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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Member For 1 Year
Because that system has worked so well for you...As if you weren't aware our corporate/SES corruption stems from your shores via SERCO, the 5 Eyes, the Bar & the Queen's Privy Council...Don't worry though...Trump's Revolution should liberate you as well soon enough as the 5 Eyes countries all serve the same masters. Your rampant election meddling in our Midterms and our Constitution (no matter how many times you have re-written it) are the keys that will bring down the house

your confusing china ( who trump said meddled in the midterms ) .. with the 5 eyes countries previously stated
and the rest is irrelevant because im not from britain .. and yes we have a problem with serco as well .. but they are far from being the only or worst corporate on the planet

So, do you hail from one of the Calaphate shitholes located in what was formally known as europe? and if so which one?
I'm always amussed by the members of a continent who in just the last century alone plunged the entire world into war not once but twice,who authored a genocide, and whose members established empires across the globe. Pontificate on America.....I mean the idea that anyone from Britian would offer political advice, a nation who created the fucking bloody ass empire on which the sun never set is ....ludicrous. As for polite..We're Americans, we don't knuckle our forelocks as a rule to social conventions.When people say stupid shit we tend to point it out rather than spare their feelings, or just to grease the wheels of established social order.If you have a problem with us putting our weapons in the hands of an elected President I suggest...Molon Labe bitch.

ahh the five eyes only have one european member
that would be britain but im not from there .. so i guess your going to have to be amused without including me

.Molon Labe bitch. .. interesting idea .. but we dont want them .. in fact we refuse to have them here, or let anyone visit on something that does, or refuses to state they dont have them onboard .. and that includes any nuke power stations or powered vessels as well

no nukes !!


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
.Molon Labe bitch. .. interesting idea .. but we dont want them .. in fact we refuse to have them here, or let anyone visit on something that does, or refuses to state they dont have them onboard .. and that includes any nuke power stations or powered vessels as well

So, you make those decisions despite what people in other Countries think about them, right? Even if it breaks a Treaty with the US........................

That's your Country and your business. Stay the fuck out of our business. You do your Country and we'll do ours. Sounds fair to me. :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
your confusing china ( who trump said meddled in the midterms ) .. with the 5 eyes countries previously stated
and the rest is irrelevant because im not from britain .. and yes we have a problem with serco as well .. but they are far from being the only or worst corporate on the planet

ahh the five eyes only have one european member
that would be britain but im not from there .. so i guess your going to have to be amused without including me

.Molon Labe bitch. .. interesting idea .. but we dont want them .. in fact we refuse to have them here, or let anyone visit on something that does, or refuses to state they dont have them onboard .. and that includes any nuke power stations or powered vessels as well

no nukes !!
Please don't tell me we've been wasting our time listening to a Canadian.............


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
your confusing china ( who trump said meddled in the midterms ) .. with the 5 eyes countries previously stated
and the rest is irrelevant because im not from britain .. and yes we have a problem with serco as well .. but they are far from being the only or worst corporate on the planet

ahh the five eyes only have one european member
that would be britain but im not from there .. so i guess your going to have to be amused without including me

.Molon Labe bitch. .. interesting idea .. but we dont want them .. in fact we refuse to have them here, or let anyone visit on something that does, or refuses to state they dont have them onboard .. and that includes any nuke power stations or powered vessels as well

no nukes !!
New Zealand huh? Where the who's who of the elite too low on the list to get a pass into the deep underground military bases have bought homes to ride out the nuclear winter of WW3 the globalists are still trying to initiate and Hillary's hangout of choice to monitor matters of high security and to continue her high treason from, at least until her official security clearance was pulled that is. While I doubt that put a stop to it there, Trump can at least hold it's leaders responsible for any continued activities in collusion with her criminal network.

NOT CONFUSED - The Atlantic Council most definitely instituted Censorship of conservatives across all social & media platforms against our first amendment. The Queen's Privy Council rigged our Midterms in the OpTech Election Software both a machine level & man in the middle basis, but just as in 2016 they believed their own fake polls and fell woefully short again forcing the Democrats and Rinos to scramble to try to manually steal FL, MN, AZ, GA, CA, TX, PA, OH etc to cover the shortage. So sad...

