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VAPE land night randomness


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pulled from @flowerpots thread here
just because they crack me the hell up.

Some things, you can never 'un-smell'
Smells AND TASTES like full strength cat urine.
I think all the ECX employees got pissed one day, did unspeakable things into a big bucket,
concentrated it, and sent it out. Holy shitballs that stuff is FOUL.
I have never actually steeped 3 day worn sweat socks and gym used underwear, but I imagine the results would be similar.
the throw up in my mouth tasted better
nasty! Tastes like dirty socks
Makes the smell of burning electrical insulation seem good in comparison
omg that CC is damn awful shit
I'd vape Nyquil
Somehow the mysteries of the Universe seem relatively much easier to decode than to explain how can someone vape it
I had to use mouthwash to get rid of the taste
In a dripper it tasted like Vicks Vapor Rub
We don't own a cat, but the house sure smelled like one...
tastes like flowers from hell
I still challenge anyone to find Musk Candy vapeable though
I just had my GF smell it she started gagging
nothing else keeps skeeters away better!
I actually talked to Linda at TFA and told her Caramel Cappuchino tasted like Camel Piss and she agreed
gives a throat hit that would make the most jaded cloud chaser cough up a lung, not to mention unless vape
it on a rebuildable coil setup you'll never get rid of the taste. Believe me, I've tried. Soaked an Aspire coil in alcohol for a week to no avail.
tasted like 3 day old gas station coffee. i couldn't get the taste out of the clearo. it melded with the glass molecules
like burnt toast with burnt sugar
Whatever it was it tasted like Dirt
it has this rosy flower, butt juice, arm sweat eye sleep, flatulent discharge taste
Anyone that can vape M-Type @ 10%, even if mixed with other flavors, can vape anything because their taste buds are officially dead
it reminds you of a burning tire mixed with vomit. Me and a co-worker nicknamed it Michelin puke
The taste still haunts me!
They were the most horrible liquids I've ever tasted, lol! Too bad, 'cuz I gave them snazzy names


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Hahaha first I thought you were reviewing something, and I was thinking...geez, he must really not like something.


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Argh. Of the dozens of TV shows on during the day today, their is only one I even care to watch: Perception.

One. Damn. Show.

WTF is wrong with society that so-called "reality TV" is like 90% of programming?



Vapid Vapetress
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Argh. Of the dozens of TV shows on during the day today, their is only one I even care to watch: Perception.

One. Damn. Show.

WTF is wrong with society that so-called "reality TV" is like 90% of programming?

</rant> don't appreciate the kardashians??? images.jpg


Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years don't appreciate the kardashians??? View attachment 2780


Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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Gotta love Bi chicks too.... ;)
Nah there's a lot of them round here and they're very confused and leave you confused as to whether they're interested or not. Ask em whether they're gay bi or straight and they're like "well yeah, no, kinda, idk really. Still finding myself" ?? Jeez hurry up already

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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I guess you just occasionally might just happen to come across a woman who might be double minded. It's been known. I did once.


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Nah there's a lot of them round here and they're very confused and leave you confused as to whether they're interested or not. Ask em whether they're gay bi or straight and they're like "well yeah, no, kinda, idk really. Still finding myself" ?? Jeez hurry up already

Well, then help them find themselves in your bed. ;-)


Vapid Vapetress
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Nah there's a lot of them round here and they're very confused and leave you confused as to whether they're interested or not. Ask em whether they're gay bi or straight and they're like "well yeah, no, kinda, idk really. Still finding myself" ?? Jeez hurry up already



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Braves vs. Dodgers....goooo Braves!


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Argh. Of the dozens of TV shows on during the day today, their is only one I even care to watch: Perception.

One. Damn. Show.

WTF is wrong with society that so-called "reality TV" is like 90% of programming?

The reason why I don't have cable.


Vapid Vapetress
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jesus h. cage! cant-believe-my-eyes-smiley-emoticon.gif


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Here @glassgrl, put alittle Cream on it and it should be all better!



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Strangely enough, the very 1st one isn't on YouTube. So pretend I just embedded the buggles. Enjoy


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Her's another old one:



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I'm having trouble loading the vids on my phone again. Poop


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Well RP, try this one and see if it does better:



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How do people take a YT vid and put it here ROFL !!! I guess I am out there !!! I am in the stone age LOL .


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How do people take a YT vid and put it here ROFL !!! I guess I am out there !!! I am in the stone age LOL .
Copy the URL in the long box at the top of the browser page and paste it to your reply box on the thread. Easy! I do have trouble doing this on my Kindal though. the URLs seem to get messed up while copy and pasting.


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2 to the right of the smiley face little picture of film. Cut paste video address there

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