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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Back right after 911 when lots of folks had little American flags on their automobile windows
as if cheering on their favorite sports team, many of those flags fell off and laid in the middle of the road getting soiled and run over by passing traffic.
There was one crazy motherfucker who did not approve of seeing Old Glory laying on the highway
so whenever he saw a flag on the asphalt he'd stop his pick-up truck right in the middle of the street or expressway,
get out and stop traffic as if he was pointing an RPG at the vehicles speeding by.
While some fools yelled out obscenities and screamed insults
that good old boy would just show them the flag as he got back inside his ride holding the prize.

The painting above made me think about that dude... I'm told he's a vaper now and he hangs out right here at VU...
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
While I don't necessarily like AG Sessions due to some of the people he has chosen to not prosecute and some of the laws
he's decided to try to enforce (even while ignoring state rights) the following video
demonstrates that not all the kids are like David Hogg and many are beginning to see the light



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Okay, that was over 3 months ago. Where are the results of THAT "investigation"?

They are trying to hold off on the reveals until just before midterms so no one will vote Democrat. Stupid in my opinion as Trump would gain muchmore support if she was wearing orange before the midterms IMHO.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So the FBI seized this recording from Cohen. I said at the time that attorney-client privilege is obviously dead. But now the question is: How the hell did CNN get it from the FBI? Ponder what it means that they did...
Exactly why Trump's attorneys did not object to the FBI taking custody. They knew it would be leaked to the outrage of a nation further exposing their criminality.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So the FBI seized this recording from Cohen. I said at the time that attorney-client privilege is obviously dead. But now the question is: How the hell did CNN get it from the FBI? Ponder what it means that they did...

Cohen's attorney gave it to CNN.

But that still begs the question, if the FBI seized the tapes, where did Cohen's attorney get a copy?


Bronze Contributor
Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
My thoughts exactly

Media hides Toronto shooter's Islamic terror links | Ezra Levant


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Libtards is dumb.

Trump's Hollywood Star Smashed To Pieces, Suspect In Custody

I'd like to be the one to point out to the mental midget that he now has paid for Trump's star to be there. "You do realize that you just bought Trump a brand new star, right?" Like the asshat before him paid $4,400 for Trump's star.

I like Trump and wouldn't buy him a new star. But the dumb ass libtards don't seem to mind. :giggle:


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Strategist Mark Grant: Trump has a right to call out the Fed if it's not acting in the US best interest
Anyone who can do simple math should understand that raising interest rates to anything resembling "normalcy" will deflate the bubble we've been blowing for more than 9 years now.

Quick, what's the interest on $20T of government debt at 5%?

What happens to home prices if mortgage rates rise significantly?

The Federal Reserve made a deal with the devil when it went to ZIRP in late 2008...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The real face of whose responsible for the White genocide in South Africa, the real face behind the ANC... the destruction of the most prosperous country in Africa was engineered so the Chinese could get their hands on the rescource of South Africa....all the virture signaling douchebags were useful idiots for this,and the people of South Africa Black and White will suffer for it. and a bunch of theives and murders in blackface will take a cut for doing the killing to make it happen
Xi Jinping Inks Million-Dollar South African Deal on Eve of BRICS Summit
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Anyone who can do simple math should understand that raising interest rates to anything resembling "normalcy" will deflate the bubble we've been blowing for more than 9 years now.

Quick, what's the interest on $20T of government debt at 5%?

What happens to home prices if mortgage rates rise significantly?

The Federal Reserve made a deal with the devil when it went to ZIRP in late 2008...
Something to be said for letting the air out slowly when a bubble is so overblown lest the inevitable occur violently. Real Estate markets are already imploding on their own and tightening mortgage availability too quickly will bring it all down.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Anyone who can do simple math should understand that raising interest rates to anything resembling "normalcy" will deflate the bubble we've been blowing for more than 9 years now.

Quick, what's the interest on $20T of government debt at 5%?

What happens to home prices if mortgage rates rise significantly?

The Federal Reserve made a deal with the devil when it went to ZIRP in late 2008...

