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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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Because Fox is no better than CNN. Soon they will attempt to shut down their Trump supporting pundits one by one during the lead in to midterms.

No better than CNN????? AYOFM?:) You think Fox News is gonna shut down
the programming that has kept them at #1 in the ratings??? Huh?

But I'll listen... What makes you think that?



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
No better than CNN????? AYOFM?:) You think Fox News is gonna shut down
the programming that has kept them at #1 in the ratings??? Huh?

But I'll listen... What makes you think that?

Change in management control after merger making it decidedly more left leaning. Kimberly Guilfoyle is just the first one out the door, more will surly follow or be censored. It is part of the Liberal take no prisoners total MSM / Social Media dominance approach heading into midterms & they are winning the battle with dirty judges / FCC officials ruling against AT&T Merger & the Sinclair Merger while allowing the Comcast merger to go through.

Trump was to rely on the Sinclair Merger to pick up the slack & provide a parachute for Fox personalities which may be jeopardized but that merger was just shot down. Didn't you see him tweeting complaining about it?


VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Fox and cnn both have a average view age of something like 65. They won’t be around much longer.. good riddance.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I wouldn't bet on it...I think the chick was created by the DNC like Obama...having her in the Party allows the DNC to have a spokesman that pushes race hate,socialisim,and the extreme far left, and yet at the same time gives them plausable deniability...they can say "Oh she's just young and fiery, and just needs to be tempered by the cooler heads in the party,but her aims are good..."Americans have been conditioned by the media to view the left like they view childeren or teenagers, there is a double standard for them and conservatives....we expect and allow the left to say stupid dangerous violent stuff and we just say...oh they are just passionate,their hearts are good,they just need to mature,...when in fact we won't face up to the reality the left mean exactlly what they say...Hilary didn't mature neither did John Kerry,Maxine Waters,Al Gore,Obama Biden,Al Franken....go down the list...........
The DNC is gonna push her career, just as the put Bernie as a nominee..everything about the DNC nomination was orchestrated including the choice of Bernie Sanders having him in the race allowed the DNC to push White hate, Socialisim, open borders,and globalisim, and drew the people that support those ideas into the party,and yet at the same time the DNC could go on TV and say that although they understood where Bernie was coming from the cooler heads in the party would keep him in saying that they hope to reassure and draw in the independents...this way the get both the exteme left and the liberal independents., and the rank and file party memebers.....rmember Obama was voted the single most liberal member of Congress and they ran him...they dunked him in the media bath..washed his birthplace, attendance of a racist church,ties to Farrahkan,communist associates,and Islamists, his sexual deviations..and presto he was a bridge to the middle ground....and though Obama was good looking, had a beautiful speaking voice,,,the man was dumbier than a sack of rocks, and yet they were able to convince people he was the smartest man to ever sit in the whitehouse.

I mean take Maxine Waters for have to be naive to think the DNC isn't controling every syllable she utters...they created her...she has been in office too long to merely be the people choice she is the party's choice ,they own her...they write her script push her on stage and then see which way the wind blows so they can tailor their propoganda.....and then at the end of the day, they can say ...well look at the district she represent what do you expect...she's just passionate after having rode on the back of the bus with Rosa Parks, but cooler heads will prevail...the woman should have been kicked out of congress if she had been a white man and consrvative she would have been kicked oit of congress, but her violence is excused because she is a po' black wemens oppressed by the white devil....she just happens to live in a mansion a world away from the district she represents.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I wouldn't bet on it...I think the chick was created by the DNC like Obama...having her in the Party allows the DNC to have a spokesman that pushes race hate,socialisim,and the extreme far left, and yet at the same time gives them plausable deniability...they can say "Oh she's just young and fiery, and just needs to be tempered by the cooler heads in the party,but her aims are good..."Americans have been conditioned by the media to view the left like they view childeren or teenagers, there is a double standard for them and conservatives....we expect and allow the left to say stupid dangerous violent stuff and we just say...oh they are just passionate,their hearts are good,they just need to mature,...when in fact we won't face up to the reality the left mean exactlly what they say...Hilary didn't mature neither did John Kerry,Maxine Waters,Al Gore,Obama Biden,Al Franken....go down the list...........
The DNC is gonna push her career, just as the put Bernie as a nominee..everything about the DNC nomination was orchestrated including the choice of Bernie Sanders having him in the race allowed the DNC to push White hate, Socialisim, open borders,and globalisim, and drew the people that support those ideas into the party,and yet at the same time the DNC could go on TV and say that although they understood where Bernie was coming from the cooler heads in the party would keep him in saying that they hope to reassure and draw in the independents...this way the get both the exteme left and the liberal independents., and the rank and file party memebers.....rmember Obama was voted the single most liberal member of Congress and they ran him...they dunked him in the media bath..washed his birthplace, attendance of a racist church,ties to Farrahkan,communist associates,and Islamists, his sexual deviations..and presto he was a bridge to the middle ground....and though Obama was good looking, had a beautiful speaking voice,,,the man was dumbier than a sack of rocks, and yet they were able to convince people he was the smartest man to ever sit in the whitehouse.

