Well, its been a while since I've visited these forums, my ADD kicked in and I forgot about it for a while. But this seems a good place to start back up since I have a kitty related story to tell. Bit of a long one, fair warning lol.
About a month ago a black cat decided he was going to set up shop on the top step outside my apartment. At first I kept telling him to go back home, and tried my best to ignore him while he was out there and I was going back and forth doing some late spring cleaning. 5 hours later, he was still there. Just looking at me every time I walked onto the porch. So I finally broke down and fed him and brought him onto the porch since we were about to get some nasty storms and I didn't want the poor guy caught in it.
We technically aren't supposed to have pets according to the lease without written permission (he did mention that he was willing to consider it for us because other tenants have pets) so we did our best to try to find his home, or someone to take him. Long story short, no one in the area knows who's cat it was, and none of the shelters were taking cats, with 2 and 3 month waiting lists to drop off, so we sent the landlord a text and a few phone calls about it, not that he responded, but at this point the cat is ours unless the landlord does get back to us with a, "no." Even if we sent the cat back outside, it would keep coming back to us, so unless a home was found, we are stuck with him. Not that I mind, I am a cat person.
I brought him inside after a few days of trying to find the owner, gave him a bath (which fortunately for my hands and arms he didn't mind toooo much,) and now he is a cozy inside cat that loves nothing more than playing games with my arms and feet as I sit at the computer, until I grab the laser and play. Just yesterday he did a, "tap and run," where he would come up behind me, bat at my left elbow, and as soon as I turned to pet, he ran. Then he came up again, did the same to my right elbow, just to run as I reached for him. Another favorite is him hiding under the curtain we have set up to keep the AC air in the living room, and as soon as any of us get close to it, pouncing on our feet and chasing us into the kitchen.
After a couple of weeks, we finally settled on Hattori for his name, as he hides in the shadows waiting to pounce us like a ninja, so we started looking up famous ninja names. He also likes to "help" me cook, so I looked up Iron Chef to see what that guy's name was, and found that the original Iron Chef was associated with a Hattori Nutrition College, so Hattori it was.
And, no, I will not leave it without a picture of the little guy.