The Super Tank coils fit both the full size and mini versions of the tank. Kanthal or Ni200 doesn't matter.can the 0.15ohm ni200 coils fit in the supertank mini ? and by the way whats the difference btw supertank vs supertank mini apart from the size ? im using a d2 as well, and tempted to try TC.
As far as Mini vs Reg ST goes, the mini has better AFC, and the full size has a better (and replaceable) drip tip. I thought the mini would have better flavor due to it's shorter chimney but I haven't really noticed that. No scientific tests here though. Different juices and different mods.
The big Super Tank's AFC has 2 (and only 2) options
1 - slightly restricted by the AFC or
2 - restricted by the coil.
There's a small difference between the settings. The mini can go from a really tight draw (almost MTL) to waaayyyy open (restricted by the coil).
I like the mini better in every way but 2. Juice capacity (duh) and the fact that someday that drip tip/top cap is going to strip out and then the tank is done. Unless of course Tobeco offers replacement parts... but I doubt that coming from a company that has ZERO contact information.
All that to say I think my next one will be another big one.