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Diamond Contributor
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Now...VapeCrafter....I fully believe you put out a good product...and I am NOT suggesting that people NOT do business with you. But lets be honest, the evidence shows that the math does not match up with the story......please fix this issue.


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Did it take a month for you to get yours? It doesn't say when the order was placed


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Nvm I see it now. I have yet to hear from anyone that got their order within a reasonable amount of time. But *I'm* somehow the bad guy for pointing that out.


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It took a month...also note the six days between label creation and actual pick-up. Once it was in USPS hands, things flowed normally.


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It just seems to me, that based on the evidence....this being the FIRST evidence presented....that the blame is not on the USPS. "Mixing Finished!" and "Into a mailer" took a month. The finished table and the mailroom must be on different continents, yet the blame has been placed on USPS....mail software.....sunspots.....ISIS....etc. Let me reiterate.....35 days to cross a room.
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VH fan

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Man, didn't think it could get any worse but it did . Vape Crafter really laid the BS on thick in trying to shift blame, i mean how many excuses did they lay out in this thread lol.

If your going to lie directly to all of our faces for simply asking what the honest truth is regarding the delays , at least have the decency to be good at it for Christ sake .

Order taken on Dec 4th 2014 and you finished on Jan 10th 2015
decided to throw in the years because it makes it sound even worse )

You guys should of just said , we will send it out when we decide to send it out , you see thats honesty right there and if you said that to me as a customer i would of thanked you very much and recommended you to everyone because you gave me a time frame .


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I would like to hear from others than our resident Friar on if and when they receive their orders, along with the dates when ordered and finally received.

VH fan

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Nvm I see it now. I have yet to hear from anyone that got their order within a reasonable amount of time. But *I'm* somehow the bad guy for pointing that out.

We all love you to death Cherry , well at least i do , your good people and call BS when you see it .

In other wordsupload_2015-1-15_17-16-19.png upload_2015-1-15_17-16-19.png

T exas Toast

Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Have you gotten any shipment from Vapecrafters since early December? That post office thing mentioned in the email you posted doesn't fly. If there are missing mail problems at the local PO, I can guarantee that the postal inspectors would be all over it. They take mail theft by postal employees VERY seriously.

I agree. It does not fly.

Let's explore the stolen theory...IF they had as MANY packages get stolen as they say they had, how in the world was this person that supposedly stole all these packages able to cart them all out the back door heading home from work and NOBODY SEE IT?

Its not like it was ONE package that could get shoved in a backpack or purse. AND this supposedly happened MULTIPLE times and not one of the other postal workers saw someone carting out all of these packages on multiple back to back occasions????

NOW, lets explore the lost package theory. They claim this happened multiple times. If these packages were lost once they were taken over the counter at the post office and vape crafter's claim they had to resend all of the packages MULTIPLE times then there is one hell of a stack of packages piling up somewhere in these 2 post offices..... eh?

and no one has stumbled over them yet wondering what in the hell all these packages are just sitting around ????

NOPE Zamazam, I agree. It doesn't fly.


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So I won a sample pack tester giveaway they posted.
Was promised a tracking number a week ago exactly.
No tracking number no package, no response.

If it shows up meh, if not then meh.


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Just depends on how much energy I want to put towards something that was offered for free.
Broken promises and delivery times are enough to sink people.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Funny thing, I won a bottle of juice, emailed the vendor with my info and had it in my mailbox 5 days later, from across the country.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Nvm I see it now. I have yet to hear from anyone that got their order within a reasonable amount of time. But *I'm* somehow the bad guy for pointing that out.
I think they just don't like you very much.


Diamond Contributor
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Funny thing, I won a bottle of juice, emailed the vendor with my info and had it in my mailbox 5 days later, from across the country.
A reply at least would have been good.
But alas 2 weeks ago thur. he said he would have it would on the following monday with a tracking number.
No tracking number, no reply.. as I said meh.


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Here is the final tracking data to further support the above items

By now the juice is probably OVER Steeped.
You know when it comes quickly it's light yellow in color then darkens during the steeping process.
2 months later it's dark brown to black and ready to go into the trash!


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So a select few of you are aware that I used the freebie code after Amanda put it back in play.

Here is the timeline:
Order placed Thursday, Jan 8th
Shipping label created on Wednesday, Jan 14th
Package accepted at USPS on Saturday, Jan 17th
Package delivered on Wednesday, Jan 21 as expected based on it being shipped Priority 2 day shipping being dropped off on a Saturday and Monday being a holiday.

