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Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I rarely post bad reviews but this one I have to. I have spent a lot of money with vaporbeast over last 2 years.

I bought 2 Innokin Axiom tanks. It says it comes with rba and didn't. I wanted either rba or return. I will not use them again. I should not have to pay for their mistake. Had they issued me a paid return label or sent me 2 rba's I would have been fine with it. I lost power during first chat and had to log back in. Chris is original person I talked to and picked up after I logged back in.

Here is chat

Support Agent
PhillyWelcome back! How may I help you?

You have been transferred to: Chris.

ChrisHello this is Chris, How can I help you again Joe?

Joe CoulterI was in a chat and pc lost power. I ordered 1 stainless and 1 black axiom tank. I was told that rba was not included even though it says it is in description.

Hi Chris

ChrisHow can I help you again?

Joe CoulterI would like to return these

Chrisgive me just a moment please.

Joe CoulterOK

ChrisAre the packages still sealed on the axiom tanks?

Joe CoulterNo I opened to view product

ChrisHave either of these tanks ever been used?

Joe Coulterno, I just got home and opened.

ChrisALright, I spoke to our defective & returns team, we can take these back and issue a store credit or refund. However, due to the nature of the issue we are unable to pay for shipping.

Joe CoulterWell then I am out around $16 in shipping. This is not right considering it states the rba is included.

Innokin’s Axiom Tank not only allows you build custom coils with included RBA deck but you can also utilize prebuilt coils! Build for at home use or pop in a prebuilt for on the go convenience!

ChrisThat looks like a spelling error, as the beastly was copied from out axiom regular size.


Shipping on those tanks should only cost around 5$ or less

Joe CoulterI have spent a lot of money here. I will find a couple rba's some where and be done with it. You should probably change the discription because it is very misleading Read

ChrisMy apologies, I will make sure the description is changed immediatley
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Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I paid $7.85 for 2 day shipping. I probably could have shipped them back for $5 and waited 5 or more days for them to receive so around $13 bucks. Damn shitty day got worse. I just checked and I have used them exactly 2 years this month and bought around $2000.00 worth of stuff from them. I'll wait till rba is out for $8 and get 2. Shame up till now I liked them.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I just checked .. your absolutely right - both the axiom and the axiom mini both state 'included RBA' clearly the fault here is with vapor beast. Damn shame they are usually good with customer service ... glad you posted to let others know at least. Sorry you got stuck by them.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Thanks Foggz. They have since put a little note saying rba not included with mini in description area. My biggest thing is I have been a loyal customer. I bought from them when they were a little higher than other stores. I'm over the pissed part but I will not order again from them.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
sad story for sure... I would definitely send them a follow up contact email explaining as shortly and clearly the issue and how you will no longer be a customer.. different customer contact might at least give ya a credit on the shipping or some such.. can't believe that they would not fix something that was blatantly their fault. sheesh.

John Q Public

Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
That's weird. My experience with the Beast is they rarely make mistakes. When they do, they make it right and send you a 50% off code for a future order. Try a different CS person.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I did send one Foggz and to there credit they did say contact for return label. I told them thanks but too late. I have one sold and the other probably tomorrow. I then ordered full kits from ebay. I repair computers and phones. I once ended up snapping a motherboard connector on a laptop motherboard. I was able to temp repair. It may have lasted a couple years like that but I told owner I would fix. Bought $385 motherboard and replaced. Did not charge for original repair either. Hurt like hell but that is how you treat a customer when you mess up. You eat it and take a loss.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
That's weird. My experience with the Beast is they rarely make mistakes. When they do, they make it right and send you a 50% off code for a future order. Try a different CS person.

I had replied to Foggz earlier and forgot to hit send, lol. They eventually replied and said call for return label but too late. In 2 years I never had a problem but this pissed me off. I sold one tank and probably have other sold tomorrow. Just ordered off ebay for 2 full.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ouch I had something similar happen to me a few weeks ago.But with better ending results.The vendor not only shipped the RDA section at their own cost.They also emailed me a coupon for 10% off my next order.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Snake, I have had MountBaker and 101vape bend over backwards to fix mistakes. Just a month ago I bought 2 squonk rda's off ebay and one squonk pin was bad. Seller sent me a new rda and told me to keep original.

I paid priority shipping at VB because there free shipping is about as quick as China post. Then they want to make me pay to ship back. I would have been out around $12 to $15.

I am a pretty loyal buyer from a handful of online shops. Vaporbeast being one. I would buy from them even if I could save a couple bucks else where. They could have said, we'll refund some of the cost or sent me out 2 packs of coils ($18) and I would have been OK with it. 101vape sent me wrong device once. They priority shipped correct one with a return label. All I did was put device in box and shipped back and I got a 15% code on next purchase.