I mean take Maxine Waters for have to be naive to think the DNC isn't controling every syllable she utters...they created her...she has been in office too long to merely be the people choice she is the party's choice ,they own her...they write her script push her on stage and then see which way the wind blows so they can tailor their propoganda.....and then at the end of the day, they can say ...well look at the district she represent what do you expect...she's just passionate after having rode on the back of the bus with Rosa Parks, but cooler heads will prevail...the woman should have been kicked out of congress if she had been a white man and consrvative she would have been kicked oit of congress, but her violence is excused because she is a po' black wemens oppressed by the white devil....she just happens to live in a mansion a world away from the district she represents.
I truly think the Dems were completely stunned that she beat Joe Crowley and do not believe they had any intention of losing one of the most powerful Reps in the House that was a shoe in to replace Nancy Pelosi (who was probably the only Dem pleased with the outcome) as House Party Leader only to replace him with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well, he really was a tyrant. I mean what else do you call someone who arrests a substantial portion of a State Legislature in order to prevent them from voting on a measure that you oppose?
A president putting down an act of rebellion that threatened the security of the Capitol of a Nation. Strategically had he not acted, DC would have been surrounded by enemy territory & cut off from the Union.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well, he really was a tyrant. I mean what else do you call someone who arrests a substantial portion of a State Legislature in order to prevent them from voting on a measure that you oppose?
not to mention jailing any member of the press who criticized him and prosecuted total war scorched earth policy..


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
A president putting down an act of rebellion that threatened the security of the Capitol of a Nation. Strategically had he not acted, DC would have been surrounded by enemy territory & cut off from the Union.
I'm not seeing a down side here.


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
A president putting down an act of rebellion that threatened the security of the Capitol of a Nation. Strategically had he not acted, DC would have been surrounded by enemy territory & cut off from the Union.
If you view it that way, then I suppose it would have been equally acceptable for King George to arrest the members of the Continental Congress to prevent them from meeting in 1776?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If you view it that way, then I suppose it would have been equally acceptable for King George to arrest the members of the Continental Congress to prevent them from meeting in 1776?
I'm sure George would have had he had the opportunity. They were after all committing High Treason in his eyes.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Shareholder Wants Zuckerberg Out as Chairman After Facebook Loses $146 Billion

