Your on a real roll this evening aren't ya Hazy?
No, not all. Just trying to state my opinion using the accepted definition of words in a civil manner.
Both Pulsevape and /Time don't seem to know the definition of discussion or civility, let alone civil discussion.
A cursory inventory of this thread demonstrates ample proof that neither of them
welcomes opinions different from their dogmatic opinions or experiences different from their limited life experience.
Not everybody has grown up on the farm..not everybody appreciates being treated like livestock.
In the past year alone Pulsevape has insulted EVERYBODY who doesn't toe his particular bizarre line
and his boy Time follows right along kissing up to Pulse's words and vice-versa.
I happen to agree with Polarchick and can't condone their wholesale insults
not am I ready to continue to put up with Time's asinine uneducated retorts.
Maybe their animals will put up with it but not this vaper.
I think a first move other than the mutual respect that their family's did not teach them to have
is to use the same language.
A bigot is a bigot even if and when you agree with the bigot's politics.
An idiot is an idiot even when he occasionally proves to be an idiot savant.
If you want to call that being "on a roll"...LOL, I'm rolling.