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USPS Blows Donkey Balls


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Just received some juice today. Tracking said it was delivered Saturday. Had to make 3 calls to the PO before they figured it out. Luckily the house they delivered too is empty and the package was still in the box.

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I absolutely hate ordering anything from calif.It takes two weeks or more to get to me.I live in oregon.I get shite from tennessee in 3 I have to wait for my mod to get left monday from carlsbad.stuck in moreno valley,christmas is really going to slow the snail mail.


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yes yes they do try it out here in the Desert of Texas away from a big city where I am visiting


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I absolutely hate ordering anything from calif.It takes two weeks or more to get to me.I live in oregon.I get shite from tennessee in 3 I have to wait for my mod to get left monday from carlsbad.stuck in moreno valley,christmas is really going to slow the snail mail.
Yeah, ordered my IPVD2 from 101 Vape out of Carlsbad, CA and it took almost a week to get here..that's with no holiday season either, and I only live about 55 mi south in San Diego..seems strange too, because my two RX200 mods got here from VapeNW (WA) three days from the day I ordered them...Because of this I don't order anyrhing from Carlsbad anymore...

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There is an easy fix to the dissatisfaction you might feel toward the post office's handling of your deliveries. Hire any of the following:

Most airlines offer counter-to-counter service. You'll need to hire couriers at both ends to get it to the airport and then to your delivery location. Sorry, ordering from China this is not much a possibility unless you want to pay for your courier's meals and lodging while they wait on Customs to finish dicking around.
Do carry on. Get a round trip ticket, fly to the provider, receive your goods and then carry on the plane back home.
You can also charter a jet. Orders for anything domestic will arrive in hours. Globally withing 20 hours or so. From China that would only cost you about $57,000 to get your new mod same day.


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Should I be proactive and tell a certain mod to get her popcorn and soda, or should we all just wait patiently for the inevitable?


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Yeah, ordered my IPVD2 from 101 Vape out of Carlsbad, CA and it took almost a week to get here..that's with no holiday season either, and I only live about 55 mi south in San Diego..seems strange too, because my two RX200 mods got here from VapeNW (WA) three days from the day I ordered them...Because of this I don't order anyrhing from Carlsbad anymore...

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where mines coming from also break, 101 vape.... vapeNW is like two-three days and get most of my things there.prices excellent also.not thrilled with flat rate 5.00 shipping if ya just want a bag of cotton though,lol


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Should I be proactive and tell a certain mod to get her popcorn and soda, or should we all just wait patiently for the inevitable?
They already got the band tuned up.
They might be out of popcorn and soda.
It's going to have to be lemonade and Doritos this time around...Cheers.

Hank F. Spankman

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Umm... It's December 24th USPS...

Wtf? lol


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I think USPS has been worse this Christmas season than normal, was concerned wouldn't get all my Christmas presents on time, just scraped through, had 2 packages with 2 days priority shipping take 8 days to me, and a few 1st class took 10 days.

ca seemed the worse hold ups, both of priority packages sat in ca for 5 days.


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I think USPS has been worse this Christmas season than normal, ...
All the shippers were, from what I've read.

USPS, though, must still be hung over.


Note the last status and the expected delivery day. Grand Rapids is on the other side of the state. Not bloody likely. Particularly since today, the day I took that screen shot, is the 5th. (The thing may well have left that facility. Who knows? Certainly not USPS' tracking system.)


Let's see: Shipped on Jan. 4 with 2-Day delivery. Should arrive on Jan. 6, no? Not with USPS' math. (It may well arrive on the 6th. I've had that happen, before, as well.)

The good thing is that, so far, I've actually received all my stuff, and, so far, never more than a day late. (Knocks on wood.)


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Finally got my Liquid Barn order from Fed Ex today. Ordered on Dec 23rd. Fed ex blows donkey dick!


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I just got something shipped next-day by UPS that took 7 days.

The last thing I had sent to me by UPS, which ended up being sent by their crappy UPS/USPS (UPS mail "innovations") bastard child handoff reach around, ended up only taking 5 days.

Both packages were coming from the same seller in Kentucky to Minneapolis.

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where mines coming from also break, 101 vape.... vapeNW is like two-three days and get most of my things there.prices excellent also.not thrilled with flat rate 5.00 shipping if ya just want a bag of cotton though,lol
The Carlsbad hub sucks big floppy donkey cock, I swear it employees a giant portion of crayon eaters and dumb bastards there.
I also live in Oregon, the last few times from 101 never has been sent directly to Oregon.
BFE Washington 5 hours away, New Jersey via ground back and forth, and once to Seattle.


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Update: Both the 3-Day-2-Day shipment from California and the shipment that kept rattling around in the Grand Rapids facility are now "Out for delivery" on my local route. Go figure.

Talking to the mail carrier at work, yesterday: "Looks like USPS' system is still hung over from the holidays." She looks at me. I explained. "Oh yeah," she replied. "I've a package here a customer was complaining about me failing to deliver yesterday, that tracking said was 'Out for delivery,' that was just given to me for delivery today."

ETA: I was just informed, via text message, they've both been delivered. Yay! \o/
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I work at the post office. It's horrible. Can't do anything about it. They have dumbass rules. They have dumbass supervisors. BUT it is the best mail delivery service in the world. We do more packages in one day than UPS does in a week. We do more packages in a day than Fedex does in a month. We get dumped most of UPS packages at Xmas cause they can't handle. Upper management has broken our morale bu closing 370 offices around the US, making the ones stay open to take up slack. If people would put correct address and package correctly it would help. If companies told the truth more and actually stated the correct date it was shipped it would help. Making a stick and clip label puts it in our system, but we don't get it until it is actually dropped off at post office. Ordering anywhere outside of our country is asking for trouble. How can we find a package in China?mwe don't have lil white trucks over there. We can't guarantee a package getting to another country. If it does it can be and will probably be delayed because customs has to clear it. Oh boy.............the weather does effect delivery. We don't have horses anymore. Most of us like our holidays and days off. If you ordered on Saturday and expect it on Monday you gonna be upset. Give it business days. stay away from California if you live on the east coast and vice versa. I hate the scheduling of packages. I always told people not to read the screen. Expect 2 more days on top of what you see, you will be happier, plus I don't have to listen to the bullshit.

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