It is a coordinated, well funded, multinational effort to invade & destabilize the USA.
A bit of a different view for you to think about. I don't require a reply either. America will destabilize itself from within. It is coming sooner than most care to think about too. McDondald's workers only hastened it along by requesting a $15hrly minimum wage. Capital won't grant that to "unskilled" labor of any kind, much less skilled labor. We'll soon watch as autonomous cars take over cab driver, Uber jobs. Autonomous tractor and trailer rigs will be allowed on public roads. If not that's a non-issue too.
Capital will implement roads having solar panels lain in them with a means to charge fully electric ran tractor trailers that deliver to major cities and let autonomous light trucks finish distribution. They're also getting rid of surgeons, lawyers, accountants, writers. If the laws will not change then they'll just go ahead and walk over them, or around them. Capital won't care as they have the money and will keep it.
I've seen this coming for quite a while now, in all the shit jobs I've worked. Farming isn't even safe. Back in the 1980's Capital already had set up sharecropping pig farms, requiring no knowledge of how to farm pigs at all. Hell, a person didn't even need to read. "Look at the pictures in the book, compare to your pig/s. The pictures show you what to do. Follow that and only that." People were taking it in too hook line and sinker. They got a $30,000 home that took 30 years to pay off by working as a pig steward. See N.C. and what was once called it's river of shit. It come from all the factory pig farms.
Henry Ford's great invention of the factory has led us here. Everything gets set up as McDonald's so any monkey can and literally will be trained to break any task into micro-tasks and complete each one in turn to complete the "product" or just one micro-task, then down the line for the next monkey and out to the showroom. This way Capital keeps a wellspring of "unskilled" labor readily at hand. "Don't like the job of putting pickles on? Fine, you're fired I've got 2,000 waiting for your job. See ya!"
And now since people asked for dignity in a fair wage, Capital will just roll out the robots. They don't need people except to buy the crap produced. Now, if folks got no jobs how are they buying high priced crap, much less any crap? So then the whole damn thing tumbles over. Humpty Dumpty won't go back together.