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Tl;dl all of it either, but from what I understand, someone accused VJ of liking paedophiles.


Vapid Vapetress
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i am afraid to listen to it.


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I am listening now I just like listening to @TygerTyger she I think is the only one in this community that makes me make sense when I go overboard..
Even though I have changed my ways a bit.. I just dislike people not researching and spreading ignorance. This is my fault as I am a Computer Engineer and I over research to the point of madness, and forget the Human element. I did get a bit confused on the talk how we went from Nova broadcasting to Pedophiles to a buddy thingy. I missed this show live as I was out the vape bar hehe picking up Chicks
The one thing that I noticed and try to point out is that when we live on the puter these days. This is dangerous as some cannot separate the two myself included at times. If you get the same people in a room in real life vs on-line everything changes ...
I like Joes comment Stupidity bothers him that is my problem and I need to work on it on line.

Haha we are the new boogie man! hahaha I like that can I use that? I think I am the boogie man inside the boogie man.
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I listened to whole thing and what I gathered from the conversation is, Celtic Fury (Victor Dewindt) was convicted of Sexual Exploitation of Children (and subsequently failing to register as a sexual offender which he served time for) and that he is supported as a host on Novabroadcasting by Joe and Tyger. Is that it in a nutshell? Did I miss anything? I don't understand why it took 41 minutes to say that. And there wasn't any giveaways.


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The problem is, without knowing the details its hard to say if this is 'bad' in the way most think, or not. There are many people who have to register for silly reasons the way the law is written.. Thats why I like Wisconsin system of putting the court records, not just the arrest records, on line for all to see.


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Yea all the records I found are scummy sites that want you to pay them for the whole thing


Vapid Vapetress
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i just want to know what really happened. is he or isn't he?


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Celtic Fury was able to get his conviction effectively expunged. The comments running around about him failing to register is not quite accurate. He failed to register properly because he did not remove his old address from the county's list that he moved from but apparently had registered in the county he moved to.

Additionally, the mugshot and data sheet being circulated right now is an archived report stored on non-government or police systems. He does not currently appear on any Georgia state sex offender roles and there is no information regarding his case available on-line through any resource that would normally make sex offender information publicly available. The documents of his case were apparently obtained in person by one of his viewers and given to the group of mods who run Nova Broadcasting.

Because of my personal experiences I had a private chat with CF regarding the issue, and the initial case was based on child pornography pictures found on a cd in his computer desk at home after being tipped off by his ex wife. He maintains that she planted the cd and then wiped out his computer before the police served their warrant.

CF maintains that he was out of town at the time, and with no prior knowledge of the warrant would not have been able or inclined to wipe the computer. On the other side, his wife was notified when the warrant would be served because she had filed the complaint, and thus had access to the system with prior knowledge so she knew when to wipe it to further make him look guilty.

He says that he took a plea bargain for a lesser crime based on the advice of his public defender at the time. My understanding is that after a reconstruction of the data on the drive, there was no evidence of downloaded or hidden pictures on the computer itself, just one cd in his desk, which was not destroyed.

Because of my personal experiences, I have some understanding of the pysche of a predator and he was very forthcoming with his answers to all of my questions over the course of a conversation that lasted about 30 minutes. He didn't hesitate or give me any reasons to doubt what he said and I am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt in this particular case.

Additionally, I have issues with the blanket comments that question how his ex wife could obtain the images that were found by the police because they are not easily obtainable... It is simply stupid and sexist to say that she had any less access to those kinds of images that he would have.

Big Mex on the other hand... with 2 convictions is simply a scumbag regardless of the age of his victims.


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Celtic Fury was able to get his conviction effectively expunged. The comments running around about him failing to register is not quite accurate. He failed to register properly because he did not remove his old address from the county's list that he moved from but apparently had registered in the county he moved to.

Additionally, the mugshot and data sheet being circulated right now is an archived report stored on non-government or police systems. He does not currently appear on any Georgia state sex offender roles and there is no information regarding his case available on-line through any resource that would normally make sex offender information publicly available. The documents of his case were apparently obtained in person by one of his viewers and given to the group of mods who run Nova Broadcasting.

Because of my personal experiences I had a private chat with CF regarding the issue, and the initial case was based on child pornography pictures found on a cd in his computer desk at home after being tipped off by his ex wife. He maintains that she planted the cd and then wiped out his computer before the police served their warrant.

CF maintains that he was out of town at the time, and with no prior knowledge of the warrant would not have been able or inclined to wipe the computer. On the other side, his wife was notified when the warrant would be served because she had filed the complaint, and thus had access to the system with prior knowledge so she knew when to wipe it to further make him look guilty.

He says that he took a plea bargain for a lesser crime based on the advice of his public defender at the time. My understanding is that after a reconstruction of the data on the drive, there was no evidence of downloaded or hidden pictures on the computer itself, just one cd in his desk, which was not destroyed.

Because of my personal experiences, I have some understanding of the pysche of a predator and he was very forthcoming with his answers to all of my questions over the course of a conversation that lasted about 30 minutes. He didn't hesitate or give me any reasons to doubt what he said and I am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt in this particular case.

Additionally, I have issues with the blanket comments that question how his ex wife could obtain the images that were found by the police because they are not easily obtainable... It is simply stupid and sexist to say that she had any less access to those kinds of images that he would have.

Big Mex on the other hand... with 2 convictions is simply a scumbag regardless of the age of his victims.
Thank you...

As I said.. there are MANY on the Sex Offender list for BS reasons.


