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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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Why are sanctuary cities helping the Mexican ****** cartels?******-cartels/


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Definitely..I was trying to remember who the white woman was
that used to wear a cowboy hat like Frederica. She isn't being original with her silly gimmick

How could anyone forget the name "Battlin' Bella Abzug"?
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You missing the point on purpose?
The only reason for the existence of government is to protect the citizens,
not from themselves which is what FDA et al try to do but from other, enemy forces and crooks and such.
The only reasonable reason for the existence of building and zoning laws is to guarantee the standard of living of the citizen.

I'm not missing the point at all. Every single person, special interest group, politician or Party that wants a law or regulation to take something away from the individual uses this argument. It's for the "greater good". It's for their own protection. It's for the children. This basic argument has been used by all sides and proves the hypocrisy of most people. I don't need to use vaping as an example. Literally everything is an example. Gun control, drug laws, tax. The argument for all laws and regulation is "to protect the people". The argument is the same for all of them. And the result is the same. The individual that did nothing wrong gets regulated, pays the tax or fees. Everybody pays the price for a few peoples actions so that you can feel "safe".

For example. If a guy buys the house next to me and turns it into an apartment building,
because of building and zoning laws I have the right to demand remedy.
If I wanted to live in multi-family zoned neighborhood where the infrastructure is geared to support more people than a single family residential zoned neighborhood I would.

There you have it. It's about what you want. You want laws that back you up. If the shoe was on the other foot you'd make the argument that it's your property and you should be able to do what you want with it. It just happens that when the law is on your side, you agree with the law. As you made clear with your post above this one.

When authority makes sense and is legal I tend to comply but otherwise I refuse to.

I'm not singling you out here. This is common. People like laws and regulations that benefit them and dislike laws that don't.

Besides, you have the right to demand remedy anyway. That is what the civil courts do. You can sue your neighbor if you have been harmed. It's still fairly common and happens all the time when there is no specific "law" to get the government to do it for you.

Would you like a Mosque in your neighborhood?

I live where that is highly unlikely. That's by design.

If a guy then sells his apartment building in a house to another guy and the municipality doesn't make the seller turn the property back into a single family home then the new owner is likely to rent the units, the violation is perpetuated and my expected standard of living as well as the value of my property suffers from it.

There it is again. Your standard of living. Your property value.

The civil courts were meant to settle disputes between neighbors, buyers and sellers, and most everything. It's not like buyers have no recourse in this country.

As I mentioned most people save and slave in order to buy a house, even the down payment is
a hardship. Rather than expect a buyer to spend even more money on paying an inspector
(the inspection fails they're out the money) it behooves that an authority verify that the seller does so in good
faith and does not sell a defective product.

Um, I'd expect the buyer to pay for the inspection anyway, and the buyer does pay. They buyer pays in the price of the house and buyer pays in property tax and fees. The county doesn't do the inspections for free. The inspectors and everyone else the county employs all get paid. Sellers simply roll these costs to the buyer. Regulations and inspections disproportionaltley hurt the poor. They are least likely to have the extra money. Where I am, I can ask a friend to inspect if I don't trust my own abilities. Those costs don't have to roll down to me. Many rural people are quite poor too, including myself.

If I want $100K from a sale, and I have to pay $2K in fees, I'm not taking less than $102K from the buyer. I'm getting the $100K and rolling the $2K to the buyer. I'm not going to sell for $100K and end up with $98K. The buyer will pay the fees because I will bake them into the price of the house. And since it's a "law", the buyer has no choice but to pay because no seller in the county is going to eat that cost. If it wasn't a "law", like here, the buyer could hire someone for less or get a friend to do it, or not do it at all. Any of those options will benefit the buyer on a budget much better than a forced fee.

Comparing vaping with building and zoning is like comparing apples and oranges.

No, your argument is the same. The "protection of the people".

In vaping government seeks to mislabel a product, control it for the benefit of BT and BP
and to enforce what can only be called a repeating sin tax on vapers and the vaping industry.

Yep, all in the name of protecting people.

In building and zoning government seeks to guarantee the safety of people's shelters
and the money that they spend on those shelters.

Do it for the people? Government does not seek to guarantee the safety of anybody. They seek to raise revenue. They seek to control. The "safety of the people" is their excuse, that always works.

Don't compare me with Robert, please. My opinions are reasoned and considered, not something I heard on CNN.