As for the juice, I just chose the latest VapeCrafter of the Month flavor which was Strawberry Cheesecake created by @krazy.chic.

The recipe for the VCM recipes are publicy available in the item description, which seems reasonable since it was a DIY contest submission and they appear to be giving DIY'ers a chance to try out the VCM recipes without having to buy anything.

I had to rebuild an atty to try it and right now I'm not sure I care for it, but tastes are really subjective and I didn't choose any steeping options. Maybe @krazy.chic will pop in and give a recommendation on whether it should steep or be a shake and vape. If it is shake and vape, then I'm not a fan, but whether that is taste or quality is of course hard to say. It is a 70/30 blend which is a lot more VG than I normally use myself.

They did admit in another thread that they use some of the DIY recipes floating around when people choose a recipe that "tastes like" something. I looked at those options and did not see any recipes just the option to choose a vague option like that. While I don't agree with a business practice of making money off of the work of others, as long as they are not using those recipes for their signature lines, I'm really on the fence about it if they are not publishing the recipes and are only using them as a guide for a "tastes like" request. However, if they ship the recipe with those orders, then it becomes a much more complicated question...


Platinum Contributor
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I thought they guaranteed it would be shipped by the Tuesday after you placed the order, no?


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I thought they guaranteed it would be shipped by the Tuesday after you placed the order, no?
Sorry if it wasn't clear... the only part of the timeline that I said was reasonable was the USPS transit time.

However I do know that they will say that it was delayed because of all the remixing that they did that weekend because of having to catch up due to all the shipping issues... even though I seem to recall them saying that they didn't end up having to remix very much because all the packages were intact and just needed new labels...


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Sorry if it wasn't clear... the only part of the timeline that I said was reasonable was the USPS transit time.

However I do know that they will say that it was delayed because of all the remixing that they did that weekend because of having to catch up due to all the shipping issues... even though I seem to recall them saying that they didn't end up having to remix very much because all the packages were intact and just needed new labels...
Because they were never actually mailed in the first place ;)


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Also, I'm going to put my money where my mouth is. Next person that sees this and wants to test us, go ahead and order something on me. Coupon code 1KXET4RVJREC at checkout for a free 30 mL of any custom product. It is 2:05 AM Thursday morning right now. If you order something before noon today we will have it to your door by Tuesday, Wednesday at the absolute latest.

And this is why they're in the Hall of Shame...


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And this is why they're in the Hall of Shame...
You have no idea how hard it has been to keep my mouth shut the last couple of weeks so as not to skew the results!

I actually had a support group that I was giving updates to along the way LOL


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So no new updates?? I thought they would at least try to half heartedly make excuses again


Diamond Contributor
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Last Thursday was 2 weeks since win and last communication with @Kaween - VapeCrafter.. no response from the inquiring message sent Thursday.
Tomorrow will be 14 days from the promised tracking number.
Again it looks like another round of a company not standing by promises made, no promises kept.


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Which it really is a shame because it's a great idea however when it takes a month to actually fill your order, it starts to seem like a shady business


Diamond Contributor
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outside of the fuckery that is the USPS when business waffles on promises in the start up phase they have bitten off more than they can chew.
Back it up with the angry Mongol horde that is vapers... it is kind of make or break.
While we are a forgiving lot it is not infinite.


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So I won a sample pack tester giveaway they posted.
Was promised a tracking number a week ago exactly.
No tracking number no package, no response.

If it shows up meh, if not then meh.
I won the same contest, was going back and forth with Kaween for a few days. Last communication was on January 11, assuring me that my mixes had been made and that I'd have shipping confirmation by January 12. I sent another message last Wednesday asking if he'd changed his mind about shipping to the contest winners, no answer. Just sent him another message saying don't bother sending.

I read this thread and still wanted to give Vapecrafter a chance - I said I'd be glad to test and give an honest review on both the juices and the service, though I noted that a good service review would've helped them more than anything...and I meant that. I was really hoping for the chance to help what seemed like an earnest guy put his company's reputation on the mend.

Instead, here's my review. Vapecrafter appears to be a substandard company run by, at best, woefully incompetent liars. Even after being called out and given numerous chances to do right by their most vocal customer base, they choose not to do so. I'll stop short of calling them thieves, but if I'd actually paid for any of their product and gotten a run-around-slash-disappearing-act after written promises of delivery I probably wouldn't. Vapers beware - there's a reason for this Hall of Shame post and all the attention it's garnered.

