I swapped attys and put the .11 build (Smok Prince with RBA section) on my Cylon and put the Bonza with the .37 build (both of course 316L) on the VK530 and the low build is weak on the Cylon too. Also, the VK530 punches hard with the higher build like the Cylon did. Both devices are reading the resistances within a hundredth of an ohm of each other and the builds glow (for SS) perfectly even on both.
I am no pro and have less than a year under my belt with all this, but I do think I have a general handle on how the electronics work and I can cobble together a decent set of coils.
I didn't know when I ordered the VK530 that the SX530 (no J)(AND the SX520 found in other less expensive mods from other companies) was kinda like the Celeron of YIHI processors. Pointed at the lowER end market. I'm told it doesn't have16 bit resistance sampling and the PWM frequency is supposed to be lower too.(for example) I'm TOLD this by a couple guys who REALLY sound like they know what they're talking about. I can't however find anything online with detailed enough information to confirm it for myself. The Spec sheets at the YHI site show the two chip families as being nearly identical as far as they report, which doesn't include resistance sampling or PWM frequency both of which hypothetically effect TC alot..
What it comes down to for me is this:
If it doesn't perform much better than other midrange devices and costs significantly more, there's no reason to buy it and I wish I would have saved 30 bucks and gotten the Proton. I don't have much money.
Still learning and also not having sophisticated ways to directly test these things like Daniel does (DJLSB Vapes), who doesn't have one yet, and also being impatient, I'm trying to see what I can find out on my own and maybe with some input from others here.
Am I WAAAAY overthinking this? Probably, but I've been into computers for years and can't help it.