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Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Don't want to start new thread for this......

How does a US Navy Destroyer get rammed mid ship, by a 30,000 ton boat?????

Was it on purpose or is training that bad in Navy?

I mean how does something that big get that close????? That far out to sea.........
I would think captain would be in crap load of trouble as well as watch commander / COB.

Amazes me that anything like this can happen after the introduction of modern radars and the USS Cole Incident.

Instead they have had like 4 major incidents along these lines in last year alone. Unacceptable.

Anyone who wants to attack our war ships w/ kamikaze runs from small fast moving craft loaded with explosives apparently will quite likely be successful.

Sad. Piss poor message to send. Even the North Korean regime has to get the message they can attack this way.

IMHO That is the message they are sending because they want NK to attack that way to spark WW3 a a backup if the Syrian conflict does not pan out the way they intend.
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I would think captain would be in crap load of trouble as well as watch commander / COB.

Amazes me that anything like this can happen after the introduction of modern radars and the USS Cole Incident.

Instead they have had like 4 major incidents along these lines in last year alone. Unacceptable.

Anyone who wants to attack our war ships w/ kamikaze runs from small fast moving craft loaded with explosives apparently will quite likely be successful.

Sad. Piss poor message to send. Even the North Korea has to get the message they can attack this way.

IMHO That is the message they are sending because they want NK to attack that way to spark WW3 a a backup if the Syrian conflict does not pan out the way they intend.

Hell..... if I were NK and I wanted to be able to lobs some ICBM type missiles.... Guess which particular boat in the Navy I would like to have out of service when I did it????? The one with the UPGRADED radars and re-entry vehicle killing missiles on-board. Interesting........


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hell..... if I were NK and I wanted to be able to lobs some ICBM type missiles.... Guess which particular boat in the Navy I would like to have out of service when I did it????? The one with the UPGRADED radars and re-entry vehicle killing missiles on-board. Interesting........
Is it equipped with the new Laser CWIS LaWS systems as well? That can kill them in the boost phase as well. I know several destroyers are outfitted now & the Nimmintz strike group was just outfitted with some.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Don't want to start new thread for this......

How does a US Navy Destroyer get rammed mid ship, by a 30,000 ton boat?????

Was it on purpose or is training that bad in Navy?

I mean how does something that big get that close????? That far out to sea.........
Whatcha Mean? we have the best military in the world!
We are the USA.

Somebody screwed the pooch and a few heads will roll.


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Otto Warmbier died. Lack of O2 to the brain. Big mystery on why. Had to be some serious NK torture, or so they say.

I'm no fan of the Norks but you'd think at least one person would put forth a valid, and fairly obvious, possible cause.

I hate to point out the obvious, but it's likely the kid hung himself. Watch his sentencing, he didn't take it well at all. Fairly common in all prisons.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Hell..... if I were NK and I wanted to be able to lobs some ICBM type missiles.... Guess which particular boat in the Navy I would like to have out of service when I did it????? The one with the UPGRADED radars and re-entry vehicle killing missiles on-board. Interesting........
So you are saying that our fast maneuverable Destroyers cannot dodge a plodding big ship?
We are doomed! Doomed I tell ya!


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So you are saying that our fast maneuverable Destroyers cannot dodge a plodding big ship?
We are doomed! Doomed I tell ya!
That and the fighter jets they can't push to where performance requires oxygen for the pilot yeah........

I'm thinking Trump was on the right track re Russia..... It's a good time to play nice. too bad the dems are icing for WW3..

Hope you like borscht and Kim chi...........

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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That and the fighter jets they can't push to where performance requires oxygen for the pilot yeah........

I'm thinking Trump was on the right track re Russia..... It's a good time to play nice. too bad the dems are icing for WW3..

Hope you like borscht and Kim chi...........

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Umm play nice? Trump seems to be diametrically opposed to Russia in Syria.

