us all deplorables....that should win some hearts and minds...but I'm to busy right now, to console and talk to democrats and their army of illegal mexicans.... I have a wall to help build.


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I gotta wonder....................................

Will Hillary be giving refunds?:giggle::devil:


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Hopefully he still has all those steel hook ups in China. That wall isn't gonna be cheap.
hell he could get free labor from citizens....kinnda like the scrap drives during WWII people would volunteer to build the wall....but the wall isn't necessary...all we have to do is deny all social services, all non essential free health care,deny schools to all but citizens, defund federal money to sanctuary cities, deny driver licenses,institute E-Verify for employment and put about 1000 employeers in jail for breaking the law...and they will deport themselves...they come because we make it so easy for them ....they will leave when we make it so hard for them to be here.and get rid of the anchor baby dodge.


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Not to worry. Young people vote like that until they start making money. Once they start making real money they all miraculously become Republicans. Been going on like that since the 60's.

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What, me worry?
I know, I used to be a young people too. The problem is that there seem to be a lot more young people now
and they all weren't brought up to be civil


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Not to worry. Young people vote like that until they start making money. Once they start making real money they all miraculously become Republicans. Been going on like that since the 60's.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
It's funny alot of people I've met have changed from liberal to conservative.....but almost never do I run across someone whose gone from conservative to liberal.


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I still like it. Not often but now and then I pop a can.
I keep a case of it around just in case the shit hits the fan.

Once I popped a can open and it seems there was a little hole in the can
so it was full of maggots. (if the visuals on that don't cure you of spam for good nothing will)
I laid off the Spam for a year after that.[/QUO
In the Civil War doctors introduced maggots to open wounds in the field.
Helped ward off Septic shock..


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It's funny alot of people I've met have changed from liberal to conservative.....but almost never do I run across someone whose gone from conservative to liberal.
Just after August 08 and the dawning of the "deeming"
I unfurled the Jolly Roger. I went from conservative to anarchist over night.


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The idiots have the premise backwards.
They're chanting,"No KKK" and "No fascist state" when it was clearly Killary
who had a fascist agenda which even Bernie pointed out
and it was Killary who had connections to the Klan including donations from
one of the grand lizards.


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Now they're sitting in silence for Michael Brown.
These folks have no clue what to bitch about.

Teresa P

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The electoral college doesn't actually vote until December 19, and already tons of petitions floating around to get them to change their minds about Trump. I've read that the chances of this happening are slim to none, but it bothers me nonetheless. Another thing that disturbs me greatly are tweets and purported websites dedicated to Trump's assassination.
Obama is said to have the highest level of security of any president. I hope Trump triples that.


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The electoral college doesn't actually vote until December 19, and already tons of petitions floating around to get them to change their minds about Trump. I've read that the chances of this happening are slim to none, but it bothers me nonetheless. Another thing that disturbs me greatly are tweets and purported websites dedicated to Trump's assassination.
Obama is said to have the highest level of security of any president. I hope Trump triples that.

Wtf! Electoral ain't going no where!!
How are you my dear friend?



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The BS going on now is why I have lost what little respect I held for the Democratic Party. They tout themselves as the inclusive and tolerant choice yet their actions tell an entirely different story. You didn't see protests and riots from Republican supporters when Obama won. Not your President? Fine, feel free to pack your shit and take it elsewhere, we will find a way to manage without you.

You lost fair and square folks, it's time to put away the rhetoric and find a way to work together to improve the situation, not make it even more divisive than it already has been.


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They are just mad because they just lost their free cell phones and a bunch of other stuff that the rest of us have been paying for over a long, long time.


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They are mad because they are fucking stupid,but they are being manipulated like the sheep they are by the global elite...Carlos Slim the mexican billionaire lost 5 billion dollars because the American people elected Trump...God knows how much Soros lost as well....and the Soros and Carlos Slims and the Saudi princes stand to lose many more billions of dollars if they can't control the US and if they can't control europe..imagine how many billions if not trillions global industrialists and currency traders and Chinese goverment officials stand to lose because of the failure of the TPP..the Brexit was crushing and now the election of Trump they see their grip over the world slipping away...they will use these riots and their discredited media to try and keep control...I say fuck the little fires they are starting and just get busy helping build that wall.putting Hilary in prison ,jailing people who use violence against Trump supporters,and celebrating our victory and Vetrans's Day.....Happy Vetran's Day ,and Thanks to all those who have protected the Republic.
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Teresa P

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I'm about to block half of my FB friends list...I am so sick of whining and crying and quite frankly haven't the time for ego stroking and diaper changes.
"It breaks my heart seeing all these children being so cruel to one another..." - I got news for ya: Children have always been cruel to one another. Don't blame it on Trump as I doubt very seriously that they watched election coverage and primary speeches and took notes. Children consider that type of thing BORING. Children tend to act like their parents, so if your kid is acting like a little muslim-bashing, racist homophobe, you need look no further than your own back door.
"We didn't have all these protests and riots when Obama was elected..." - Nope, cuz 8 years ago, people actually went to jail for that kinda shit. They weren't offended every time the wind blew, and "safe space" was behind the bathroom door in a bubble bath and no kids in the house.
"I can't even enjoy my Facebook without all these hate posts..." - yeah, me either, it's a lot of bullshit to wade through just to keep in touch with my daughter and browse a few DIY/vape pages. So a bunch of you are about to get the middle finger (might even write "TRUMP" on it first) and a good ol' "b-bye, Felicia!"
I cannot stomach whining from grown ass adults. :facepalm:


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I'm about to block half of my FB friends list...I am so sick of whining and crying and quite frankly haven't the time for ego stroking and diaper changes.
"It breaks my heart seeing all these children being so cruel to one another..." - I got news for ya: Children have always been cruel to one another. Don't blame it on Trump as I doubt very seriously that they watched election coverage and primary speeches and took notes. Children consider that type of thing BORING. Children tend to act like their parents, so if your kid is acting like a little muslim-bashing, racist homophobe, you need look no further than your own back door.
"We didn't have all these protests and riots when Obama was elected..." - Nope, cuz 8 years ago, people actually went to jail for that kinda shit. They weren't offended every time the wind blew, and "safe space" was behind the bathroom door in a bubble bath and no kids in the house.
"I can't even enjoy my Facebook without all these hate posts..." - yeah, me either, it's a lot of bullshit to wade through just to keep in touch with my daughter and browse a few DIY/vape pages. So a bunch of you are about to get the middle finger (might even write "TRUMP" on it first) and a good ol' "b-bye, Felicia!"
I cannot stomach whining from grown ass adults. :facepalm:

Hahahahaha, it's happening all over the place, I have a co worker that blocked her own daughter on facebook ... true story!!
NOOOOOOOO don't block them, just continue to educate them, i know it's frustrating... I myself don't engage because I'm not right nor left, it's pointless, because I hate both sides!! With that being said, relax, and let me have some of ur new JOOZE! and pray for the new administration to do RIGHT by the people!
Ignore those protesters, they are bored!! It will go away!

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