I ordered entire line of Gwar line from Mountbaker in 3 nic. They sent 6. Asked for a pic and apologized, told me to keep it and sent out 3 nic. I didnt get it. Called and said to fill out postal complaint and send them the claim #. They resent and I got it. About a week later my neighbor who had been gone came over with package. Her son had just thrown it on table and didnt notice it was mine. I called Mountbaker and told them I would pay for it. They were happy how honest I was and said keep it and they appreciated my business and honesty.

The worst part is you kinda feel like when a long time friend screws you over when you have been a loyal friend.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I have nothing but good things to say about Vapor Beast.Never had any problems with Mt. Baker although I've only ordered from them a few times.My first and only order through 101 left me feeling bitter and battered.
I totally get you and and understand that (knife in the back) feeling.


Member For 3 Years
I myself have ordered from VApor Beast I have had good luck with them, I ordered a Kangertech Pro 4 RTA the Rab had a problem from the start I called and got Jacoub he was great he sent a new deck which was bad also so I called Kangertech direct they gave me a hard time so I called VB back and got Chris he was great also and is sending me another new deck I said please try before you send and he said no problem. All I can say is so far so good.
PS: I just got a Gemini RTA and it is the best I have ever had and I have been Vaping for over 6 years.
Vape On


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Never had a problem with VaporBeast. Shipping cross-country might not be as fast as I'd like, but they get it out the door in a reasonable amount of time.


Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
Wow I too have used VaporBeast and actually waiting for a package right now (still doing the turtle walk across the country!) I will have to double check all their listings now. Thank you for the heads up and I am sorry that they did not do the right thing.


Vapemail Stalker
Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I've never had any issues with VaporBeast....except the last order I just got today (not really an issue, just slower than usual shipping for a domestic vendor)....ordered on 8-25-16...received today, 9-6-16. By far the slowest delivery from them to me ever. I normally receive stuff from them in 2 to 3 days. They used FedEx SmartPost for my free shipping for spending over 35 bucks. USPS delivers the last leg of the journey, adding a couple days in the process...Frankly, I'd rather pay for shipping and not wait extra days...


Platinum Contributor
Vape Media
Member For 5 Years
i di dmy first order with vaporbeast a few days ago and am slightly pissed and hoping they come through for me

their deal of the day was an ohm dimebox for 59.97 and with the 10% yehababy code made it 53.97 with free shipping
well 2 days later they left the deal of the day price as the regular price and was offering 15% off for labor day. making the total only 50.97 w/ free shipping

the price is normally 83.97 on these. and whne i saw it on deal of the day with the usual coutdown timer i figured the price would go up afte rthe timer hit 0
well they never raised the price back up. so i feel deceived and out $3. sure its only $3 and the mod is awesome (still waiting fo rit to arrive by fedex snail post - but i already own one and wanted another) but its the principle of the thing...dont use deal of the d ay which is normally 24 hours to trick people into buying early before you leave it at the sale price and run a deeper holiday discount a few days later
i already sent an email which they replied they would try and doing something for me but needed to talk to someone else first in the company, so i am waiting for that

FYI they still have them for $59.97 and you can get 10% off with yeahbaby
so for $54 shipped
imho these are the best mods you can buy today if you do not care about TC. and with the only part in it that is truly vaping specific being the 510 you can replace parts and keep this thing running forever

Just got an email form vapor beast and they came through and refunded me the $3. SO I cant argue with that. my device should be here tomorrow since they insist on using fedex snailpost instead of the faster cheaper alternative of priority mail
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Platinum Contributor
Vape Media
Member For 5 Years
well got my dimebox order in today
and a little diappointed
their website has the specs for the dimebox with the okl chipset
they shipped me a dimebox with a PWM chipset

I called the manufacturer and they confirmed it was PWM
I called vaporbeast and asked if they knew if they had one with a OKL chipset in stock to exchange it for and they said that would be almost impossible to figure out since their warehouse is off site and they would have to have them call over and have them manually check every one they have.

I let it go becuase I love the mod and wanted a second one and I am happy using a PWM chipset just was hoping to get the okl chipset to compare the 2 chipsets but alas that plan failed

oh well

vaporbeast has good prices and decent customer service but just like any business they are not perfect.
this experienced hasnt completely soured me agaist them, but i just cant understand a company who doesnt bother to make sure what the have is what they think they have. Advertising one model and selling a different one is an honest mistake but saying it is too hard to figure out if they even have what they are advertising is annoying.


Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
ECF Refugee
We'll it looks like mine will be here tommorrow! Snow Wolfe mini 75w, Velocity mini, and Steam Crave SC201 & some Bacon!

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