And Bush II bled the hell out of our military. A couple of trillion and thousands of lives.
The soviets let us bleed on that one for them since they actually learned in Afghanistan.
The right has been playing for the Russians for decades.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That and the fighter jets they can't push to where performance requires oxygen for the pilot yeah........

I'm thinking Trump was on the right track re Russia..... It's a good time to play nice. too bad the dems are icing for WW3..

Hope you like borscht and Kim chi...........

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yeah the DNC right now is making Ronald Regan look like a pinko...


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Ahh the freedom to hate....
What a cherished freedom by some...
How pitiful.
People have always had the freedom to hate. The question is whether they were free to express that hate in the form of "speech".

I think it's better that freedom exists, so we can know who hates what, and better they express it as speech than keep it bottled inside until they go postal.


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Umm play nice? Trump seems to be diametrically opposed to Russia in Syria.

And Bush II bled the hell out of our military. A couple of trillion and thousands of lives.
The soviets let us bleed on that one for them since they actually learned in Afghanistan.
The right has been playing for the Russians for decades.
Bush the 1st started it....... Clinton and Jr. Continued daddies work. BO doubled down....

Trump didn't have to agree with the Russians to get along..... just not kicking shit at them would be nice.

I mean the Russians didn't do anything that any established government doesn't do during an opponents elections. If that is They did anything.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
People have always had the freedom to hate. The question is whether they were free to express that hate in the form of "speech".

I think it's better that freedom exists, so we can know who hates what, and better they express it as speech than keep it bottled inside until they go postal.
indeed ,it's better that they sing their hate from the moutain we all know exactlly what they think and who they are...I have no desire to silence the knuckeldraggers in say... the Nation of Islam...I want to hear every rabid little gerbil that spins the wheels inside their gourds. I mean hearing Jerimha Wright 's insane ravings allowed me greater insight into just exactlly who Obama is.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Don't want to start new thread for this......

How does a US Navy Destroyer get rammed mid ship, by a 30,000 ton boat?????

Was it on purpose or is training that bad in Navy?

I mean how does something that big get that close????? That far out to sea.........
Apparently this is how:

The Path of the Container Ship
That Struck a U.S. Navy Destroyer


The Japanese Coast Guard is trying to determine why a large Philippine ship took almost an hour to report its collision with the U.S.S. Fitzgerald off the coast of Japan on Saturday. Seven sailors were killed.


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The Japanese Coast Guard is trying to determine why a large Philippine ship took almost an hour to report its collision with the U.S.S. Fitzgerald off the coast of Japan on Saturday. Seven sailors were killed.
'Cause that's how long it took them to get out of their bunks, wander up to the bow of the ship, realize that what they hit was pretty dang big, then turn around and get back to the scene of the collision to find out what they hit. I betcha those fuckers were all asleep with the Crystal on auto-pilot. FWIW, that's not a legal way to operate a ship, but it seems to happen with some regularity on freighters.

What this doesn't explain is how a high-tech USN destroyer didn't see & avoid them, either with actual eyeballs or with the ship's radar. USN ships absolutely do have a crew standing watch at all times. I don't think there's any plausible explanation other than: They weren't doing their jobs.


