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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Everyone in America should be forced to watch this..I didn't like liberals before what happened to contempt for them has reached and cemented in me a whole new level of contempt...Clarence Thomas was not prophetic when he said if his lynching helped save another American from having to undego the same torture it would be worth it.....The American liberals are doing to Kavanaugh exactlly play by play what they did to Clarence Thomas....Liberals didn't just lynch Thomas and Kavanaugh, they lynched America as well....this video is a little long but I found it riveting.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
She supposedly said she did right after the incident in testimony or in the WP article or somewhere, but I didn't go back & research it myself. I'm sure she has recanted or changed it if she did just like they rewrite history, wipe social media & rewrite articles after the fact.
Not that I trust them but Snopes said the cellphone story is bogus:
The Twitter account “GrrrGraphics” helped spread yet another falsehood about Ford by posting a meme claiming that she had lied about calling a friend on a cellphone about the attack in 1982
Blasey Ford did not claim that she called a friend on her cellphone after Brett Kavanaugh allegedly attacked her in 1982. This claim does not appear in the letter Ford sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee on 22 September 2018, nor was it offered by her during her opening statement or in the subsequent questioning of her before the committee.

In fact, Ford said that she didn’t tell anyone (via cellphone or otherwise) about what had happened in the immediate aftermath of the alleged attack:


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Diamond Contributor
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It's becoming just plain comical......their going to lose their asses come Nov.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I got one but my wife didn't. Same carrier, same account.

I told her it was because it was a Presidential Alert and everyone knows that Trump hates women. :giggle:

New CNN headline. "Trump Sends Presidential Alert To Men Only". :popcorn:

Time to get wifey a new phone


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
why do I need a presidental alert...............
Apparently some feel there will be a need for the President to be able to communicate directly to all the people in the nation bypassing the media in a crisis in the not too distant future. Ie: internet blackout, cascading power failure, domestic unrest, etc


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
why do I need a presidental alert...............
Personally I believe they are embedding the phones with a facial recognition RF ID that will be used by the voting booths to capture your identity and associate it with your vote on election day. Everyone in America just had to dismiss that presidential alert and was looking at their phone when they did. What if every phone in America just snapped a picture of the person's face when they dismissed that alert and associated it with your personal data from the phone accounts?

What is the best way to see if illegal aliens are voting in elections? Wirelessly capture a person's identity from their cell phone as they cast their vote via bluetooth in the voting machine & compare the data with the facial capture the machine itself takes. You immediately have a method of tracking who is voting in an election, for who, and how many times they did.

Is it a violation of your privacy rights and extremely illegal - You betchya! Would it work?
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Naw. I'm a HAM Radio guy with emergency powered(battery) operated radio. I'll know what's going on after the power goes out. That won't be the case for cell phone users. KB7ARE
KB7ARE ..?
Better renew that ticket Virginia, been expired since 03/18/2008, cancelled in 2010.
So you hiding out is Escondido?

Smoke signals work.
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