I didn't.

I'm discussing your position, not you personally. I realize some of my comments may come off as personal, but that's not intentional. It's the quickest way to make my point.

Think about this, Nobody in my county is required to have a county inspection before selling a house. We all seem to be getting by just fine without that government "protection". How can that be? And, I'm willing to bet the costs related to regulation for buying, selling and owning are much lower here, making it more affordable for people on a tight budget.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Traumatised IT worker, 31, who was beaten up in savage late-night attack issues crystal-clear images of 'man who attacked her' after slamming police CCTV as 'terrible'


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm not missing the point at all. Every single person, special interest group, politician or Party that wants a law or regulation to take something away from the individual uses this argument. It's for the "greater good". It's for their own protection. It's for the children. This basic argument has been used by all sides and proves the hypocrisy of most people. I don't need to use vaping as an example. Literally everything is an example. Gun control, drug laws, tax. The argument for all laws and regulation is "to protect the people". The argument is the same for all of them. And the result is the same. The individual that did nothing wrong gets regulated, pays the tax or fees. Everybody pays the price for a few peoples actions so that you can feel "safe".

There you have it. It's about what you want. You want laws that back you up. If the shoe was on the other foot you'd make the argument that it's your property and you should be able to do what you want with it. It just happens that when the law is on your side, you agree with the law. As you made clear with your post above this one.

I'm not singling you out here. This is common. People like laws and regulations that benefit them and dislike laws that don't.

Besides, you have the right to demand remedy anyway. That is what the civil courts do. You can sue your neighbor if you have been harmed. It's still fairly common and happens all the time when there is no specific "law" to get the government to do it for you.

I live where that is highly unlikely. That's by design.


There it is again. Your standard of living. Your property value.

The civil courts were meant to settle disputes between neighbors, buyers and sellers, and most everything. It's not like buyers have no recourse in this country.

Um, I'd expect the buyer to pay for the inspection anyway, and the buyer does pay. They buyer pays in the price of the house and buyer pays in property tax and fees. The county doesn't do the inspections for free. The inspectors and everyone else the county employs all get paid. Sellers simply roll these costs to the buyer. Regulations and inspections disproportionaltley hurt the poor. They are least likely to have the extra money. Where I am, I can ask a friend to inspect if I don't trust my own abilities. Those costs don't have to roll down to me. Many rural people are quite poor too, including myself.

If I want $100K from a sale, and I have to pay $2K in fees, I'm not taking less than $102K from the buyer. I'm getting the $100K and rolling the $2K to the buyer. I'm not going to sell for $100K and end up with $98K. The buyer will pay the fees because I will bake them into the price of the house. And since it's a "law", the buyer has no choice but to pay because no seller in the county is going to eat that cost. If it wasn't a "law", like here, the buyer could hire someone for less or get a friend to do it, or not do it at all. Any of those options will benefit the buyer on a budget much better than a forced fee.

No, your argument is the same. The "protection of the people".

Yep, all in the name of protecting people.

Do it for the people? Government does not seek to guarantee the safety of anybody. They seek to raise revenue. They seek to control. The "safety of the people" is their excuse, that always works.

I didn't.

I'm discussing your position, not you personally. I realize some of my comments may come off as personal, but that's not intentional. It's the quickest way to make my point.

Think about this, Nobody in my county is required to have a county inspection before selling a house. We all seem to be getting by just fine without that government "protection". How can that be? And, I'm willing to bet the costs related to regulation for buying, selling and owning are much lower here, making it more affordable for people on a tight budget.

alot of good points @Time, but...yeah alot of city inspectors don't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to building...they are just a city worker collecting a paycheck...and yes it a running joke where I live that all the inspectors own stock in the Simpson company because they force people to use their products.amd there's a big ass skyscraper in the middle of downtown SF that has sunk about 8 inches and is tilting something like 16 inches out of plumb....alll inspected by the SF finest at the building department,,and yes it is well known that the trade unions in SF years ago pretty much wrote the damned building codes to secure work for their tradesmen.....and I'd say the primary pursuit of the building department is to raise revenue...all that being said......once I was walking down a street in SF and and a little old Victorian house caught fire is probablly 100 years old...SF probablly has the best fire department in the world or it did before they had to hire tranny fire chiefs....anyway...the fire trucks were there within 10 that 10 minutes that fire had spread to three other a house 100 years old with wood as dry as Hilary's cunt....bad electrical wiring can not just burn your house down, but half your nieghborhood.certain building standards have to be met.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Traumatised IT worker, 31, who was beaten up in savage late-night attack issues crystal-clear images of 'man who attacked her' after slamming police CCTV as 'terrible'
Why if I was of a cynical bent of mind I'd almost say the state run police department didn't want the aatacker identified's almost as if.....they were hiding the fact that an arab looking man was beating white women...sort of like how they hid the fact 1500 white schoolgirls were getting raped for years.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Traumatised IT worker, 31, who was beaten up in savage late-night attack issues crystal-clear images of 'man who attacked her' after slamming police CCTV as 'terrible'
On a brighter note.
Identitarian Activists Unfurl Giant ‘Defend London, Stop Islamisation’ Banner on Westminster Bridge


