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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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AUDIO: John McCain shares insider info with prankster posing as Ukrainian PM

First Waters now McCain. Gotta figure Pelosi is next on the list.
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I do not agree with your first sentence at all. One of the biggest reasons that he beat all of the establishment candidates in the primaries is that the typical Republican voters were sick and tired of our representatives hiding under a rock the minute the press wrote a negative line about them. They do not like any right of far left idea, and they never will. No matter what they do, the press coverage will suck. that is why Barry continued to get his way with the GOP in complete control of the House and Senate. The press is upset that they no longer control what the GOP does by saying something derogatory. We've been telling at them to stand up and fight for years but they never did. Now we've got a fighter. His support will grow as people see that he isn't going to hide under the rock. Sure, he'll lose a lot of support in places he lost during the election, but so what. He doesn't need them. Combine that with the fact that most regular people find the protesting, rioting, kicking, and screaming to be disgusting at best, he's going to gain support everywhere that he needs it. The press is killing the DNC's chances in the next election.

Not only that, the Democrats are bleeding Democrats. I have friends that are life long Union Democrats. Some of them are jumping ship and they are citing the Media as the reason. They say the Trump bashing is over the top and they don't trust the media anymore. They say that their party is not what it used to be.

Trump is doing what he should be doing. Standing up to the Media. Like you say, people are tired of Republicans caving under media pressure. But the constant media barrage and fake news is also souring some democrats.


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I've already been there, when I got both my electronics degrees.
But damnitman, silencing people you don't agree with by blowing there shit up, is doing exactly what you say you hate.
I guess you're learning from your furhur

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Funny how the same comparison works and has been made for the last President...... if not the last 6..... prior to that I only know from books.

Swap facists for communist for socialist... Same thing totalatarianism by a different name.

Funny how any politician who claims to be For the People.. is immediately seen as Hitler. It's not like he was the first evil guy to do that.

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It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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Trump can't openly speak against antisemitism, just like Obama couldn't openly speak against Islamic terrorism, both have supporters that wouldn't like that sort of thing.


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AAhh now that is a beautiful sight..illegal aliens and leftist dickweeds being shown the door in the same week.keep the train rolling.....of course the state of California will hire them...
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The Cromwell

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Trump did himself no favors except working off a little steam. He riled up the press so much that they will come at him twice as hard saying he is unstable & mentally unfit for office to try & have him removed. The attacks on the press did have them shaking their heads and discrediting their sources as fake news forces them to identify their sources to prove the veracity of their claims.

Think the FBI should scoop up the reporters responsible for the stories & question them. See if CIA interrogators can test how their resistance to ethanol, scopolamine, 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, midazolam, flunitrazepam, sodium thiopental and amobarbital is. Bet they would be able to find those 9 sources pretty darn quickly.

Saying he doesn't care if its a one state solution or a two state solution for Israel was genius. PLO must either stop the bullshit & come to table & finalize a deal or lose any chance for a State they have left. We all know they will never stop attacking no matter what happens so take the chance for peace & a State now or lose it entirely.
Ahh if we had only done that during the buildup to the Iraq invasion....
Trillons of dollars saved and tens of thousands of lives saved.


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bho's last minute EO that expanded NSA surveillance and WHO CAN ACCESS IT, was in effect leaving behind a trojan horse. Any dem supporter still in DoS or for that matter, any alphabet agency, could leak sensitive shit to the msm, which in turn can twist the true meaning by divulging just bits and pieces. Like the bullshit russian story the msm is trying to fabricate.
I didn't understand bho's motivation to do that EO, until now.


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The Cromwell

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Funny how the same comparison works and has been made for the last President...... if not the last 6..... prior to that I only know from books.

Swap facists for communist for socialist... Same thing totalatarianism by a different name.

Funny how any politician who claims to be For the People.. is immediately seen as Hitler. It's not like he was the first evil guy to do that.

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I thought the last one was the Anti-Christ?


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I thought the last one was the Anti-Christ? didn't get the memo that the mainstream media pushed....he was the smartest man to sit in the whitehouse....he was going to end racisim(which is only a problem democrats have during election time) and he was going to bridge the gap with the muslim world apparently by dropping a drone on them every 20 minutes day and night for 8 years, and toppeling their goverments....and that he deserved a Nobel Peace Prize for.........what we don't know.....I thought we was supposed to be the messiah.

The Cromwell

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Member For 4 Years didn't get the memo that the mainstream media pushed....he was the smartest man to sit in the whitehouse....he was going to end racisim(which is only a problem democrats have during election time) and he was going to bridge the gap with the muslim world apparently by dropping a drone on them every 20 minutes day and night for 8 years, and toppeling their goverments....and that he deserved a Nobel Peace Prize for.........what we don't know.....I thought we was supposed to be the messiah.
Nope missed that memo.
I try to not be on wacko mailing lists.

Again never voted for Obummer.
there are other ways in life than absolutism.
I choose my own way.


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Nope missed that memo.
I try to not be on wacko mailing lists.

Again never voted for Obummer.
there are other ways in life than absolutism.
I choose my own way.

what that was the memo of every mainstream media outlet in America.....are you implying the American media is ,,,wacko? they lie?they are.......fake news.

The Cromwell

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what that was the memo of every mainstream media outlet in America.....are you implying the American media is ,,,wacko? they lie?they are.......fake news.
Yep all of them including Fox.
Pretty much all commentary and sensationalist speculation.

