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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Well, duh.

When every event is a false flag, the next one will be a false flag too. And the next. And the next one after that. ;)
I've lived in northern California for close to 40 years, and I have never seen fires like these....or heard any of the old timers talk about fires like these.


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I've lived in northern California for close to 40 years, and I have never seen fires like these....or heard any of the old timers talk about fires like these.

Yeah. I'd never seen a tornado in Idaho nor heard the old timers talk about one but I'll be damned if I didn't video one. Nature is a bitch.



Member For 1 Year
ok im from offshore
so you get the international view of us politics .. and politics in general
and we are 5 Is members .. biggest surveillance cooperative group in the world being usa, great britain, canada , australia, new zealand ... all very firm allies with each and every other member

those are the basics so im not anti usa by any means
but you seriously need to clean up the political act over there .. the corruption is rampant .. both parties ( and there is the main reason for it )
are run by corporates and interest groups with 'lobbyists ' and their funds calling the shots

ways i see it can be done

find another party .. with 2 you just get to select what como regime is in the money for the next 3 / 4 / 6 years

FFS become a swinging voter and stop voting whatever cause your granpapies grandpapy voted for it and all have ever since
not dam good enough

force them to change the first past style to proportional representation where you get allocated the same amount of seats as your percentage of the TOTAL vote .. we all had your problems before we changed .. the usa is one of the last free countries still using first past electorates and the gerrymandering that promotes

i would at this point like to comment on the incumbent us president .. but there is no point .. everyone knows what he really is even those that dont its only because they refuse to
reputationaly he has done you no good at all
and the change he promised .. there hasnt been any

abuse me if you wish .. it may make you feel better
but then think a bit more


Member For 1 Year
such a polite person
also your statement is wrong
when you have a lying fool in charge of a nuclear arsenal
its everyones business
unless of course you dont believe that WMD in the hands of a madman is not reason to at least point out some local fallacies


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
such a polite person
also your statement is wrong
when you have a lying fool in charge of a nuclear arsenal
its everyones business
unless of course you dont believe that WMD in the hands of a madman is not reason to at least point out some local fallacies
Trump is the best president we've had since the union was formed.

perhaps you're overreacting and simply need a tranquilizer.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ok im from offshore
so you get the international view of us politics .. and politics in general
and we are 5 Is members .. biggest surveillance cooperative group in the world being usa, great britain, canada , australia, new zealand ... all very firm allies with each and every other member

those are the basics so im not anti usa by any means
but you seriously need to clean up the political act over there .. the corruption is rampant .. both parties ( and there is the main reason for it )
are run by corporates and interest groups with 'lobbyists ' and their funds calling the shots

ways i see it can be done

find another party .. with 2 you just get to select what como regime is in the money for the next 3 / 4 / 6 years

FFS become a swinging voter and stop voting whatever cause your granpapies grandpapy voted for it and all have ever since
not dam good enough

force them to change the first past style to proportional representation where you get allocated the same amount of seats as your percentage of the TOTAL vote .. we all had your problems before we changed .. the usa is one of the last free countries still using first past electorates and the gerrymandering that promotes

i would at this point like to comment on the incumbent us president .. but there is no point .. everyone knows what he really is even those that dont its only because they refuse to
reputationaly he has done you no good at all
and the change he promised .. there hasnt been any

abuse me if you wish .. it may make you feel better
but then think a bit more
Because that system has worked so well for you...As if you weren't aware our corporate/SES corruption stems from your shores via SERCO, the 5 Eyes, the Bar & the Queen's Privy Council...Don't worry though...Trump's Revolution should liberate you as well soon enough as the 5 Eyes countries all serve the same masters. Your rampant election meddling in our Midterms and our Constitution (no matter how many times you have re-written it) are the keys that will bring down the house.

You can thank Trump later...
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
such a polite person
also your statement is wrong
when you have a lying fool in charge of a nuclear arsenal
its everyones business
unless of course you dont believe that WMD in the hands of a madman is not reason to at least point out some local fallacies
So, do you hail from one of the Calaphate shitholes located in what was formally known as europe? and if so which one?
I'm always amussed by the members of a continent who in just the last century alone plunged the entire world into war not once but twice,who authored a genocide, and whose members established empires across the globe. Pontificate on America.....I mean the idea that anyone from Britian would offer political advice, a nation who created the fucking bloody ass empire on which the sun never set is ....ludicrous. As for polite..We're Americans, we don't knuckle our forelocks as a rule to social conventions.When people say stupid shit we tend to point it out rather than spare their feelings, or just to grease the wheels of established social order.If you have a problem with us putting our weapons in the hands of an elected President I suggest...Molon Labe bitch.
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