Facebook shareholders try to fire Mark Zuckerberg as chairman because of the 'mishandling' of recent privacy and election meddling scandals
  • Investment company Trillium Asset Management filed a proposal on Wednesday to oust Mark Zuckerberg as chairman of Facebook
  • The investors want to break up Zuckerberg's role as both chairman and CEO
  • Proposal argues that shareholders are unable to check Zuckerberg's power given he holds roughly 60 percent of Facebook's voting shares
  • They say having him as both weakens the board's oversight of management
  • Investors argue that the oversight has contributed to Facebook 'mishandling' recent controversies, including Cambridge Analytica and election meddling
  • It came just hours after Facebook shares went into a freefall on Wednesday, wiping out an estimated $150 billion in market value
  • Zuckerberg also took a hit with him losing nearly $20 billion in just two hours
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
PICTURED: Joe Biden's glamorous niece wins sweetheart plea deal and avoids jail after she faced felony charges for a $100,000 credit card scam
  • Caroline Biden, 31, was arrested last year for using someone's credit card to buy $110,000 worth of items at Bigelow Pharmacy in Manhattan
  • On Thursday she was sentenced to two years of probation as part of a plea deal she took in June 2017
  • As part of the plea deal, instead of facing a felony- she plead guilty to the lesser charge of petit larceny
  • Caroline is the daughter of financier James Biden Sr, who is Joe Biden's brother


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
PICTURED: Joe Biden's glamorous niece wins sweetheart plea deal and avoids jail after she faced felony charges for a $100,000 credit card scam
  • Caroline Biden, 31, was arrested last year for using someone's credit card to buy $110,000 worth of items at Bigelow Pharmacy in Manhattan
  • On Thursday she was sentenced to two years of probation as part of a plea deal she took in June 2017
  • As part of the plea deal, instead of facing a felony- she plead guilty to the lesser charge of petit larceny
  • Caroline is the daughter of financier James Biden Sr, who is Joe Biden's brother
We are living in anarchy,where the strong oppress the weak...there is no reason for any citizen to obey any law....I guess her sugar daddy didn't feel her services were good enough to merit a 110,000 dollar fee....I don't blame her though...can you imagine...being taken upstairs to have Uncle Joe read you a bedtime story. sick old pedo probablly messed with her.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If you view it that way, then I suppose it would have been equally acceptable for King George to arrest the members of the Continental Congress to prevent them from meeting in 1776?
If they hadn't been SECRETIVE meetings Georgie MIGHT have acted sooner.

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Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
I'm sure George would have had he had the opportunity. They were after all committing High Treason in his eyes.
Yes, of course they were. The question is whether arresting them would have been moral and just, or whether it would have been the act of a tyrant?

And if it would have been the latter, what exactly is different about Lincoln doing just that by arresting much of the MD state legislature?

We won't get into the 14,000 or so other people Lincoln had arrested rather arbitrarily, including hundreds of newspaper reporters, editors, and owners...


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yes, of course they were. The question is whether arresting them would have been moral and just, or whether it would have been the act of a tyrant?

And if it would have been the latter, what exactly is different about Lincoln doing just that by arresting much of the MD state legislature?

We won't get into the 14,000 or so other people Lincoln had arrested rather arbitrarily, including hundreds of newspaper reporters, editors, and owners...

Some people are fine with a Tyrant, as long as he's on their side.

I'm quite certain Lincoln would have had me arrested for my views.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
oh I don't know you probablly believe those same intelligence agencies who muled c*ke in from Colombia, he*oin form afaghanistan and the golden trianle during the vietnam war, who told us there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that have gotten us involved in countless fucking wars for war profits...yeah it is easier for me to believe that Trump is upsetting a military industrial empire that has sent hundreds of thousands if not millions to their deaths for profit...and lied to every generation why they needed to give the money and their blood away to extend the power of an empire.than it is for me to believe the lying murdering sacks of shit in our intelligence community....hell half a dozen FBI agents have been hauled before congress and caught lying through their teeth..Clapper is a liar...fucking Obama weaponized the IRS to supress dissent and got caught doing it...why would I not believe he didn't weaponize the FBI for the same purpose and now we find out he did....and on top of all that you simple minded twit if we have all this proof from all these agencies.....where the fuck is the have sit on the guy nothing zilch.. so 17 agnecies and forgien agencies and you can't show us one shred of proof other than your panties are ina twist that the DNC got caught rigging an election and using the FBI and CIA to do it ...and they still lost the election the DNC and Obama should be hung for treason for trying to rig a presidential election and unlawfull survellance of an Americna for the news outlets almost all media is owned by the same small handfull of people something like 4 corporations own all the media in the country....wake the fuck up...Edward R Murrow is dead.
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