Serco's rampant patent theft, monopolistic practices, theft, charity fraud, medical fraud, insurance fraud, corruption, drug & human trafficking and operation of it's own standing army, navy, air force and space fleet doesn't nominate it for company of the year either.

If you think there are no nukes in New Zealand, you are even more naive than the Antifa morons in the streets here in the States. Maybe you should get a Geiger counter and take a stroll along the south eastern shore and also visit those rather nasty "mine explosions" and "earthquake activity epicenters" you had over the last few years. You may be surprised at what you find...

Makin it harder to ride out the planned extended winter...So sad...
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Member For 1 Year
So, you make those decisions despite what people in other Countries think about them, right? Even if it breaks a Treaty with the US........................

the treaty was not broken by us but the usa suspended it for quite sometime .. which meant nothing because it was / is a 3 way treaty
whatever the third party did we would do as well .. which effectively means the treaty would still be honored / in force for all parties
at least you did some googling though

Please don't tell me we've been wasting our time listening to a Canadian.............

you seem remarkably uninformed and or unable to use google
please try again

as a completely separate side issue
no other country in the world would stick up for the usa as fast or vehemently as canada would
like it or not .. you do yourself few favours by the abuse you have slung at them lately


Member For 1 Year
New Zealand huh? Where the who's who of the elite too low on the list to get a pass into the deep underground military bases have bought homes to ride out the nuclear winter of WW3 the globalists are still trying to initiate and Hillary's hangout of choice to monitor matters of high security and to continue her high treason from, at least until her official security clearance was pulled that is. While I doubt that put a stop to it there, Trump can at least hold it's leaders responsible for any continued activities in collusion with her criminal network.

a few have yes it probably started in the late 80s and slow growth since then
hillary / bill are infrequent visitors ( from memory they have only been here a couple of times and one of those was when bill was president )
they certainly own no land of note here and i dont think they own even a basic house ( land they have to report .. houses not so much )

NOT CONFUSED - The Atlantic Council most definitely instituted Censorship of conservatives across all social & media platforms against our first amendment.

not heard or seen evidence of that .. please post credible source

If you think there are no nukes in New Zealand, you are even more naive than the Antifa morons in the streets here in the States. Maybe you should get a Geiger counter and take a stroll along the south eastern shore and also visit those rather nasty "mine explosions" and "earthquake activity epicenters" you had over the last few years. You may be surprised at what you find.

i know what i would find
deep fault lines .. we live on some very active complex ones ( if your interested ) its one of the few places it happens
we monitor ( one of my mates at local airport ) all atmospheric radioactivity
it can sniff the little ones of north korea and the usa and russian when they had them
it would sure spike for a local one .. never been one
we have no nukes
we dont want em

as a side note
it wont matter where you are if there is a sizable nuclear exchange
yes we have a better survivability factor
but in reality our -20 is no better than your -150 ( relativistic accuracy only )


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
the treaty was not broken by us but the usa suspended it for quite sometime .. which meant nothing because it was / is a 3 way treaty
whatever the third party did we would do as well .. which effectively means the treaty would still be honored / in force for all parties
at least you did some googling though

you seem remarkably uninformed and or unable to use google
please try again

as a completely separate side issue
no other country in the world would stick up for the usa as fast or vehemently as canada would
like it or not .. you do yourself few favours by the abuse you have slung at them lately
I know you've heard this all your life ,but....nobody gives a fuck about what New Zealand thinks...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
a few have yes it probably started in the late 80s and slow growth since then
hillary / bill are infrequent visitors ( from memory they have only been here a couple of times and one of those was when bill was president )
they certainly own no land of note here and i dont think they own even a basic house ( land they have to report .. houses not so much )

not heard or seen evidence of that .. please post credible source

i know what i would find
deep fault lines .. we live on some very active complex ones ( if your interested ) its one of the few places it happens
we monitor ( one of my mates at local airport ) all atmospheric radioactivity
it can sniff the little ones of north korea and the usa and russian when they had them
it would sure spike for a local one .. never been one
we have no nukes
we dont want em

as a side note
it wont matter where you are if there is a sizable nuclear exchange
yes we have a better survivability factor
but in reality our -20 is no better than your -150 ( relativistic accuracy only )
Atlantic council was the driving force behind Alex Jones Ban and censorship of conservatives across Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & Google in lead in to Midterm Elections

Facebook Censorship, Mad Ben Nimmo and the Atlantic Council

Is Facebook's new partnership a regressive step in internet privacy and propaganda?