EDIT: typos
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Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
I won the same contest, was going back and forth with Kaween for a few days. Last communication was on January 11, assuring me that my mixes had been made and that I'd have shipping confirmation by January 12. I sent another message last Wednesday asking if he'd changed his mind about shipping to the contest winners, no answer. Just sent him another message saying don't bother sending.

I read this thread and still wanted to give Vapecrafter a chance - I said I'd be glad to test and give an honest review on both the juices and the service, though I noted that a good service review would've helped them more than anything...and I meant that. I was really hoping for the chance to help what seemed like an earnest guy put his company's reputation on the mend.

Instead, here's my review. Vapecrafter appears to be a substandard company run by, at best, woefully incompetent liars. Even after being called out and given numerous chances to do right by their most vocal customer base, they choose not to do so. I'll stop short of calling them thieves, but if I'd actually paid for any of their product and gotten a run-around-slash-disappearing-act after written promises of delivery I probably wouldn't. Vapers beware - there's a reason for this Hall of Shame post and all the attention it's garnered.

EDIT: typos
A ton calmer than I would have done.. Brava good sir.

20 days since last contact, 16 since promised tracking number.. still nothing.
Mail again has come and gone and zero response from vapecrafter.
Seriously if I put my money into this and not a contest I would be a snarling swearing charge back starting sob.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I've seen vendors like that. Seen one network boot a sponsor because, as a host told me, they stiffed quite a few winners. Many in fact...Saw one sponsor that decided to stop sponsoring and decided to stiff current winners because sponsoring shows wasn't bringing in the kind of business he expected. That is just stupid. By all means, stop sponsoring if you aren't seeing a return on investment, but at least have the ethics and class to fulfill the obligations that you already made...what an assclown...

Some time back, there was a "after show" room opened up and broadcast right after a popular vape show was over and another well known vendor was in it who comes off as extremely arrogant because his business is apparently doing well and he sells some relatively high end mods and popular juice...acting like a pompous dick when talking about winners inquiring too soon about when they would get their wins...he said when people do that he intentionally holds their wins longer...on purpose...he said this in public on this channel...well, I make sure to not take any wins from him and even though I kinda liked his juice, I havent and will never order from a jerk like him...I spoke with a few other viewers that night and neither will they, for the same reason...dumb, dumb, dumb...

I've been stiffed by vape businesses more than a few times, whether on wins or by piss poor customer service. I keep a list of them as well as some that have stiffed others and some that have shady business practices or are just run by assholes in general... I wanna make sure I dont forget who they are so that they never see a single penny from me...I will warn others as well about them if I can...I know that I've cost some bad vendors some $$$...more than they know....I also know that it was easily preventable and that they brought it on themselves...

I hope you post that list to this section if you haven't already. I and probably others could use it.

I am just coming to terms with the probability that the 70-dollar mod I got (with additional $ for insurance policy, lol)--and then returned to the vendor for repair/replacement when it was defective--is just gone forever. I've been patient and restrained, emailing only occasionally over a period of months to see what the status of my replacement is, but on the rare occasions the vendor deigns to respond, it's to tell me how much trouble he is having with his suppliers. That is a LOT of money to be out for some of us.

The vendor manages to convey that the situation is stressful for him and that I am being inconsiderate by pestering. I've been torn between wanting my mod back and feeling like slamming them publicly. Also, I don't want to be a vindictive jerk, on principle, but the thing was returned to them in late summer. Anyway, maybe I'll start a thread about it.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I hope you post that list to this section if you haven't already. I and probably others could use it.

I am just coming to terms with the probability that the 70-dollar mod I got (with additional $ for insurance policy, lol)--and then returned to the vendor for repair/replacement when it was defective--is just gone forever. I've been patient and restrained, emailing only occasionally over a period of months to see what the status of my replacement is, but on the rare occasions the vendor deigns to respond, it's to tell me how much trouble he is having with his suppliers. That is a LOT of money to be out for some of us.

The vendor manages to convey that the situation is stressful for him and that I am being inconsiderate by pestering. I've been torn between wanting my mod back and feeling like slamming them publicly. Also, I don't want to be a vindictive jerk, on principle, but the thing was returned to them in late summer. Anyway, maybe I'll start a thread about it.

