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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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KB7ARE ..?
Better renew that ticket Virginia, been expired since 03/18/2008, cancelled in 2010.
So you hiding out is Escondido?

Smoke signals work.


You thought I'd give up my real name and address that easy? :wait:

Golf. Not Bravo. ;)

Then come visit. :giggle:


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years

You thought I'd give up my real name and address that easy? :wait:

Golf. Not Bravo. ;)

Then come visit. :giggle:
Yes, I did. It's all those beers you drank before you attacked that woman Ms Blasey.
Otay, gotcha...but I don't think your invitation to visit is sincere..I'm betting you don't have appropriate refreshments
and I don't eat potatoes..
----------There exists, on Google, my full name, addy, and aerial pics of my house
thanks to my ticket though I never mentioned my call.
A liberal pervert from usenet got some geographic info about me from another perv
then proceeded to vet each and every single ticket holder in my area until he hit pay dirt.
He then posted the info all over..I'm world famous.

Otay, for what it's worth..73's


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Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's staffer

BREAKING: Capitol Police Arrest 27-Year-Old Democrat Staffer Jackson Cosko For Doxxing 3 GOP Senators
Somehow I think the romantic fantasy of playing Che Gueverra is about to meet the cold reality of jail...a skinny little young boy behind bars....this could get ugly.....oh well it could have been worse for him..if he'd been a Hilary staffer he would have hung himself from a doorknob or had a robbery gone bad with two taps to the back of his head..
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Somehow I think the romantic fantasy of playing Che Gueverra is about to meet the cold reality of jail....oh well it could have been worse for him..if he'd been a Hilary staffer he would have hung himself from a doorknob or had a robbery gone bad with two taps to the back of his head..
There is still time I'm sure.


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Was just on the news here in Phoenix, about 100 (Flakes) were protesting in front of the other Flakes office tonight...:popcorn:


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LOL they found a work around to stop the presidential alert by putting phone in airplane mode. The left deserve a Darwin award


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you notice how the MSM always potrays White men in America as CEOs of fortune 500 companies...none of us are blue collar none of us are unemployed none of us are poor none of us are disabled veterans, and if we are then we are uneducated and moronic....but then what do expect when Bernie Sanders stands up on a national stage and says there are no poor white people in America, and nobody in the MSM or the DNC or for that matter in the GOP challeneges his racist "dog whisteling"


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This is just a social commentary for what it's worth......I've lived in the SF Bay area for like 35 years in S.F. in Berkeley, in Oakland...They are all left wing..they all are extremely left wing.They are intellectual ghettos where only liberal groupthink is allowed.Politics for liberals here is one of the most important aspects of their self identity, and how they define other people..I cannot stress it's importance enough it is like a religon....
I've noticed an unusal anomaly.....usually the liberals here are very active and vocal over every political ripple in the World... but this Kavanaugh thing has them quite as a tomb...I expected a fleet of Prius with "I believe Anita 2.0" bumperstickers I expected demonstrations of cat ladies yanking their hair out on every other street corner....I expected walls of pink cotton stretched dangerously tight around the belly fat of obese green haired land whales with a picture of Kavanaugh with horns and fangs scrawled on him in spray paint.......but ..nothing bumperstickers, no idiot slogans wrapped around T-shirts, no handbills plastered over telephone poles, no impromptu demonstrations or candle light vigils in front of city hallls.,,,though they wouldn't admitt it if you put a crucifix to their heads or a gun, but they know that they lost this one, they know Christine Ford is lying, that it was a politically motivated hit job.and what is even worse ...for they know it was a badly done hit job, it was executed so embarassingly ineptly, that they won't publicly defend it.on some visceral level they sense that supporting it risks their own self's wierd .....if I didn't know better from experince...I'd say they accidentally stumbeled across a shred of self respect,or integrity.common decency...or perish the thought,a desire to prerserve their own homeland.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This is just a social commentary for what it's worth......I've lived in the SF Bay area for like 35 years in S.F. in Berkeley, in Oakland...They are all left wing..they all are extremely left wing.They are intellectual ghettos where only liberal groupthink is allowed.Politics for liberals here is one of the most important aspects of their self identity, and how they define other people..I cannot stress it's importance enough it is like a religon....
I've noticed an unusal anomaly.....usually the liberals here are very active and vocal over every political ripple in the World... but this Kavanaugh thing has them quite as a tomb...I expected a fleet of Prius with "I believe Anita 2.0" bumperstickers I expected demonstrations of cat ladies yanking their hair out on every other street corner....I expected walls of pink cotton stretched dangerously tight around the belly fat of obese green haired land whales with a picture of Kavanaugh with horns and fangs scrawled on him in spray paint.......but ..nothing bumperstickers, no idiot slogans wrapped around T-shirts, no handbills plastered over telephone poles, no impromptu demonstrations or candle light vigils in front of city hallls.,,,though they wouldn't admitt it if you put a crucifix to their heads or a gun, but they know that they lost this one, they know Christine Ford is lying, that it was a politically motivated hit job.and what is even worse ...for they know it was a badly done hit job, it was executed so embarassingly ineptly, that they won't publicly defend it.on some visceral level they sense that supporting it risks their own self's wierd .....if I didn't know better from experince...I'd say they accidentally stumbeled across a shred of self respect,or integrity.common decency...or perish the thought,a desire to prerserve their own homeland.
I'm sure you are giving them entirely too much credit. They are hoping if they stay quiet they won't get rolled up and prosecuted the rest of the fools out there sacrificing themselves before the democrat god HRC. It is no secret this entire affair was orchestrated by her & they have realized that HRC has done more to destroy the Democrat Party through her own self interest than anyone alive. They just decided she aint worth it any more.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm sure you are giving them entirely too much credit. They are hoping if they stay quiet they won't get rolled up and prosecuted the rest of the fools out there sacrificing themselves before the democrat god HRC. It is no secret this entire affair was orchestrated by her & they have realized that HRC has done more to destroy the Democrat Party through her own self interest than anyone alive. They just decided she aint worth it any more.
I view Hilary as a puppet of larger forces. alot of the DNC establishment are owned by her same masters.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I view Hilary as a puppet of larger forces. alot of the DNC establishment are owned by her same masters.
She is much higher on the ladder than you give her credit for. There is a reason there are so many Arkancides.

While I agree she is not the top of the Pyramid, she has the ability to pick & choose which things she will follow and improvises to her own befit in ways that no one else would dare in the same situation & gets away with it.


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2336 is interesting indeed


-Mossad controlled mockingbirds.
The music is about to stop.
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I am sure a lot of you received this Presidential test Alert. If ever a REAL ALERT what do you think it might say?



Diamond Contributor
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They say Sorros has it all set up


900 riots are planned by Soros backed groups.
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