This is kind of in proportion why I think we'll soon have hyperinflation roll in. Another vector I see leading to that is how the U.S. dollar is no longer held as reserve currency. The IMF & World Bank could start calling the debts at any time. Here we just launched into trade wars with everyone. Not a problem, just let it all roll over to common American consumer, they *love* hyper-inflation.

The trouble being the average American consumer has fallen from out of middle class to living below Federal standards of poverty. Unless they are going to start making soylent green, or wringing blood out of stones, the government and corporations won't get the hyper-inflation prices for the goods and services. We cannot pay it and we won't unless we absolutely need to do so. And that absolute need won't be but a one time deal, after that well, ...

Capitalism has included its own seeds of destruction. Everyone so concerned over bottom lines. It's a zero sum race to the bottom.

That isn't me saying socialism or communism are any better. No, I know better. I look to the ancient Greeks who say every form of governing and society had been tried with all failing. You pick one you think might get you somewhere and ride it until it drops. Our horse is throwing lame, time to be afixin to do something else.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Something to be said for letting the air out slowly when a bubble is so overblown lest the inevitable occur violently. Real Estate markets are already imploding on their own and tightening mortgage availability too quickly will bring it all down.
Depends where you are here in WI houses are still selling at record rates but at “real” prices. Around my house they have been selling in about a week if priced right.


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
The real face of whose responsible for the White genocide in South Africa, the real face behind the ANC... the destruction of the most prosperous country in Africa was engineered so the Chinese could get their hands on the rescource of South Africa...
That's gonna go so well for the black South Africans. Not. The Chinese will end up making the Boer look like absolute pikers when it comes to racism and willingness to subjugate..

Following their bilateral meeting, Xi and Ramaphosa signed a memorandum of understanding that would pour over one million dollars (14.7 million South African rand) into South Africa’s economy.

One million dollars! Be still my beating heart. :giggle:

China’s Development Bank signed another agreement with South Africa’s Eskom public utility company loaning it $2.5 billion to build a new power station.

Aha! There's the real deal....


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Something to be said for letting the air out slowly when a bubble is so overblown lest the inevitable occur violently.
When has the air ever come out of a bubble slowly?

Real Estate markets are already imploding on their own and tightening mortgage availability too quickly will bring it all down.
I'm not convinced they're "imploding" -- yet. :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's gonna go so well for the black South Africans. Not. The Chinese will end up making the Boer look like absolute pikers when it comes to racism and willingness to subjugate..

Following their bilateral meeting, Xi and Ramaphosa signed a memorandum of understanding that would pour over one million dollars (14.7 million South African rand) into South Africa’s economy.

One million dollars! Be still my beating heart. :giggle:

China’s Development Bank signed another agreement with South Africa’s Eskom public utility company loaning it $2.5 billion to build a new power station.

Aha! There's the real deal....
yeah the ain't seen real pain yet....give it 5 years China will own the country, and the Blacks will be lucky to eat each other.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
When has the air ever come out of a bubble slowly?

I'm not convinced they're "imploding" -- yet. :)
They will. You know as well as I do they created a world wide situation that will make 2008 look like a mere bump in the road when it comes down & if HRC was at the helm it would have been utterly catastrophic. The consumer confidence in Trump's economy is the only thing holding it up and that is built on a house of cards of false reporting instituted over the last 20yrs. They have raised interest rates enough for now. The yield curve has flattened so badly the Fed stopped reporting on it in an effort to hide the best indicator of an imminent crash - an inversion. Retail is in the toilet and stores are still closing wholesale under pressure from Amazon (as was the original plan). Continued interest rate increases too quickly will bring it down & it is expected that is their goal - to bring it down in Sept / Oct to garner enough Democrat support by blaming Trump for a Trade War before the midterms to retake Congress even though the damage was done long ago.

Trump supposedly has the Plunge Protection Team on a short leash & while he is striving to make it a soft landing, declaring open season on the FED gives them every incentive to disobey & drop it hard but leaves the narrative in Trump's hands. It seems it is all about who maintains the narrative about who caused it at this point. Once it comes down that narrative is Trump's as he really just has to point out the FED's manipulations & False reporting. The Democrats are counting on using MSM false reporting to shape the narrative that Trump's trade war caused it even though it will not bear scrutiny.
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