Still waiting on Trump and his staff to provide proof of the false news they have been spouting.

Those who agree with the false news refuse to see the truth.
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The Cromwell

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You mean Wickileaks when it first began?

Again it is pick and choose what one wants to believe from it.

True real news is the same way. Pick and choose what to endorse and what to dismiss as false.

Anyone who blindly follows either main party is a bit of a fool.


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You mean Wickileaks when it first began?

Again it is pick and choose what one wants to believe from it.

True real news is the same way. Pick and choose what to endorse and what to dismiss as false.

Anyone who blindly follows either main party is a bit of a fool.
exactlly that is why Trump won...the people rejected the media's control of manufacturing consent.

The Cromwell

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Trump won over his right wing opponents because of of his celebrity status.
he won the election because of the same combined with Hillary being a very poor candidate.

We are a very fear driven society. Trump played on that very well.

The Cromwell

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not at all ..but it would be refreshing if you had something to offer other than your sore ass over Trump winning....we've seen enough of those it's so banal.
Still with the absolutist thoughts.
Refreshing? About US politics?


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Are you saying it is only trump ass lickers over here in this thread?
It is. They can't handle opposing opinions and refuse to talk about anything, instead sling insults and schoolyard taunts. If someone has a different thought they're wrong. If you don't blindly support everything Trump does you aren't allowed to post here /sarcasm


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It is. They can't handle opposing opinions and refuse to talk about anything, instead sling insults and schoolyard taunts. If someone has a different thought they're wrong. If you don't blindly support everything Trump does you aren't allowed to post here /sarcasm
No, it is not.

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No, it is not.
Have you read the the thread?
Here, watch this
It's like putting out a feeder for deer.

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bho's last minute EO that expanded NSA surveillance and WHO CAN ACCESS IT, was in effect leaving behind a trojan horse. Any dem supporter still in DoS or for that matter, any alphabet agency, could leak sensitive shit to the msm, which in turn can twist the true meaning by divulging just bits and pieces. Like the bullshit russian story the msm is trying to fabricate.
I didn't understand bho's motivation to do that EO, until now.
Remember... if the dems are accusing their opponent of getting ready to do something bad or having done evil.. it's only because the dems are currently doing these things or have done them in the past....

Take Russia.... they are now condemning Trump for suggesting he do what they have been doing since the end of WW2. As it pertains to Russia......

Until 4 years ago it was the Conservative on one side and the Russians on the other. With the dems supporting all things Russia... now the dems are on the other side what happened?

What changed?

Pro islamist president. And the Russians got a little less socialist.
Oh and then there's the little thing about how the Russian do war...... they fight in warfare as if is warfare...

Meaning if they deploy. They deploy to KILL the Enemy and target. And the keep destroying said target and killing the enemy. Till the enemy surrenders...or is dead......

We on the otherhand got so scared of war as a result of WW2 that we fight police actions and do everything we can to avoid killing or destroying stuff...

Is it a wonder we have not been on the winning side since 1945?

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Have you read the the thread?
Here, watch this
It's like putting out a feeder for deer.

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Yes, I have read the thread and keep up. Some are opinions. I leave what I don't want to read.

It's like, if a guy posts a pic of a woman in a bikini, I don't like it, because I am a female, I simply move on, leave it be.


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The problem is if you post anything that doesn't conform to certain people's thinking you get attacked for it. Not just disagreed with, I'm all for a good debate, I'm talking insulted and followed around the forum, only for those certain people to attack literally everything you say. Hence, the you can't post here if you don't blindly support everything Trump does


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I thought the last one was the Anti-Christ?
I believe every president has had that accusation leveled at them.

I for one don't think the AC will come onto the seen from the political class...

Trump would fit the bill... except for him being hated by too many.. the anti Christ is supposed to be loved by all. If I'm not mistaken.

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I believe every president has had that accusation leveled at them.

I for one don't think the AC will come onto the seen from the political class...

Trump would fit the bill... except for him being hated by too many.. the anti Christ is supposed to be loved by all. If I'm not mistaken.

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They have, at least in my lifetime.

Pretty sure it's a political leader though

Revelation 13:8 - And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world

so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name

Revelation 13:5 “And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months.”

Revelation 13:3 “And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.”

Would love to see what @snake94115 thinks on that one though.
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The Cromwell

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Until 4 years ago it was the Conservative on one side and the Russians on the other. With the dems supporting all things Russia... now the dems are on the other side what happened?
You forget Reagan/Gorby? And the wall came tumbling down?

The Russians have their man inside now it is time to throw the track off.

so we will never have an antichrist?
Since a president nor anyone else will ever be loved by all.

Mark of the beast? Only legal immigrants and citizens will be allowed to buy things?

The Cromwell

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The problem is if you post anything that doesn't conform to certain people's thinking you get attacked for it. Not just disagreed with, I'm all for a good debate, I'm talking insulted and followed around the forum, only for those certain people to attack literally everything you say. Hence, the you can't post here if you don't blindly support everything Trump does
Yep think I am done here.
a decade or so of heavy use of political bulletin boards has taught me that fanatics virtually never change their following.

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Yep think I am done here.
a decade or so of heavy use of political bulletin boards has taught me that fanatics virtually never change their following.
Nope! That's how special vests became an innovation

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