I also want to say, for the record, that in all other instances I've had at least average and frequently superb service from several other juice & equipment vendors and have, overall, been positively impressed with the way the industry interacts with customers. In the broader world of near-anonymous online commerce, vape-related sellers are in my experience far and away the most responsive and friendly.

I really value that.


Diamond Contributor
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I hope you post that list to this section if you haven't already. I and probably others could use it.

I am just coming to terms with the probability that the 70-dollar mod I got (with additional $ for insurance policy, lol)--and then returned to the vendor for repair/replacement when it was defective--is just gone forever. I've been patient and restrained, emailing only occasionally over a period of months to see what the status of my replacement is, but on the rare occasions the vendor deigns to respond, it's to tell me how much trouble he is having with his suppliers. That is a LOT of money to be out for some of us.

The vendor manages to convey that the situation is stressful for him and that I am being inconsiderate by pestering. I've been torn between wanting my mod back and feeling like slamming them publicly. Also, I don't want to be a vindictive jerk, on principle, but the thing was returned to them in late summer. Anyway, maybe I'll start a thread about it.
Lemme guess there is a number in that vendor's name.
Took forever for the mod to get to them from pre order, took forever to process it to ship it to you, pushing the dispute length well past when you could get money back.
Now they are playing fuck fuck games jerking you around like they did with everyone else.
Simple you have have shown patience BEYOND reason. Ask for your money back because that mod is over priced and out dated and take your business else where, if they do not give your money back out them and get the pressure going of doing the right thing.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Lemme guess there is a number in that vendor's name.
Took forever for the mod to get to them from pre order, took forever to process it to ship it to you, pushing the dispute length well past when you could get money back.
Now they are playing fuck fuck games jerking you around like they did with everyone else.
Simple you have have shown patience BEYOND reason. Ask for your money back because that mod is over priced and out dated and take your business else where, if they do not give your money back out them and get the pressure going of doing the right thing.

I don't know of the place you refer to--nor yours, Cherrycakes-- but yes, exactly: like some unscrupulous ebay sellers i've patronize (of which this vendor is NOT one), he seems to have been dawdling and pushing it forward in time beyond where a dispute would be possible. I could always take them to small claims court. Lol, not gonna happen. At this point, I'd really just like to give him a good kick. That might satisfy me.

I've tried pretty much every angle with this guy, including, "That sounds really hard, I'm sorry you're having these problems" and "maybe you could just send me some OTHER mod so I would have A vaping device... what do you think?" and "This really isn't fair to me. Please respond one way or another". All punctuated with periods of waiting for a response, all very polite. And he's just a jagoff, essentially. I didn't mean to hijack this thread. I'll start a thread here elsewhere.


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Member For 4 Years
A ton calmer than I would have done.. Brava good sir.

20 days since last contact, 16 since promised tracking number.. still nothing.
Mail again has come and gone and zero response from vapecrafter.
Seriously if I put my money into this and not a contest I would be a snarling swearing charge back starting sob.
Well, I'm in the same boat as you - I didn't pay for anything, so I'm not out anything other than a little more faith in humanity over the deal. If they'd taken my money and done this, I'd have been raising holy hell a week ago...


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Well, I'm in the same boat as you - I didn't pay for anything, so I'm not out anything other than a little more faith in humanity over the deal. If they'd taken my money and done this, I'd have been raising holy hell a week ago...
exactly all we can do and bare witness to is them not keeping up their end of things.

Just like that lying motherfucker jeepercreeper, in a couple short weeks it will be a year since I won something on his show and he lied about his email etc. said it would ship and never did.
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Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
As a small business owner myself, engineering, these types of dealings give a bad name to all of us. Reading through this thread is truly amazing. How can the owner go to USPS, have the person scan the packages (priority right?), and magically multiple packages disappear? I could believe one for every few hundred, but everything? No one is stealing 50 packages scanned over the counter at the post office. Are they also going back into the computer and erasing the tracking?

Here are a few hints that have helped me not upset our clients. Give realistic timeframes. Work holidays. Be responsive with quick to the point responses. No one cares if your goldfish died. If you can't handle the workload, shut the site down. Juice sites say there is a delay and no more orders for a length of time. Its not like vaping resellers or running a small business are new inventions. Why would you keep giving out free juice if you can't handle actual orders? Its like ramping up sales as your staff goes on vacation. Does that make sense to anyone?

My example. We were given a job to take on. It was for what probably a lot of people in this country make in a year. We aren't big enough to handle it with our current workload. So we said we can't handle it. Did it suck to lose out on the money? Yes! But at the end of the day we aren't screwing over our clients. And people know we are being realistic with timeframes that we actually hit. Repeat clients like that part. Unlike the above who was told they would basically get it within a week and it took longer.