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
alot of good points @Time, but...yeah alot of city inspectors don't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to building...they are just a city worker collecting a paycheck...and yes it a running joke where I live that all the inspectors own stock in the Simpson company because they force people to use their products.amd there's a big ass skyscraper in the middle of downtown SF that has sunk about 8 inches and is tilting something like 16 inches out of plumb....alll inspected by the SF finest at the building department,,and yes it is well known that the trade unions in SF years ago pretty much wrote the damned building codes to secure work for their tradesmen.....and I'd say the primary pursuit of the building department is to raise revenue...all that being said......once I was walking down a street in SF and and a little old Victorian house caught fire is probablly 100 years old...SF probablly has the best fire department in the world or it did before they had to hire tranny fire chiefs....anyway...the fire trucks were there within 10 that 10 minutes that fire had spread to three other a house 100 years old with wood as dry as Hilary's cunt....bad electrical wiring can not just burn your house down, but half your nieghborhood.certain building standards have to be met.

All the building codes did not stop the fires from burning down whole communities in California, of fairly new homes.

Ya want a code to work to stop the spread of fires? Place a minimum distance between buildings. I don't have a house close enough to mine to catch my house on fire. Nor do I have any dry brush.

What you describe is a product of close living. No code is going to fix it. If your house is close enough to another house to catch fire, your house is too close to another house. :p

No location is perfect. We take risks wherever we choose to live.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
what am I missing here....a sign says I want yout to be proud you're white and don't apologize???....little help is that racist.
I like how the media posting this crap has no comment section on their web pages..... I wanted to blast them!


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Traumatised IT worker, 31, who was beaten up in savage late-night attack issues crystal-clear images of 'man who attacked her' after slamming police CCTV as 'terrible'
Same web page.... nothing on our media that I have seen....
"ISIS fanatics make new threat to attack World Cup 2018 in Russia and vow to target the US and Europe 'soon' in chilling online images"


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
All the building codes did not stop the fires from burning down whole communities in California, of fairly new homes.

Ya want a code to work to stop the spread of fires? Place a minimum distance between buildings. I don't have a house close enough to mine to catch my house on fire. Nor do I have any dry brush.

What you describe is a product of close living. No code is going to fix it. If your house is close enough to another house to catch fire, your house is too close to another house. :p

No location is perfect. We take risks wherever we choose to live.
you are a cantankerous old coot.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The UK has already fallen
I just don't get the English at all.....maybe all the ones with good genes left the Island centuries ago,but their phony ass white guilt is mind bending....whatever crimes the English did to the "people of colors" in their empire, it just pales to insignificance compared to the incredible brutality and slaughter they committed on the Irish and Scots....and yet they don't have any remorse what so ever about those slaughters...Hell when Ghandi was going on his atkins diet hunger strikes in South Africa he never once got anywhere near seriously ill from them before the british capitulated, but 50 years later the English stood by and watched an Irishman Bobby Sands starve to death in long kesh prison on a hunger strike and did squat......and they still haven't left the country.....hell they gave up all their colonies in the third world and still they sit in Belfast.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yup. :bingo:

To be fair, most of my role models, respected elders, were cantankerous old coots.
I poor daughter...I cringe when I think of what a onery, pig headed, racist, throwback,hard ass she has had to deal with growing up opposed to all the enlightened accepting open minded parents of her friends.