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'I've been sitting back and just watching the Democrats reaction since the assassination attempts by the liberal gunman in D.C....and I admitt I was initially confused...It started out predictablly sane. For a day maybe two their was a rumbeling by the DNC that perhaps assassinating republicans was a "bad" thing...but in truth, it was nothing more than a rumbeling...there was no groundswell of condemnation by liberals there was no outrage over the incedent...for instance compare the outrage of liberals over Mike Brown getting shot or any other thug in America getting shot, and the assassination attempt by a Bernie supporter against Republicans...the differnce is striking....I thought... surely there will be a huge display by the DNC against what happened, even a serious introspection among liberals about how there has been a massive and systematic use of violence by the left during the last year against Libertarians and Consevatives....So I was somewhat surprised when I saw the tepid response among liberals toward murdering people of differing political views..I was confused as to why there wasn't a more vocal condemnation of the act, I thought that surely the DNC will mount some type of damage control so as to appear a viable mainstream political party in a Republic, and not a bunch of third world thugs with roaming death squads terrorizing Americans..on the contrary,,in less than a week the rhetoric of Democrats has if anything become more vitriolic, it's imagery even more violent and insane. the DNC is acting, like the muslim Mayor of London.. as if assassinations are a normal part of living in a Western society......It has occured to me that the reason the DNC and rank and file Liberals have been dragging their feet over speaking out against what happened is because they support what happened...The DNC has just doubled down on the violence they have aimed at half the population of America, they have all by their silent nod, gone from condoning beatings and actual murder....the DNC has gone from normalizing violence in America's body politic to...normalizing murder in America's body politic.....the question long till they get around to you.
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'Cause that's how long it took them to get out of their bunks, wander up to the bow of the ship, realize that what they hit was pretty dang big, then turn around and get back to the scene of the collision to find out what they hit. I betcha those fuckers were all asleep with the Crystal on auto-pilot. FWIW, that's not a legal way to operate a ship, but it seems to happen with some regularity on freighters.

What this doesn't explain is how a high-tech USN destroyer didn't see & avoid them, either with actual eyeballs or with the ship's radar. USN ships absolutely do have a crew standing watch at all times. I don't think there's any plausible explanation other than: They weren't doing their jobs.
Actually I'm thinking g you have the wrong crew on their bunks.... the container ship was manuvering.... for time. .......

Crew being in bunks is only way I can figure the Fitz got hit.

If Shipping control radars knew where that ship was... the destroyer should have also.

It job is to protect the fleet from surface and sub surface threats. Like submarines..which like to hide.. if they can't see or hear a 30000 ton container ship at near full speed..... I'm worried.

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What this doesn't explain is how a high-tech USN destroyer didn't see & avoid them, either with actual eyeballs or with the ship's radar. USN ships absolutely do have a crew standing watch at all times. I don't think there's any plausible explanation other than: They weren't doing their jobs.

Western militaries have been reliant on technology and money for many years to do their work for them. It creates complacency and laziness just as it does in the workplace or the home. And that's just the beginning of the consequences of throwing money(high tech) at a problem. Not to mention that it doesn't work. How long have we been bombing the ME with high tech now?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
'Cause that's how long it took them to get out of their bunks, wander up to the bow of the ship, realize that what they hit was pretty dang big, then turn around and get back to the scene of the collision to find out what they hit. I betcha those fuckers were all asleep with the Crystal on auto-pilot. FWIW, that's not a legal way to operate a ship, but it seems to happen with some regularity on freighters.

What this doesn't explain is how a high-tech USN destroyer didn't see & avoid them, either with actual eyeballs or with the ship's radar. USN ships absolutely do have a crew standing watch at all times. I don't think there's any plausible explanation other than: They weren't doing their jobs.

Tough to blame the container ship for not seeing a destroyer with the Fitzgerlad's radar signature designed to make it appear like a rowboat until they were right on top of it in poor conditions. The responsibility was entirely on the Fitzgerald's crew.

Since they are playing at War tactics, the way the Fitzgerald would remain stealthy is to secure her radars so she was not emitting any EMF frequencies that would give away her position and rely on passive systems like passive sonar & LIDAR to track vessels in the immediate area. Both systems should have given them ample warning of a conflict within 150 miles, but with conditions being what they were, if the attention of only two crewmembers was diverted for any reason even for a short time it could have easily caused the disaster.

They must have been running an intercept scenario and decided to shake up the freighters crew by appearing directly in their path but miscalculated or they were ordered to cause a false flag incident to encourage & spur the NK leadership to mount swarming fast-boat attack scenarios on the fleet and again miscalculated making the incident worse than anticipated.
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with the current reporting, every adversary knows where to target the Captain's Quarters.

Thanks for that Media. /sarc/
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