These types of stories have made me extremely hesitant to order any more vaping products online.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
As a small business owner myself, engineering, these types of dealings give a bad name to all of us. Reading through this thread is truly amazing. How can the owner go to USPS, have the person scan the packages (priority right?), and magically multiple packages disappear? I could believe one for every few hundred, but everything? No one is stealing 50 packages scanned over the counter at the post office. Are they also going back into the computer and erasing the tracking?

Here are a few hints that have helped me not upset our clients. Give realistic timeframes. Work holidays. Be responsive with quick to the point responses. No one cares if your goldfish died. If you can't handle the workload, shut the site down. Juice sites say there is a delay and no more orders for a length of time. Its not like vaping resellers or running a small business are new inventions. Why would you keep giving out free juice if you can't handle actual orders? Its like ramping up sales as your staff goes on vacation. Does that make sense to anyone?

My example. We were given a job to take on. It was for what probably a lot of people in this country make in a year. We aren't big enough to handle it with our current workload. So we said we can't handle it. Did it suck to lose out on the money? Yes! But at the end of the day we aren't screwing over our clients. And people know we are being realistic with timeframes that we actually hit. Repeat clients like that part. Unlike the above who was told they would basically get it within a week and it took longer.

These types of stories have made me extremely hesitant to order any more vaping products online.

I once ordered a pair of boots online from a place that said they had them in stock, this was before thanksgiving.
So second week into dec. Still no boots, no response no nothing from inquires.
So disputed it and did a charge back... sent a rather nasty hate mail to the owner of the site and company.
It went unanswered until Jan 2nd and his response was more than hostile.

Ended with me contacting his local Sheriff's department for death threats made against me, fraud charges for double dinging me for charges not authorized.
Dirtbag is well and truly out of business and was facing federal wire fraud charges since I was not the only one complaining.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I hope you post that list to this section if you haven't already. I and probably others could use it.

I am just coming to terms with the probability that the 70-dollar mod I got (with additional $ for insurance policy, lol)--and then returned to the vendor for repair/replacement when it was defective--is just gone forever. I've been patient and restrained, emailing only occasionally over a period of months to see what the status of my replacement is, but on the rare occasions the vendor deigns to respond, it's to tell me how much trouble he is having with his suppliers. That is a LOT of money to be out for some of us.

The vendor manages to convey that the situation is stressful for him and that I am being inconsiderate by pestering. I've been torn between wanting my mod back and feeling like slamming them publicly. Also, I don't want to be a vindictive jerk, on principle, but the thing was returned to them in late summer. Anyway, maybe I'll start a thread about it.
Late Summer? Dude, you've been Shan'd. They ain't gonna send anything back to you. If they get stressed because you are asking for a working mod that you paid for, they need to get stressed - because it's time for you to out them and shame them for ripping you off.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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exactly all we can do and bare witness to is them not keeping up their end of things.

Just like that lying motherfucker jeepercreeper, in a couple short weeks it will be a year since I won something on his show and he lied about his email etc. said it would ship and never did.
I won a Magma clone last year in either January or Febuary on one of the mod envy shows. Sent the email, sent 2 more and then nothing. Last September I got an envelope with bubble wrap in the mail, I thought I ordered something and forgot. but no. It was the Magma Clone with 2 USED and gunked up coils in it. The vendor that I won it from send me the atty that they apparently used for months and didn't even clean the fucking thing. It hit the trash can as soon as I opened it up and saw that shit. There's no excuse on earth for crap like that.


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21 days since last contact, 17 since promised tracking numbers which would indicate shipment.


Not here for the Drama!
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I won a Magma clone last year in either January or Febuary on one of the mod envy shows. Sent the email, sent 2 more and then nothing. Last September I got an envelope with bubble wrap in the mail, I thought I ordered something and forgot. but no. It was the Magma Clone with 2 USED and gunked up coils in it. The vendor that I won it from send me the atty that they apparently used for months and didn't even clean the fucking thing. It hit the trash can as soon as I opened it up and saw that shit. There's no excuse on earth for crap like that.
Used and gunked up coils! That's disgusting. Looks like they had a contest to get rid of their old crap. Winner, winner

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The sad thing is that I have a magma clone I bought from FT. It works great, one of the best flavor RDA's I own.

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