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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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So when was the last time 3 Democrat members of Congress go arrested for the sake of an American citizen...or for that matter the sake of anyone...they got arressted for their own pack the ballot boxes with the votes of illegals paid in citizenship papers done illegally against the will of the American displace the american people and create a one party state.


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Leftist Scum

The Electoral College Is a National Security Threat
The Founding Fathers never anticipated the rise of Facebook and fake news.

Losing their fucking minds

The above article is propaganda.
For one, it alleges w/o evidence that "an enemy state—Russia—was able to manipulate America’s election process with stunning effectiveness."
and that "it’s clear the national security rationale for the Electoral College is outdated and therefore it should be retired."

The electoral college was, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, intended to make manipulation of the electoral process more difficult.
While perhaps the electoral college's vote and the popular vote need be balanced somehow in order to prevent
states with more electoral votes from having more sway but the electoral college per se is not a national security threat, rather it deters nefarious manipulation.
An election based only on popular vote could be easily manipulated by hacking the voting machines as has been reported happening.

Furthermore, while it would be naive to think that Russian agents have not in some way tried to steer public opinion toward
policies and bureaucrats they felt would further or at least not interfere in Russia's agenda, my opinion is that I've seen more articles that qualify as propaganda from left wing/ DNC on social networks and the media than I have from either Russian or Republican sources.

The Russians did not manipulate the results of the election. The blundering idiots in the DNC together with the demonic karma of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation dug their own hole and perpetrated their own failure.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The above article is propaganda.
For one, it alleges w/o evidence that "an enemy state—Russia—was able to manipulate America’s election process with stunning effectiveness."
and that "it’s clear the national security rationale for the Electoral College is outdated and therefore it should be retired."

The electoral college was, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, to make manipulation of the electoral process more difficult.
While perhaps the electoral college's vote and the popular vote need be balanced somehow in order to prevent
states with more electoral votes from having more sway but the electoral college per se is not a national security threat, rather it deters nefarious manipulation.
An election based only on popular vote could be easily manipulated by hacking the voting machines as has been reported.

Furthermore, while it would be naive to think that Russian agents have not in some way tried to steer public opinion toward
policies and bureaucrats they fell would further or at least not interfere in Russia's agenda, my opinion is that I've seen more articles that qualify as propaganda from left wing/ DNC on social networks and the media than I have from either Russian or Republican sources.

The Russians did not manipulate the results of the election. The blundering idiots in the DNC together with the demonic karma of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation dug their own hole and perpetrated their own failure.
Moreover, this "enemy state" bullshit is getting old.
Korea is a fucking enemy state. Cuba and Venezuela are enemy states. Iran is an enemy state.
Countries which have declared themselves enemies of the United States are enemy states.
Russia, even though it has an alliance with Iran and some other countries which have declared themselves to be our enemy,
has expressed it's desire to get along with the USA, to be our friends but to not be subjugated to our whim. Russia only wants that it's sovereignty be recognized.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The above article is propaganda.
For one, it alleges w/o evidence that "an enemy state—Russia—was able to manipulate America’s election process with stunning effectiveness."
and that "it’s clear the national security rationale for the Electoral College is outdated and therefore it should be retired."

The electoral college was, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, intended to make manipulation of the electoral process more difficult.
While perhaps the electoral college's vote and the popular vote need be balanced somehow in order to prevent
states with more electoral votes from having more sway but the electoral college per se is not a national security threat, rather it deters nefarious manipulation.
An election based only on popular vote could be easily manipulated by hacking the voting machines as has been reported happening.

Furthermore, while it would be naive to think that Russian agents have not in some way tried to steer public opinion toward
policies and bureaucrats they fell would further or at least not interfere in Russia's agenda, my opinion is that I've seen more articles that qualify as propaganda from left wing/ DNC on social networks and the media than I have from either Russian or Republican sources.

The Russians did not manipulate the results of the election. The blundering idiots in the DNC together with the demonic karma of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation dug their own hole and perpetrated their own failure.
The best thing they can do for the Electoral College is to ensure the illegal alien population does not count toward Electoral votes in an election the they are not allowed to participate in. Same can be said of the House of Representatives. They are not citizens and not entitled to representation. That should even things out nicely.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The best thing they can do for the Electoral College is to ensure the illegal alien population does not count toward Electoral votes in an election the they are not allowed to participate in. Same can be said of the House of Representatives. They are not citizens and not entitled to representation. That should even things out nicely.
what...and California lose some of those electoral college votes they now enjoy for the DNC...I'm not seeing that happen...honest elections are racist.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
what...and California lose some of those electoral college votes they now enjoy for the DNC...I'm not seeing that happen...honest elections are racist.
One thing is for sure, if they did that, the DNC wouldn't give a rats ass about illegal immigrants any more.


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One thing is for sure, if they did that, the DNC wouldn't give a rats ass about illegal immigrants any more.
ANYMORE????? What do you live under a rock?

They don't care about illegals now.... How can you care about something you claim does NOT exist......

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Memes and twits what a stupid way to make intelligent political debate.
Ohh wait Intelligent and political are mutually exclusive.


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Safe to say Milo will face counter protests in Berkeley?

It's unbelievable that the UC Berkeley went from "Bastion of the Free Speech Movement" to
"Bastion of the Free Speech Suppression Movement" in 50 historically short years.
This exposes that the original movement was never about "free speech"; it was about replacing speech.
The free speechers of the '60's became the professors of the '80's and 90's and beyond. They sure did a bang up job of teaching the Millennials that identity politics trumps free speech.
Yes, dammit, I said "trumps". derp


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's unbelievable that the UC Berkeley went from "Bastion of the Free Speech Movement" to
"Bastion of the Free Speech Suppression Movement" in 50 historically short years.
This exposes that the original movement was never about "free speech"; it was about replacing speech.
The free speechers of the '60's became the professors of the '80's and 90's and beyond. They sure did a bang up job of teaching the Millennials that identity politics trumps free speech.
Yes, dammit, I said "trumps". derp
tru words...the free speech movement of the 60s was Cultural Marxisim.
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