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OK I didn't attend the Ivy leauge like the trash that run our country, so I need a little help....according to FAIR there is 12.5 illegal aliens in America, and we have spent 135 billion on supporting them. about 9,000.00 on each illegal. and so help a brother out here.......then why do we need this,
Food Industry Sets Tuesday Vote To Import 1 Million Visa-Workers

So, we are told, by the ruling elite, that there are 12.5 million mexicans picking lettuce, and now they need a million more....I don't know about you,but my lettuce consumption has not gone up. We are told that illegals are doing the jobs Americans won't I to believe Americans every single year refuse to do more and more jobs? I to believe more and more jobs are being given to illegals ...that a few pick lettuce and live off welfare, then get jobs in construction and other blue collar jobs and live off welfare as well. thus becoming upwardly mobile....and at what cost? at the cost of the American poor NOT becoming upwardly mobile and instead spiraling into poverty....

To even question the lies we are being told by the elite is "white supremacy"...BLM is not an organic movement it is bankrolled by Soros and Kellogs, and Ford and a dozen other billionaires. it is no coincidence that BLM just appeared...the whole "white supremacy" narritive is to legitamize the displacement of Americans by forgien nationals dependent on the dollars that are taken from the same people who are being displaced...BLM is not about helping Black people it was created to displace as many white people as possible.
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Silver Contributor
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Trump’s Party Would Never Nominate Lincoln, Reagan

If the Republican Party were to Primary Trump and his Mexico Wall plan with a candidate that would offer an alternative of reviving Lincoln's plan to ship blacks back to Africa instead, establishment Republicans would be surprised at just how authentically Lincolnesque Republican voters still are.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump’s Party Would Never Nominate Lincoln, Reagan

If the Republican Party were to Primary Trump and his Mexico Wall plan with a candidate that would offer an alternative of reviving Lincoln's plan to ship blacks back to Africa instead, establishment Republicans would be surprised at just how authentically Lincolnesque Republican voters still are.
are you trying to suggest the republican base would support shipping blacks back to Africa.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I don't know if it would get a majority vote but certainly a plurality especially in another 17 or so candidate race like the last one.
so are you mentally retarded or just going through addiction withdrawls,..on what do you base this idiotic assumption.


Silver Contributor
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so are you mentally retarded or just going through addiction withdrawls,
You were the one confirming belief in the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan for white genocide yesterday when I questioned you about it yet you call me retarded? LoL


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You were the one confirming belief in Coudenhove-Kalergi yesterday when I questioned you about it yet you call me retarded? LoL
yes you imbecile,I do believe Kalergi existed and the EU shares his vision.... I don't know if you are an American I doubt it ...but white America views Blacks as Americans fellow Americans...there is hardly an aspect of who we are as a people they have not influenced. the idea that someone who is against "Kill Whitey" is a white supremacist, or that being against state supported discrimination under the guise of affermative action is a member of the KKK is the same sort of pig ignorant racist dellusions as BLM. Please enlighten us ...which Republican candidate during the last election cycle had as a plank in his platform the removal of Blacks back to Africa....


Silver Contributor
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Member For 1 Year
yes you imbecile,I do believe Kalergi existed and the EU shares his vision.... I don't know if you are an American I doubt it ...but white America views Blacks as Americans fellow Americans...there is hardly an aspect of who we are as a people they have not influenced. the idea that someone who is against "Kill Whitey" is a white supremacist, or that being against state supported discrimination under the guise of affermative action is a member of the KKK is the same sort of pig ignorant racist dellusions as BLM. Please enlighten us ...which Republican candidate during the last election cycle had as a plank in his platform the removal of Blacks back to Africa....

You said more than the historical fact that he existed.
more like Germany masquerading as a country and not the headquarters of the Rothschild's Zionist central banks which is what it is.

Are you saying, "Kudenhove-Kalergi"?

among others.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You said more than the historical fact that he existed.
yes dimwit, and how in the most wacked out throes of DTs do you go from opposition to a massive and illegal invasion of europe funded by zionist bankers to...................................................................................American Republicans want to put Black Americans on boats back to Africa..are you even an American? Did you remember to take your medication.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You said more than the historical fact that he existed.
Oh pulse is anti ZION.....

But he doesn't want to go live in Africa.

Don't for get the progressives of BOTH parties were pro Hitler.... and if not for pearl harbor WW2 would likely have ended very differently.

From what I have seen of the left in my 52 years.. is they would be the ones sending people back to Africa....... they were afterall the ones that kept them here against their will in the first place.

America didn't start slavery.... they tried to end it...though.

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