If your making a big one time buy than needs to last you I personally would scratch the sunbox and istick and either get 2 vtc mini's or better yet a vtc mini and a cuboid. for the price of the subbox and istick you could get the second one. The cuboid would be nice because it would give you longer battery life and/or the ability to vape more aggressive builds if you found that was your thing. The prices for the two really dont seem to be that vast where I have looked.
As far as tanks just do a lot of reading and video watching. You really want something with a nice open build deck. The griffon looks really nice actually as far as that goes the only downside is it has a smaller juice capacity. Im a fan of most new tanks that use the velocity style deck they just work awesome. Stuff like the billow v2 with that older offset post style just makes it a pain in the ass to build on and trying to fit coils in with that limited space.
Im a big fan or the armomamizer rdta but other are not so your just gonna have to really research. Good luck and I hope ya get everything ya need. Its a really good time to start to vape but the choices can be overwhelming.
Hmmm. Okay. Thanks man. I am getting 2 evic mini actually one for me and one for my boyfriend. And a backup which I don't know what to get yet.
Yeah I've been reading and watching a lot for the past week. There's too much to choose from and they are all nice. Thanks again!