Atlantic Council Explains Why We Need To Be Propagandized For Our Own Good

Huge Facebook Censorship Purge Enacted As Atlantic Council/NATO Partnered Social Media Giant Removes Over 800 Alternative Media Accounts

A Four Person NATO-Funded Team Advises Facebook On Flagging 'Propaganda'

Many more sources including Breitbart & Pundit that I have read, but MSMs wont touch it & if they do it is the fight against Russian Influence bullshit. (Brietbart & Pundit articles not coming up in search probably due to google shadowbanning recommended by Atlantic Council)

As to whether an atmospheric radiation sensor will spike depends on prevailing winds and the squelch settings on the equipment itself when it is calibrated. Got to suppress those pesky false positives. After all, "we don't have nukes in New Zealand"... and we certainly can't have people thinking we do! :teehee:

Agree ww3 happens, we're all fucked - even the jackasses arrogant enough to think they could survive their attempt to depopulate the earth in order to save it from Global Warming the overpopulation causes - Utter insanity! But that is how these lunatics think.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sadly I have not given this guy the attention his work deserves in understanding what is going on around is today. Need to rectify this. Way too many coincidental big name power broker tie ins throughout history to discount his work out of hand.

Very interesting discussion from March 2018
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
the treaty was not broken by us but the usa suspended it for quite sometime .. which meant nothing because it was / is a 3 way treaty
whatever the third party did we would do as well .. which effectively means the treaty would still be honored / in force for all parties
at least you did some googling though

Yup, I had to google. Admittedly I don't know much about New Zealand and it's politics/policies. That's because I don't live there and to your point(which is my point) the scant information I can glean from google or so called "international news" does not make me an informed individual that should be telling you how to view your own fucking country. So, it would be nice if you didn't pretend to know enough about mine to offer me advice that I didn't ask for. Especially when your source of reference is "international news".

I did watch a series on Netflix a couple months ago that I can't remember the name of about wrongfully accused/convicted folks in New Zealand. Seems to me you all have yet to perfect anything so you might want to work at building your own Country and lead by example rather than by opinion.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
We don't need to adopt theirs; we have our own:


Well ok then, on to DC!

If we don't see arrests by the first of the year we may need to revive the practice, but we will first need to stop by Detroit for a visit to the U.S. District Judge about that ruling declaring the Federal Law banning Female Genital Mutilation Unconstitutional.

Perhaps turning him into a female before subjecting him to the same procedure those poor girls were forced to endure will drive home the need for those laws to be in place in the USA...before the sentence above is passed.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well ok then, on to DC!

If we don't see arrests by the first of the year we may need to revive the practice, but we will first need to stop by Detroit for a visit to the U.S. District Judge about that ruling declaring the Federal Law banning Female Genital Mutilation Unconstitutional.

Perhaps turning him into a female before subjecting him to the same procedure those poor girls were forced to endure will drive home the need for those laws to be in place in the USA...before the sentence above is passed.
I have little hope anymore...the fact the DNC was able to pull election fraud all across America and not one single news outlet reports it, not one single Republican stands up in outrage, and calls for investigation, the fact the DNC can steal elections with impunity proves there are no longer any political solutions left, and a violence is the only card being dealt to the people.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have little hope anymore...the fact the DNC was able to pull election fraud all across America and not one single news outlet reports it, not one single Republican stands up in outrage, and calls for investigation, the fact the DNC can steal elections with impunity proves there are no longer any political solutions left, and a violence is the only card being dealt to the people.
So long as the people have an anonymous voice on the internet telling them to trust the plan they will never rise up and put an end to it until it is too late to do anything about it. Maybe that is the whole point of it. The government is testing what they can get away with because of an internet LAARP. Murdering Americans in the street and burning them in their homes with military weaponry can no longer go unanswered. If they swear in those who so blatantly stole an American Election, that should be a call to arms for all.