Vapid Vapetress
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yes, thank you IMI. hopefully this issue can be put to rest now. and i am sincerely sorry if i fanned any flames or misjudged anyone. :(


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One thing I can tell you is, when I was younger and I dated (for one night or for longer), I always asked my would-be partner her driver's license to check her age, and sooner rather than later too. It's just too easy to end up in bed with a 17 1/2 with a grudge, and end up on a sex offender's list. Nowadays of course, since I'm older and I usually like dating women roughly my own age, I don't really have that problem anymore :)

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No way i can listen to something that long , can't even make it through a Trippers video (no joke) .

Yeah some people really get screwed and are put on the offenders list because a guy who is 18 made it with his 17 year old girlfriend who happens to have serious mental issues and is hell bent on sticking to her ex because of a broken heart .

Happens regularly actually .

Anyways , if the ex wife is the culprit which it certainly sounds feasible and it certainly isn't anything unheard of then thank God he came out in good shape and this injustice was exposed.

Most experts believe Sex offenders cannot be cured and if any of this was legit something would come out again at some point no doubt .


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It proves 'Dont Judge.. Always get facts'

Not that we actually have facts here, just the second hand story of one person, but its better than seeing some stupid website and jumping to conclusions.
Two convictions for exploitation of children, one in Dekalb county Superior Court and one in Cobb county Superior Court. Three convictions for failure to register in multiple GA counties (Source GBI Sex Offender response to a Freedom of Information Act request). More than a one time frame up and a single mistake and mis-understanding of the laws surrounding registration. His convictions were not expunged but a change in the laws that allowed him to stop registering, he is still a five times convicted felon. Fact is he is a predator and uses his position as an online host to gain the personal information about women he thinks he can exploit emotionally to contact them privately and then if susceptible uses manipulation of their emotions to get what he wants out of them. It is his history, he has done it with a number of women on VapeNet where he now resides online. There is a reason he lives off his mother's income in her home in Chamblee GA and disabled brother's SS check, it is because a back ground check prevents him from gaining employment. And yes he tried this shit with my wife, problem is she decided after a lot of mistakes to come clean when she recognized my honest efforts to reconcile. She is sickened by how she acted at the time but remembers clearly him trying to keep us alienated from one another, even to the extent of stalking me online and trying to tattle about interactions with people she was well aware of. I didn't have to pay for more than the records retrieval costs and write a Freedom of Information Act request and send a few emails. I agree with one of the comments about not judging, getting facts, and that is exactly what I did. Why am I posting this on this out dated thread? Because he is using all of your comments (and his own under an alias) as evidence of his innocence and refers people to it. He is very upfront with women he is trying to prey upon about so called false rumors and enemies who use "one misunderstood fact to support a whole slew of lies" so here ya go Victor Burrell Dewindt Jr., son of Victor Sr. (d.) and Carla Dewindt, go ahead and mess around with someone's wife and send her here to prove it was all a frame up now.


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Two convictions for exploitation of children, one in Dekalb county Superior Court and one in Cobb county Superior Court. Three convictions for failure to register in multiple GA counties (Source GBI Sex Offender response to a Freedom of Information Act request). More than a one time frame up and a single mistake and mis-understanding of the laws surrounding registration. His convictions were not expunged but a change in the laws that allowed him to stop registering, he is still a five times convicted felon. Fact is he is a predator and uses his position as an online host to gain the personal information about women he thinks he can exploit emotionally to contact them privately and then if susceptible uses manipulation of their emotions to get what he wants out of them. It is his history, he has done it with a number of women on VapeNet where he now resides online. There is a reason he lives off his mother's income in her home in Chamblee GA and disabled brother's SS check, it is because a back ground check prevents him from gaining employment. And yes he tried this shit with my wife, problem is she decided after a lot of mistakes to come clean when she recognized my honest efforts to reconcile. She is sickened by how she acted at the time but remembers clearly him trying to keep us alienated from one another, even to the extent of stalking me online and trying to tattle about interactions with people she was well aware of. I didn't have to pay for more than the records retrieval costs and write a Freedom of Information Act request and send a few emails. I agree with one of the comments about not judging, getting facts, and that is exactly what I did. Why am I posting this on this out dated thread? Because he is using all of your comments (and his own under an alias) as evidence of his innocence and refers people to it. He is very upfront with women he is trying to prey upon about so called false rumors and enemies who use "one misunderstood fact to support a whole slew of lies" so here ya go Victor Burrell Dewindt Jr., son of Victor Sr. (d.) and Carla Dewindt, go ahead and mess around with someone's wife and send her here to prove it was all a frame up now.
Really??? You took a while (2 years) to tell us all how it is, Whys that?

@TygerTyger @VaporJoe
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Really??? You took a while (2 years) to tell us all how it is, Whys that?

@TygerTyger @VaporJoe

And now another 2 or 3 years later I'm going to inform you that his court documents were out and about back when this all actually went down. In fact if I look around hard enough I probably still have them somewhere. There was 100% undeniable PROOF he was a complete pedo creeper. I read the files, with my own eyeballs and processed with my own brain. All of his excuses were clearly BS and would only MAYBE fly if there wasn't extensive court documents available. His crap about it being expunged is also complete and utter nonsense. If it was then uhhh guess what... the person who went and paid to get the court documents would not have been able to get them because that would all be SEALED.

Oh and yes, I saw at least one post that was most likely him... the one yapping about it being expunged. And I'm still waiting on his humpty dumpty oompa loompa self to kick my ass like he was going around telling everybody he was going do. The man is lucky I didn't drive to his house and throttle him right there in front of his own mother for running his cock trap.

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