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To Date which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for & why?

Which US Presidential candidate will you be voting for?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
About time some of these ANTIFA dickheads get arrested. Need to see a zero tolerance policy towards these shitheads.

DC Antifa Leader Jose “Chepe” Alcoff Arrested and Charged with Assaulting Two Marines in Philadelphia Mass Beating
DC Antifa Leader Jose “Chepe” Alcoff Arrested and Charged with Assaulting Two Marines in Philadelphia Mass Beating
Oh my...he is CUTE....he'll have no trouble making friends in prison.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
UPDATE: CNN Hid Images and Video of Roger Stone’s 72-Year-Old Wife Being Dragged Out of Home Barefoot and In Nightgown
I really don't know what to say.....we are living in a dangerous time, how soon before one of us gets hauled off...a nationalist candidate is elected to office..the people responsible for getting him elected are hauled in front of kangaroo courts and bankrupted with legal fees, threatened with prison, silenced...his voters are beaten in the streets with impunity, the media outlets in support of him are censored,..and any display of support is met with a media witch hunt that ends with death threats and violent fantasies.....the message is clear...if you oppose the elites, the DNC, you will be destoyed..this surpasses anything the brownshirts did, this is more in the realm of the KGB, or the Stasi....
when the 2020 election comes around, people will be to terrified to openly display support for Trump, the alternative media outlets will be gone, and the ballot boxed will all be rigged....if the people don't get active soon and say no to these regin of terror it will only embolden them to take it up a notch...they are no longer boiling the frog, they are throwing the frogs into the fire....this is a reign of terror.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thought McAffee fled the country again. You know what they say...Once CIA...Always CIA...You are a fool if you think otherwise.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So I wonder if they will be hanging themselves from doorknobs with them after all is said & done

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
And, what will be done? Nothing. Nothing is ever done.
Well you can damn well bet Nothing will get done if we the people do not pressure the crap out of everyone in DC to fix this shit. National voter ID will be required in next election if we make our congressmen know anything less is unacceptable.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
<shrug> We had ID's - they give them away to illegals, er- "migrants"..

I hear my DL is no longer good enough for planes, trains, federal-buildings, etc.. Now I need a magic DL.

Asswipes.. Wake me up when the shooting starts.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Which Chinese Tech company was used to inject software into Hillary's & several other government servers & multiple phones that forwarded an email copy to their servers on behalf of Chinese Intelligence for every email in real time as part of Clinton Foundation Pay to Play?

U.S. announces set of indictments against Huawei ahead of trade talks with China
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So what do you figure?
  • Announce RBG death on 2/4, to prevent Trump from exposing ruse in SOTU.
  • Attempt to delay SOTU from occurring or at least use death to distract from SOTU.
  • Drag out Lying in State & Funeral & for at least a week so negotiations on wall cannot be completed by 2/15.
  • Insist on another Continuing Resolution for 15 more days for Immigration Reform.
  • Deadlock after that 15 days where Trump takes unilateral action to build wall.
  • Impeach Trump for taking unilateral action to begin building wall.
Would be my guess.

Just don't think they could possibly keep her on a respirator until the end of 2019 & insist he not replace her in 2020 as it is an election year without action being taken to remove her from court in a reasonable period of time in 2019.

Trump should send FLOTUS to visit RBG on a good will Get Well Soon visit tomorrow IMHO.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
<shrug> We had ID's - they give them away to illegals, er- "migrants"..

I hear my DL is no longer good enough for planes, trains, federal-buildings, etc.. Now I need a magic DL.

Asswipes.. Wake me up when the shooting starts.
Individual State Drivers Licenses have to meet UN standards for the global ID Card to be enforced by the Department of Homeland Security so worldwide Intelligence Databases can add your master facial recognition photos to the global facial recognition database systems.
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