We elected Trump to restore the rule of law and hold these criminals accountable. All we keep hearing is trust the plan...I'll give them until the end of January...After that, all bets are off. Americans will have to rise up if the administration will not perform it's sworn duty to the people and restore rule of law for and by the people in a timely manner.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well ok then, on to DC!

If we don't see arrests by the first of the year we may need to revive the practice, but we will first need to stop by Detroit for a visit to the U.S. District Judge about that ruling declaring the Federal Law banning Female Genital Mutilation Unconstitutional.

Perhaps turning him into a female before subjecting him to the same procedure those poor girls were forced to endure will drive home the need for those laws to be in place in the USA...before the sentence above is passed.
#1: - the casualties were much higher than documented.
#2: That would not be a FEDERAL perogative let alone "right" - although you might get the state involved and get them for abuse and trafficking. Chances are they will claim "religious freedom" - and win.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So long as the people have an anonymous voice on the internet telling them to trust the plan they will never rise up and put an end to it until it is too late to do anything about it. Maybe that is the whole point of it. The government is testing what they can get away with because of an internet LAARP. Murdering Americans in the street and burning them in their homes with military weaponry can no longer go unanswered. If they swear in those who so blatantly stole an American Election, that should be a call to arms for all.

We elected Trump to restore the rule of law and hold these criminals accountable. All we keep hearing is trust the plan...I'll give them until the end of January...After that, all bets are off. Americans will have to rise up if the administration will not perform it's sworn duty to the people and restore rule of law for and by the people in a timely manner.
I think it is pointless...half the country is totally OK with the DNC pulling off election fraud. they don't want people like you to vote, they want Pedro and Lupe who snuck across the border to vote....They want people like you to die off,.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nov 29: Comey to testify
Dec 5: LL to testify, Huber to appear on the Hill re: DOJ Clinton investigation
Dec 16: DHS Election Fraud report due
Dec 18: @GenFlynn sentencing (re)scheduled


Member For 1 Year
So, it would be nice if you didn't pretend to know enough about mine to offer me advice that I didn't ask for. Especially when your source of reference is "international news".

some people have passports

..... with stamps on them

i have spent over 20 years outside my country
about 3 of those was within the 10 years i was in the services

chances are i have seen a bit more than just my own


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
some people have passports

..... with stamps on them

i have spent over 20 years outside my country
about 3 of those was within the 10 years i was in the services

chances are i have seen a bit more than just my own
I bet that really impresses the chicks stuck on the sheep farms dipshit, but I fail to see how you feel it would make you think an American citizen gives a fuck what you think about their goverment...a passport stamp isn't a degree from Stanford in international affairs...economics or History.much less proof of even a passing knowledge of the country you are a guest of.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
If we don't see arrests by the first of the year we may need to revive the practice, but we will first need to stop by Detroit for a visit to the U.S. District Judge about that ruling declaring the Federal Law banning Female Genital Mutilation Unconstitutional.
The FedGov is supposed to be limited in its powers to doing only those things explicitly authorized by the Constitution. I think the ruling in this case is correct, because the law in question cited the Commerce Clause as its authorization. The Commerce Clause has already been abused beyond any standard of sanity since Wickard v. Filburn, and it's about time a court decided that something, anything, actually does not affect interstate commerce.

Now if you want to ban genital mutilation of minors, I'm all for it. But do it at the state level, or find some justification other than the Commerce Clause, and make it equally applicable to minors of both sexes.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The FedGov is supposed to be limited in its powers to doing only those things explicitly authorized by the Constitution. I think the ruling in this case is correct, because the law in question cited the Commerce Clause as its authorization. The Commerce Clause has already been abused beyond any standard of sanity since Wickard v. Filburn, and it's about time a court decided that something, anything, actually does not affect interstate commerce.

Now if you want to ban genital mutilation of minors, I'm all for it. But do it at the state level, or find some justification other than the Commerce Clause, and make it equally applicable to minors of both sexes.
Ironic isn't it....we have a bunch of pussyhated morons who get out in the streets over a comment Trump made about grabbing a pussy.....but when women are having their pussies actually mutilated they somehow can find the moral outrage or time to get out in the streets.
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